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study1_data	- Observed data from experiment 1 - learning trials until the criterion (trial-by-trial learning)
study2_data - Observed data from experiment 2 - learning trials until the criterion
study1_simulation_N200 - Simulated sequences of stimuli for study 1 for N = 200 individuals to smooth out model learning curves
study2_simulation_N200 - Simulated sequences of stimuli for study 2 for N = 200 individuals to smooth out model learning curves

Non-public data files

DI3_data		Simulated stimuli for environment 1 where CCI holds
DI4_data		Simulated stimuli for environment 2 where CCI holds
DI#_data_click		Observed data from the clicking phase (unocvering features, not analyzed here)
DI#_data_estimates	Observed stated probability estimates after the clicking phase
DI#_data_knowledge	Observed open-ended answers to strategy questions
DI#_data_demographics	Observed demographics
DI#_data_totalduration	duration of experimental phases (learn = learning until criterion hit, click = clicking)
DI#_simulation		simulated p(cci) and p(c1|stimulus) given prior (pi) and conservatism (delta) grid
data_combined		Simulation and human data from learning phase for exp. 1 and exp. 2 combined