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pedometrics 0.12.1

  • Bug fix Remove escaped LaTeX specials in the documentation of plotESDA(). These escaped LaTeX specials were resulting in notes in CRAN package check results for some flavors.

pedometrics 0.12.0

  • Improvement 1 New function skewness(): compute the moment coefficient of skewness of a continuous, possibly non-normal variable.
  • Improvement 2 Reducing dependencies:
    • Package moments is not in Suggests anymore. The moment coefficient of skewness used in plotHD() is now computed using the new function skewness().
    • Package plyr is not Suggests anymore.
    • Package geoR is not Suggests anymore.
  • Improvement 3 Extended documentation. Some pedometrics-functions depend on functions coming from other R-packages. These dependencies are now stated in the function help. This should enable users to get ready before missing-package warnings are issued. Links to old and development versions of those are provided as well. This should help users when a package is temporarily removed from CRAN -- such as with geoR and georob.
  • Improvement 4 DESCRIPTION.
    • The package description was extended to state which tools are included in the package.
    • The CRAN archive is referenced so that users can find formerly available versions of suggested packages that are no longer available from CRAN because they were temporarily removed -- such as with geoR and georob.
    • Contributors of defunct functions were moved to pedometrics-defunct.R.

pedometrics 0.11.1

  • Bug fixes
    • The documentation of a few functions was missing the returned value. This was fixed. Now all functions have the returned value clearly specified.
    • The documentation of a few functions was using \dontrun{}. This was fixed. Now all functions have at least one example that can be run conditionally on the availability of certain packages or if R is being used interactively.
  • Improvement 1 Function documentation was cleaned up.
  • Improvement 2 In previous versions, plotCor() required RColorBrewer::brewer.pal() to set the color palette. Now the color palette is hard-coded and package RColorBrewer was thus removed from Suggests.
  • Improvement 3 Add Additional_repositories to DESCRIPTION as a means to deal with archived packages such as geoR and georob.

pedometrics 0.11.0

  • Improvement Run local and remote tests. Prepare comments to CRAN maintainers.

pedometrics 0.10.1

  • Bug fix Fixed mistaken use of a Suggested package in an example unconditionally on its availability.
  • Improvement Run local and remote tests. Prepare comments to CRAN maintainers.

pedometrics 0.10.0

  • Improvement Run local and remote tests. Prepare comments to CRAN maintainers.

pedometrics 0.9.0

  • Improvement Functions depending on the spsurvey package were causing problems. These problems occurred due to the changes introduced in version 5.0.0 of the spsurvey package. The most efficient solution was to move those functions to the ASRtools package: cdfPlot(), cdfStats(), cdfTable(), and coordenadas(). As a result, packages spsurvey and xtable were removed from Suggests. The ASRtools package is available at

pedometrics 0.8.2

  • Improvement Expanded the documentation and cleaned the code of various functions.

pedometrics 0.8.1

  • Improvement Expanded documentation on installing the development version from GitHub.

pedometrics 0.8.0

  • Improvement 1 The spsurvey package moved to Suggests. A major update to version 5.0 of the spsurvey package is to be released soon. This major release will introduce breaking changes to previously existing functions. To avoid these breaking changes to have immediate effect on the pedometrics package, it now Suggests spsurvey (< 5.0).
  • Improvement 2 We are working to reduce the number of dependencies as well as of the suggested packages. This is positive for users. From this version on, the pbapply package is not suggested any more.
  • Bug fix. Fixes CRAN check note on r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang due to undeclared packages in Rd xrefs.

pedometrics (2020-02-09)

  • plotHD and stepVIF: reviews documentation and plans future changes.

pedometrics 0.7.0 (2020-02-08)

  • New version (minor), including bug fixes, new functions, and function improvements.

pedometrics (2020-02-08)

  • Improvements:
    • Reviews and improves documentation.
  • Deprecated functions: coordenadas(), cdfTable(), cdfStats() and cdfPlot(). These functions were developed to fulfill the demands created by the PhD research project (2012-2016) and are no longer (or rarely) used. Some will be replaced, but all will move to a package currently under developed at

pedometrics 0.6-6.9009 (2020-02-03)

  • Improvements:
    • Reviews and improves documentation.
  • Fixes:
    • Deals with the fact that matrix objects now also inherit from class "array".
    • Deals with the fact that the suggested package geoR has been orphaned on 2020-01-12. This is done by keeping the package in Suggests and using it conditionally by employing requireNamespace().

pedometrics 0.6-6.9008 (2019-01-31)

  • Improvements:
    • plotCor: reverses default color ramp so that positive and negative correlations are depicted using red and blue colors, respectively.

pedometrics 0.6-6.9007 (2019-01-22)

  • Improvements:
    • plotHD: adds grid lines to histogram.
    • plotESDA: choose the position of the legend of the bubble plot

pedometrics 0.6-6.9006 (2019-01-21)

  • Improvements on plotCor to deal with long column names in the correlation matrix. Long column names (> 5 characters) are now replaced with x1, x2, ..., xn, where n is the number of columns in the correlation matrix. A message is issues identifying columns and their respective index.

pedometrics 0.6-6.9005 (2019-01-15)

  • Adds plotCor, a function to create correlation plots using a colorblind-friendly palette.

pedometrics 0.6-6.9002 (2018-02-23)

  • Evaluates the upcoming new version (3.0-0) of the car package.

pedometrics 0.6-6.9001 (2015-12-21)

  • Improved selection of the location to place the legend in plotHD.

pedometrics 0.6-6.9000 (2015-12-10)

  • A new guess of p_sill is used when the variance is spatially uncorrelated. It is defined as 1e-3 times the guess of nugget (before the p_sill was set to 1e-12, which caused errors in optim and nlminb).

pedometrics 0.6-6 (2015-12-03)

  • FIX: corrected error in vgmICP caused by the recent update of package georob.
  • vgmICP: Improved estimation of the scale parameter (range) for monotonous variograms by using function practicalRange from package geoR.

pedometrics 0.6-5.9001 (2015-12-02)

  • vgmICP: Improve the guess of the partial sill for a pure nugget effect model.

pedometrics 0.6-5.9000 (2015-12-01)

  • FIX: the definition of the lag-distance classes passed to georob::sample.variogram in vgmLags was incorrect due to an error in the documentation the former. Instead of "a numeric vector with the upper bounds of a set of contiguous bins", the argument lag.dist.def of georob::sample.variogram requires "a numeric vector with the lower and upper bounds of a set of contiguous bins". The author and maintainer of the georob-package has been warned about this documentation error.
  • Improve guess of nugget variance by giving larger weight to the first lag because we now consider a minimum number of point-pairs per lag-distance class.

pedometrics 0.6-5 (2015-11-30)

  • FIX: the computation of the number of point-pairs per lag-distance class in vgmLags was incorrect because it neglected the fact that, in a full distance matrix, two points a and b form two pairs, i.e. ab and ba. The mistake is due to the fact that we use SpatialTools::dist1 to compute the distance matrix instead of stats::dist.

pedometrics 0.6-4 (2015-11-28)

  • New functions have been added. They are designed for three purposes:
    • Variogram estimation and analysis
    • Evaluation of geostatistical models of uncertainty
    • Calibrating random forest models

pedometrics 0.6-3.9003 (2015-11-28)

  • New function vgmICP to guess the initial covariance parameters when fitting a variogram model.
  • Included description of funding agencies in package description.

pedometrics 0.6-3.9002 (2015-11-27)

  • Improved documentation of the vgmLags-function, and added functionality to count the number of points or point-pairs per lag-distance class so that the user can decide if the returned lag-distance classes meet his/her needs.
  • New function vgmSCV to compute the proportion of the variance that is spatially correlated.
  • Minor improvement of the documentation of almost all functions.

pedometrics 0.6-3.9001 (2015-11-05)

  • Developed a new function checkGMU which can be used to check the quality of a geostatistical model on uncertainty.

pedometrics 0.6-3.9000 (2015-09-25)

  • New functions:
    • Iteratively de-bias random forest regression.

pedometrics 0.6-3 (2015-07-28)

  • Packaging:
  • Existing functions:
    • cramer(): NAs are now removed when computing the chi-squared statistic;
    • plotHD(): if the Box-Cox transformation is required, the data is now first checked for zeros and negative values. If zeros and negative values are present, the data is transformed into a positive-valued data, with the minimum value equal to 1.
    • plotESDA(): new argument to define the lag-distance classes;
  • New functions:
    • Evaluation of the data type contained in an object;
    • Extract spatial trend data from an object of class likfit (see the geoR package for more info): trend.terms() and trend.matrix();
    • Stratification and categorization of continuous data: breakPoints() and stratify();
    • Computation of lag-distance classes for variogram estimation: vgmLags().

pedometrics 0.6-2 (2015-06-01)

  • Better documentation for several functions.
  • cramer(): the cross-tabulation is now computed using table() instead of bigtabulate() to avoid dependency problems in Windows.

pedometrics 0.6-1 (2015-02-18)

  • Functions to evaluate the data type contained in an object.

pedometrics 0.6-0 (2015-02-05)

  • Migrated from R-Forge to GitHub;

pedometrics 0.5-1 (2014-01-11)

  • Test for objects of type "numeric" and "integer.

pedometrics 0.5-0 (2014-01-11)

  • Functions used to optimize sample patterns were moved to the new package spsann: spJitter(), spSANN(), spsannMSSD(), spsannPPL(), and spsannCLHS().

pedometrics 0.4-2 (2014-12-08)

  • Function to compute the Cramer's V, a measure of association between categorical variables.

pedometrics 0.4-1 (2014-12-01)

  • Documentation is now generated using roxygen2.

pedometrics 0.4-0 (2014-11-26)

  • Started the fourth season of the initial development of the package. Many functions are being implemented in C++ to speed-up the computation.

pedometrics 0.3-1 (2014-11-23)

  • Improving the spatial simulated annealing.

pedometrics 0.3-0 (2014-11-15)

  • Started the third season of the initial development of the package. Significant changes were made in functions spSANN(), spJitter(), and those used as objective functions in spatial simulated annealing.

pedometrics 0.2-4 (2014-10-07)

  • Spatial simulated annealing is now available: spSANN().

pedometrics 0.2-3 (2014-10-07)

  • Corrected bugs in functions objPairs(), objPoints(), pairs_per_lag(), points_per_lag() and spJitter(). Added new criterion to objPairs() and objPoints(). Added new method to spJitter() (finite set of candidate locations). Most of the changes speed up the functions and increase their functionalities.

pedometrics 0.2-2 (2014-10-02)

  • Included functions objPairs(), objPoints(), pairs_per_lag() and points_per_lag(). These functions were designed to be used with spatial simulated annealing.

pedometrics 0.2-1 (2014-09-30)

  • Included functions spJitter() and bbox2sp().

pedometrics 0.2-0 (2014-09-25)

  • Started the second season of the initial development of the package. Included functions plotHD() and plotESDA().

pedometrics 0.1-9 (2014-08-01)

  • Removed toar() and readsat() because they are better implemented using GRASS GIS commands directly.

pedometrics 0.1-8 (2014-07-03)

  • Second public release (R-Forge).
  • Included function buildMS(), used to build a series of linear models using automated variable selection. Included function statsMS(), used to obtain performance statistics of a series of linear models. Included function plotMS(), used to plot the statistics of a models series. Corrected bugs detected during the first built.

pedometrics 0.1-7 (2014-06-16)

  • First public release (R-Forge).
  • Several corrections in the documentation, preparing for the first public release.

pedometrics 0.1-6 (2014-05-25)

  • Seventh internal release.
  • Function cdfTable(): added argument to return a data.frame object.

pedometrics 0.1-5 (2014-05-21)

  • Sixth internal release.
  • Function cdfPlot(): added argument to define if the confidence limits of the CDF should be included in the plot.

pedometrics 0.1-4 (2014-05-20)

  • Fifth internal release.
  • Function cdfPlot() now has options to show CDF parameters.

pedometrics 0.1-3 (2014-04-21)

  • Fourth internal release.
  • Included function stepVIF(). Renamed many of the functions to comply with the style guide. The package was also renamed to pedometrics.

pedometrics 0.1-2 (2014-02-13)

  • Third internal release.
  • Included functions readsat() and toar().

pedometrics 0.1-1 (2014-01-23)

  • Second internal release.
  • Minor correction in function deltagcp().

pedometrics 0.1-0 (2013-06-12)

  • First internal release.
  • Six functions available: cdfplot(), cdfstats(), cdftable(), coordenadas(), deltagcp(), and gcpvector().