- Recording Links
- This is an MS Teams link and everyone in the class should have access. If not, please contact an instructor.
(Do not attend or not attend class based on this list. There is a high chance we will cover other topics. or adjust the schedule)
- Syllabus
- Intro to Git
- Git Fundamentals
- Intro to C#
- Testing
- PR's and PR Reviews
- Due: Assignment 1
- Go over Assignment 1
- Data Types
- nullables
- Analyzers
- string interpolation
- Properties
- Methods
- Inheritence cont.
- nullability continuation
- Explicit vs implicit interface implementation
- Extension Methods
- Local Functions
- ref vs value types & structs
- reference vs value equality
- Structs
- Records
- Interfaces/virtual
- Overriding object members
- Mocking - Test double
- Pattern matching
- Well formed types
- Operator Overloading
- Referencing other assemblies
- Exception Handling
- using statements
- Dispose
- Due: Assignment 6
- Assign: Assignment 7-8 - LINQ and Collections
- Due: Assignment 7-8
- Assign: Assignment 9&10 - Multithreaded Programming with Task Parallel Library (TPL)
- Last Week of Class
- No Class
- Due: Assignment 9&10