diff --git a/INSTALL.RedHat.fr.md b/INSTALL.RedHat.fr.md
index 5249f921..cafc2955 100644
--- a/INSTALL.RedHat.fr.md
+++ b/INSTALL.RedHat.fr.md
@@ -269,6 +269,8 @@ Redémarrer le système
Ensuite, créez un nouveau fichier de configuration d'hôte virtuel Apache pour servir l'application Mercator :
+ sudo vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/mercator.conf
Ajouter les lignes suivantes :
diff --git a/INSTALL.RedHat.md b/INSTALL.RedHat.md
index 2e9d5d4e..787a9e87 100644
--- a/INSTALL.RedHat.md
+++ b/INSTALL.RedHat.md
@@ -214,24 +214,182 @@ add this line to the crontab
* * * * * cd /var/www/mercator && php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
-## Configuring the LDAP connection
-If you want to connect Mercator with an Active Directory or an LDAP server,
-in the .env file, put the connection parameters by uncommenting the lines:
- # Several possible types: AD, OpenLDAP, FreeIPA, DirectoryServer
- # If true, LDAP actions will be written to the application's default log file
- # Identifiers of the user who will connect to the LDAP in order to perform queries
- LDAP_USERNAME="cn=user,dc=local,dc=com"
- LDAP_BASE_DN="dc=local,dc=com"
- LDAP_SSL=false
- LDAP_TLS=false
- # Allows you to restrict access to a tree structure
- LDAP_SCOPE="ou=Accounting,ou=Grou
+ ## Configuring the LDAP connection
+ If you want to connect Mercator with an Active Directory or an LDAP server,
+ in the .env file, put the connection parameters by uncommenting the lines:
+ # Several possible types: AD, OpenLDAP, FreeIPA, DirectoryServer
+ # If true, LDAP actions will be written to the application's default log file
+ # Identifiers of the user who will connect to the LDAP in order to perform queries
+ LDAP_USERNAME="cn=user,dc=local,dc=com"
+ LDAP_BASE_DN="dc=local,dc=com"
+ LDAP_SSL=false
+ LDAP_TLS=false
+ # Allows you to restrict access to a tree structure
+ LDAP_SCOPE="ou=Accounting,ou=Groups,dc=planetexpress,dc=com"
+ # Allows you to restrict access to groups
+ LDAP_GROUPS="Delivering,Help Desk"
+ Find more complete documentation on configuring [LdapRecord](https://ldaprecord.com/docs/laravel/v2/configuration/#using-an-environment-file-env).
+ ##Apache
+ To configure Apache, modify the properties of the mercator directory and grant the appropriate permissions to the storage directory with the following command
+ sudo chown -R apache:apache /var/www/mercator
+ sudo chmod -R 775 /var/www/mercator/storage
+ Check if the SELinux module is activated (For the application to be accessible, SELinux must be deactivated)
+ status
+ If the module is activated, proceed as follows:
+ sudo vi /etc/selinux/config
+ Find the line that starts with SELINUX= in the file. It should look like this:
+ SELINUX=enforcing
+ Change enforcing to disabled. Your line should now look like this:
+ SELINUX=disabled
+ Restart the system
+ sudo reboot
+ Next, create a new Apache virtual host configuration file to serve the Mercator application:
+ sudo vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/mercator.conf
+ Add the following lines:
+ ```xml
+ ServerName mercator.local
+ ServerAdmin admin@example.com
+ DocumentRoot /var/www/mercator/public
+ AllowOverride All
+ ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/mercator_error.log
+ CustomLog /var/log/httpd/mercator_access.log combined
+ ```
+ Finally, restart the Apache service to activate the changes:
+ sudo systemctl restart httpd
+ ### HTTPS
+ Here is the configuration file for HTTPS
+ ```xml
+ ServerName map.XXXXXXXX
+ ServerAdmin
+ DocumentRoot /var/www/mercator/public
+ SSLEngine on
+ SSLProtocol all -SSLv2 -SSLv3
+ SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/certs/certs/carto.XXXXX.crt
+ SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/certs/private/private.key
+ SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/apache2/certs/certs/XXXXXCA.crt
+ AllowOverride All
+ ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/mercator_error.log
+ CustomLog /var/log/httpd/mercator_access.log combined
+ ```
+ To force HTTPS redirection, you must put this parameter in the .env file:
+ APP_ENV=production
+ ## Problems
+ ### Restore administrator password
+ mysql mercator -e "update users set password=$(php -r "echo password_hash('n3w-p4sSw0rD.', PASSWORD_BCRYPT, ['cost' => 10]);") where id=1;"
+ ### PHP Memory
+ If you are generating large reports, you will need to increase the memory allocated to PHP in /etc/php/8.x/apache2/php.ini
+ memory_limit = 512M
+ ## Update
+ Before updating the application, take a backup of the database and the project.
+ mysqldump mercator > mercator_backup.sql
+ or (Postgres)
+ pg_dump mercator > mercator_backup.sql
+ Retrieve GIT sources
+ cd /var/www/mercator
+ sudo -u apache git pull
+ Migrate the database
+ sudo -u apache php artisan migrate
+ Update libraries
+ sudo -u apache composer update
+ Clear caches
+ sudo -u apache php artisan config:clear && php artisan view:clear
+ ## Non regression tests
+ To run Mercator regression tests, you must first install Chromium:
+ sudo apt install chromium-browser
+ Install the dusk plugin
+ sudo -u apache php artisan dusk:chrome-driver
+ Configure the environment
+ sudo -u apache cp .env .env.dusk.local
+ Launch the application
+ sudo -u apache php artisan serve
+ In another terminal, run the tests
+ sudo -u apache php artisan dusk
+ ## Fix migration issues
+ Update libraries
+ sudo -u apache composer update
+ Back up the database
+ sudo mysqldump mercator \
+ --ignore-table=mercator.users \
+ --ignore-table=mercator.roles \
+ --ignore-table=mercator.permissions \
+ --ignore-table=mercator.permission_role \
+ --ignore-table=mercator.role_user \
+ --ignore-table=mercator.m