This application presents a simple microservice interface for multiple tables with different access routes. The dependant tables are both linked to the main table by a foreign key. There are three separate API access points, each catering for the respective table.
Moreover, the is a form that has to be provided for API end-point test imitating how postman app works. You could use it to test GET and POST. Delete and Update are not yet implemented in the App. CRUD operations are implemented and exploited using three databases with a uniform interface as JSON data connectivity. Data entry MUST include a complete dataset for validations and integration requirements.
- NodeJS
- Database1 (PostgreSQL)
- Database2 (MySQL)
- Database3 (MSSQL)
- Change port and passwords respectively
Execution of this application use the following command
npm i
npm start
npm stop
node server.js
Below are screen shots from the application output