Releases: InsightSoftwareConsortium/ITKElastix
Releases · InsightSoftwareConsortium/ITKElastix
ITKElastix 0.17.0
What's Changed
- DOC: Remove visualization section from ITK_Example01_SimpleRegistration by @thewtex in #199
- COMP: Remove numpy version pin by @thewtex in #187
- COMP: Disable aarch64 Python wheel builds in CI by @tbirdso in #214
- Bump elastix version to 2023-05-15, use C++17, support any scalar pixel type by @N-Dekker in #211
- BUG: Fix masked registration notebook by @ntatsisk in #215
- PERF: Reduce Python wheel build set for GitHub CI by @tbirdso in #217
- ENH: Bump Python package version to 0.17.0 by @thewtex in #216
Full Changelog: v0.16.0...v0.17.0
ITKElastix 0.16.0
🔦 Release highlights:
- ✨ Upgrade to elastix 5.1.0
- 🐍 Binary Python packages are now 80% smaller
- 💪 Linux ARM Python packages
- 🗣️ Updates for example notebook on monai deep learning registration with affine pre-alignment using itk-elastix
What's Changed
- ENH: Update Notebook CI by @thewtex in #184
- ENH: Bump elastix version to 2022-12-07 by @N-Dekker in #179
- BUG: Fix EnsureChannelFirst() monai update error by @ntatsisk in #191
- ENH: Generate Linux ARM wheels by @thewtex in #190
- COMP: Update CI workflow version for sprintf warnings by @thewtex in #196
- ENH: Bump elastix version to version 5.1.0 by @N-Dekker in #192
- DOC: Add NIH, CZI funding acknowledgements by @thewtex in #198
- ENH: Bump Python package version 0.16.0 by @thewtex in #197
- ENH: Trim Python wheel size by @thewtex in #186
Full Changelog: v0.15.0...v0.16.0
ITKElastix 0.15.0
ITKElastix 0.14.4
Merge pull request #178 from InsightSoftwareConsortium/bump-itk ENH: Bump ITK workflow for v5.3rc04.post4
ITKElastix 0.14.3
Merge pull request #173 from InsightSoftwareConsortium/bump-versions ENH: Bump ITK to v5.3rc04.post3 with reusable CI
ITKElastix 0.14.2
ITKElastix 0.14.1
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v0.14.0...v0.14.1
ITKElastix v0.14.0
Merge pull request #142 from dzenanz/master
ITKElastix 0.13.0
Merge pull request #131 from InsightSoftwareConsortium/version-bump ENH: Bump package version to 0.13.0
ITKElastix 0.12.0
Merge pull request #116 from InsightSoftwareConsortium/itk-5.2.0 ENH: Update CI for ITK 5.2.0