Contributors may indicate their acceptance of the Contributor License Agreement by adding an entry with their full legal name and repository system identifier (i.e. GitHub username) to this document. The entry can be added through a pull request which must include a signed commit that adds the entry.
Licensee’s name: Brian Ginsburg
Repository system identifier: bgins
Licensee’s name: James Walker
Repository system identifier: walkah
Licensee’s name: Narbeh Shahnazarian
Repository system identifier: narbs91
Licensee’s name: Robert Jitaru
Repository system identifier: Rodebrechtd
Licensee’s name: Ayush Kumar
Repository system identifier: Kelindi
Licensee’s name: Logan Lentz
Repository system identifier: noryev
Licensee’s name: Arsen Yeremin
Repository system identifier: arsen3d
Licensee’s name: Kristian Quirapas
Repository system identifier: kquirapas
Licensee’s name: Alvin Reyes
Repository system identifier: alvin-reyes
Licensee’s name: hunjixin
Repository system identifier: hunjixin
Licensee’s name: Robert Marinescu
Repository system identifier: sigmundxyz
Licensee’s name: Mar Quirapas
Repository system identifier: mcryptographer
Licensee’s name: Lindsay Lintereur
Repository system identifier: walkerlj0
Licensee’s name: Paul Billingsby
Repository system identifier: pbillingsby
Licensee’s name: Holly Grimm
Repository system identifier: hollygrimm
Licensee’s name: Devlin Rocha
Repository system identifier: DevlinRocha