Some graph theory thoughts for refactorization, but I'm getting somewhat confused as to how to implement them practically.
These belong to a GraphTheoryBundle, so that I can keep the current very simple Node implementation in this bundle.
Graph < ConnectedGraph < Tree
Graph < ConnectedGraph < DirectedGraph < RootedTree
Graph (has Vertices)
- getVertices
ConnectedGraph (has Edges)
- getLeaves
- getVerticesAlongPathTo(Vertex)
Tree (has NoSimpleCycle)
DirectedGraph (has Arcs)
- getSources
- getSinks
RootedTree (has NoSimpleCycle)
- getRoot (single source)
- getLeaves = getSinks
Edge < Arc
Edge (has Vertices)
- getEndpoints (exactly 2)
Arc (has Direction)
- getHead (child)
- getTail (parent)
=> /!\
confusing !
also: has Weight, haz CheeseBurger
Vertex < ConnectedVertex < TreeNode
Vertex < ConnectedVertex < DirectedVertex < RootedTreeNode
Vertex (has Label, has Graph)
- get/set Graph
- get/set Label
ConnectedVertex (has Edges)
- use Edges
- getAdjacent
- countAdjacent = countEdges
DirectedVertex (has Arcs)
- getArcs = getEdges
- add/remove Arc
- getPredecessors
- getDirectPredecessors
- getSuccessors
- getDirectSuccessors
TreeNode (has NoSimpleCycle)
RootedTreeNode (has NoSimpleCycle, has SingleDirectPredecessor or SingleParent)
- use FamilyNotation
- use SingleParent
- use IsNotPartOfASimpleCycle
- addEdge (override and throw when cycle is detected)
- getEdges
- add/remove Edge
- getChildren (direct successors)
- add/remove Child
- getNthChild
- get/set Parent (single direct predecessor)
- getAncestors
- getDescendants
- addParent (override and keep unicity)
- setParent
- addChild (override and keep unicity)
- getChild
UnaryOperator (has SingleChild or SingleDirectSuccessor)
- use SingleChild
BinaryOperator (has TwoChildren or TwoDirectSuccessors)
TernaryOperator (has ThreeChildren or ThreeDirectSuccessors)
Operand (has NoChild or NoDirectSuccessor)