** Version 1.4.7 **
- Updated to work with Shadowlands 9.2.0
- Confirmed
/autocage cage
functionality is working, have not tested anything else
** Version 1.4.6 **
- Updated to work with Shadowlands 9.0.5
- Confirmed
/autocage cage
functionality is working, have not tested anything else
** Version 1.4.5 **
- AutoCage will no longer attach to the Pet Journal if Rematch is installed and enabled.
- Added slash command /autocage, allowing usage of the add-on without buttons!
** Version 1.4.4 **
- Fixed edge-case issue that would prevent manual caging of pets.
** Version 1.4.3 **
- Fixed issue that was preventing pets from being caged.
** Version 1.4.2 **
- When obtaining a new duplicate pet, only that pet will be caged, rather than every duplicate.
- Caging large amounts of pets should now work correctly.
** Version 1.4.1 **
- Will no longer attempt to cage duplicate pets that cannot be caged.
- Improved deDE localization.
** Version 1.4 **
- Updated to work with Legion (7.0.3).
- Added a manual caging button to the pet journal.
** Version 1.3 **
- Pets should no longer be ignored if the Pet Journal has not yet been opened.
- A pointless message is no longer displayed when the addon loads.
- Pets with punctuation in their names should no longer be ignored.
** Version 1.2 **
- Complete code over-haul with various optimizations/fixes.
- Now compatible with any language client, rather than just enUS/enGB.
- All text/strings have been localized into the 12 languages supported by WoW.
- Auto-caging can now be toggled with a checkbox in the pet journal.