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Monte Carlo simulation

This chapter will be described with the next structure:

Monte-Carlo code structure

  • - file with realization of Monte-Carlo simulation classes:
    • Transaction class - allows simulating swap-based transactions on the AMM market;
    • PoissonGenerator class - responsible for defining amount of transaction happening per minute using Poisson distribution probability principle;
    • NormalGenerator class - sets transaction values randomly conform normal distribution;
    • LogNormalGenerator class - sets transaction values randomly conform log-normal distribution;
    • CauchyGenerator class - sets transaction values randomly conform Cauchy distribution;
    • ParetoGenerator class - sets transaction values randomly conform Pareto distribution;
    • MonteCarloTransactionsSimulator class - responsible for creating required transaction history using specific (chosen) transaction values generator;
    • LogNormalParameterSearcher class - picks best parameters to make log-normal distribution look as close as possible to the given distribution;
    • CauchyParameterSearcher class - picks best parameters to make Cauchy distribution look as close as possible to the given distribution.

Transaction frequency generator or Poisson generator

Trading activity is unstable from the trades frequency perspective. It is possible to find average amount of transactions per specific time interval, set several frequency values that will describe different market situations, but setting only a specified value of transactions per time window will create unbelievable transactions activity. Generated transaction timestamps should form a believable transaction distribution on a timeline, when sometimes transactions are shifted to the beginning of the time window, to the end and etc. Poisson distribution is a great solution of this problem.

Poisson distribution is a discrete probability distribution expressing the probability of a given number of events (in our case, transactions) happening in fixed time intervals with a constant mean rate and independently from the last event time. It is possible to change mean value to represent different amount of activity that can be changing due to external factors or market changes. The formula for the Poisson distribution is:

Poisson distribution formula

where e is representing Euler’s number, x represents the number of event occurrences, lambda is equal to the expected value of x also equal to its variance.

NumPy library contains a random module with method poisson which creates values that conform to Poisson distribution based on the transmitted parameters. It generates the amount of transactions that happen during a specific time interval, but it is required to specify transaction timestamps. This moment is solved by applying random timedelta to the given time interval starting timestamp for each transaction separately conform the next formula:

Timestamp generation formula

Normal distribution generator

Normal distribution is also a normal probability distribution for a real-valued random variable that contains next formula:

Normal distribution formula

where mu is the mean or expectation of the distribution, sigma is the standard deviation, e is Euler’s constant. Probability density function of this distribution is also noted as ф(x). Normal distribution looks like chart presented below:

Normal distribution chart

The only problem of this distribution is that there is a possibility of producing negative values that should not be present in the transaction values. The only way to evade negative values production is use of the truncated normal distribution conform next formula:

Truncated Normal distribution formula

In this formula ф(x) represents a probability density function of the "parent" general normal distribution with mean, variance, truncation interval represented by a and b. There is one more symbol requiring explanation - the Ф one. Imagine a situation where is needed to determine the probability that a distribution will generate a value less than a specified value of x. The calculation of this probability will be according to the following function:

Cumulative Normal distribution formula

Scipy.stats module contains a function called truncnorm dedicated to generating truncated normal distribution conform specified values interval. This function works with mu parameter representing mean distribution value, sigma representing standard deviation of the distribution, lower bound and upper bound representing values interval. Values are generated with next call:

return truncnorm.rvs((self.lower_bound -, (self.upper_bound -,, scale=self.sigma, size=transactions_count)

The problem behind this distribution is in the approach of the traders to perform their activity. First, most of the trades will be concentrated around small value trades with swaps of small token values, because mostly traders are exchanging their tokens to get required one to perform their operations. Second, some traders are exchanging big values of their capital for extracting profit out of price changes to another token and therefore distribution will have extremely long tails. The last factor influencing the distribution are arbitrages and MEV attacks that require big token movements making distribution tails even bigger.

Log-normal distribution generator

Log normal distribution is the probability distribution of a random variable whose logarithm is normally distributed. Conform this distribution generated value x can be described by the formula:

Lognormal distribution formula

where Z is a standard normal variable, mu represents distribution mean and sigma - standard deviation. Considering that traders' activity has extreme rises and drops it is required to consider such a case, which is covered by this type of distribution.

Lognormal distribution chart with different parameters

numpy.random module contains lognormal function used for generating values conforming to Log-Normal probability distribution working by a similar principle as previous methods of sigma and mu parameters.

This distribution is also not demonstrating great match with the real trading picture, but can be used for unique situations.

Pareto distribution generator

Pareto distribution is the power-law probability distribution that is used in description of social, quality control, scientific, and other types of phenomenons. The base principle behind this distribution is the “80 to 20” rule that describes distribution of wealth in society and therefore this distribution should cover better traders' activity simulation tasks. The probability distribution function is:

Pareto distribution formula

where x_m is a minimal possible value of X (also called as scale parameter) and shape parameter a.

Pareto distribution

numpy.random module has a function called pareto that is responsible for generating the Pareto distribution.

Pareto has better match with the real distributions. Exponential-like distribution of values demonstrate long tails, shift to the left of the values and have behavior similar to the real trading due to the domains where this distribution is used. The distribution matches the principle of the "80-20 rule" covering social and economical difference between population segments important for this case because most of the traders are represented by people covering this rule.

Cauchy distribution generator

Cauchy distribution is a probability distribution of the x-intercept of a ray issuing from (x0, ) with a uniformly distributed angle. Formula:

Cauchy distribution formula

where x0 is locational parameter setting location of the distribution peak and mu is the scale parameter which specifies the half-width and half-maximum.

scipy.stats.halfcauchy module contains the rvs function which is responsible for generating values conforming to the Cauchy distribution without negative values, meaning that generated values will match real transactions values.

There is still one problem remaining about Cauchy - it is able to give unrealistically big transaction values, meaning that there is a small chance that there will appear anomalous value which is not corresponding to the real world case. This problem was solved via “mapping” values mechanism, graphical representation of which can be understood from given example:

Cauchy distribution mapping

“Mapping” formula:

Cauchy mapping formula

where the generated value is representing the original Cauchy generated value, the limit demonstrates the upper bound of the possible values. Such an algorithm allows keeping the original Cauchy distribution almost unchanged (without breaking the probabilities) and producing values only of specific limit.

return value / ((value // self.limit) + 1)

This distribution has one of the best matches to the original distributions because of exponential trading activity distribution and better coverage of the long tails.

Gamma distribution generator

Gamma distribution is represents two-parametric distribution which is used in describing system degradation, obsolescence and failure. Distribution is controlled via changing lambda and alpha parameters. Distribution is described by the next formula:

Gamma distribution formula

Distribution looks like exponential one and change of values cause next distribution of values:

Gamma distribution chart

Considering that most of the transactions are performed with lower values and their distribution looks like exponential one, this distribution may be used for performing trades generation and it is possible that it will perform great in solving simulation problems.

Scipy contains method scipy.stats.gamma is used for generating values conform gamma distribution. The probability density standardized function is present in form:

Scipy Gamma distribution formula,

where Г(a) is a gamma function shown above and takes a is shape parameter. a equal to integer value reduces to Erlang distribution, where a = 1 reduces to the exponential function.

WeiBull distribution generator

Concept behind Weibull distribution is similar to the case of Gamma function and describes failure rate considering wearout and burning failures. From the first look this concept does not look like applicable for the current simulations, but it is important to mention that it performs as an exponential function similar to gamma one, but more changeable and adaptive to changed parameters. Weibull is controlled via scale and shape parameters. Correct use of those parameters is able to make distribution similar to the transaction values probability density function.

Weibull distribution formula

Distributions look similar to reviewed transaction values distributions and tuneability of this distribution is relatively easy.

Weibull distribution chart

Numpy library contains method required for generating values conform WeiBull distribution. numpy.random.weibull contains several implementations of Weibull distribution with variants of tunening one, two and three parameters of the distribution. This is one of the implementations, but not the one chosen for this work.

Scipy library contains method scipy.stats.weibull_min. The probability density function in "standardized" form:

Weibull scipy standardized distribution formula,

where loc and scale parameters are changed to manipulate distribution. This is the chosen method for generating values and it allows performing distribution generation with shapes similar to the Gamma one, but with longer tails, which considering presence of multiple high values in transactions rises similarity of shape of this distribution with real one.

This model shows the best match with the real trading distributions because of the exponential nature of this distribution.

Monte Carlo transaction simulator

There are six different approaches to generating transaction values and it is needed to connect a transaction value generator with a transaction rate generator. For those purposes was created a MonteCarloTransactionsSimulator which accepts a Poisson distribution as a frequency generator and any of the transaction values generator to generate transaction values.

The main requirements to the transaction value generator are to contain a generate_transactions function accepting last known timestamp forming new object of Transaction class writing it into the transaction_history array, and be pre-initialized with all required generation parameters

timestamps = self.frequency_generator.generate_transactions(current_timestamp)
token_in_values = self.token_in_generator.generate_transactions(len(timestamps))
    # form new transactions and record them into 'transaction history' variable
    for index in range(len(timestamps)):

Such a structure allows further adding new transaction value generation strategies if required. Below are presented different examples of how Monte Carlo simulations should be called:

# several simulators, where each uses its unique values generator
normal_simulator = MonteCarloTransactionSimulator(
    PoissonGenerator(cycle_size=60000, mean_occurencies=2),
    NormalGenerator(mu=0, sigma=4500, lower_bound=0, upper_bound=10000), 'ETH', 'DAI')
cauchy_simulator = MonteCarloTransactionSimulator(
    PoissonGenerator(cycle_size=60000, mean_occurencies=2),
    CauchyGenerator(loc=0, scale=1000), 'ETH', 'DAI')
pareto_simulator = MonteCarloTransactionSimulator(
    PoissonGenerator(cycle_size=60000, mean_occurencies=2),
    ParetoGenerator(shape=3), 'ETH', 'DAI')
lognormal_simulator = MonteCarloTransactionSimulator(
    PoissonGenerator(cycle_size=60000, mean_occurencies=2),
    LognormalGenerator(mean=0, sigma=1), 'ETH', 'DAI')

# set current timestamp as starting point and start loop, where each iteration shifts reviewable
# timestamp further conform simulator cycle size
current_iteration_timestamp =
for index in range(60*24*7):
 current_iteration_timestamp += timedelta(milliseconds=normal_simulator.frequency _generator.cycle_size)

Simulations that have the best match with real life distributions

All presented above distributions can be used for simulating transaction values, but it is important that simulation-based and real life-based distributions should have similar shapes. The best ones are the log-normal distribution and Cauchy one.

Cauchy Lognormal real distributions

From the left to the right are lognormal distribution, Cauchy distribution and real transaction values distribution. Considering that those distributions are able to match real life distributions it is required to write an algorithm able to automatically pick best parameters for specified distributions.

Parameter search algorithms

Considering that the best distributions are log-normal and Cauchy ones it was decided to write parameter picking algorithms that will be able to find the best parameters combination.

The first problem that requires solution - how algorithm will pick the best possible parameters combination, considering that all probability distribution simulations generate different values and therefore distribution can have small deviations causing probability of one launch to perform better than another one and in order to check overall efficiency it is required to perform check with multiple simulation runs (creating an average picture). Another moment is how an algorithm will check if one distribution is “similar” or “matching” another one.

Harmonic mean formula:

Harmonic mean formula

is working for two parameters. It means a harmonic two-error formula can be used to define the best possible parameters combination. Conform reviewed during the project distributions the first half of values present in distributions are the most important ones and there can be compared first quartiles and medians of two distributions, where the first distribution is a real one and the second one - simulated one. So the final representation of finding harmonic mean error is:

Harmonic mean error formula

and the model will pick as best parameters such ones, where average harmonic mean error for all launches of the simulation will be minimal.

There is a range of parameters iterating through which is performed via incrementing parameter from lower bound to upper one using a step parameter. All intermediate results (each parameter set and their average harmonic error) are saved and the smallest average harmonic mean error parameter pick is chosen.

Harmonic mean error formula

Using those principles are written CauchyParameterSearcher and LognormalParameterSearcher classes. Below is a presented example of how the distribution of harmonic mean error is picked for scale parameter starting from value 5000 till value 25000 with step of 10 and performing 1000 simulation runs.