This subfolder contains a simple tool to help benchmark the Pub/Sub Emulator for Kafka under various Publisher and Subscriber. You can either run the tool against a running instance of the emulator connected to Kafka, or start your own Kafka cluster and emulator instance inside of docker.
From within this directory, issue ./ start
This script starts Zookeeper, three Kafka brokers, and the Pub/Sub Emulator exposed on port 8080 of your localhost machine. It also creates 4 topics, which can be found in the config/pubsub.json file in this directory.
If you want to change the topics and/or subscriptions, you will need to modify the script and the configuration JSON file.
Build the benchmark program by running mvn package
. Then, run the JAR file with the --help
to see the available parameters.
java -jar target/pubsub-emulator-benchmark-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --help
Usage: <main class> [options]
* -duration
Duration (in seconds) to run the benchmark
Default: 0
* -emulator
Hostname and port of the Pub/Sub Emulator server
Size of message (in bytes) (default: 1024)
Default: 1024
Target QPS for Publishers (default: 100)
Default: 100
Number of Publisher clients to use (default: 2)
Default: 2
Number of Subscriber clients to use (default: 2)
Default: 2
* -subscription
Name of Subscription to Pull from
* -topic
Name of Topic to Publish to
The following command would Publish and Subscribe from the 128-partition topic performance-testing-128p for 30s using 2 publishing threads and 2 StreamingPull subscribers and 1KB messages.
java -jar target/pubsub-emulator-benchmark-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
-emulator localhost:8080 \
-topic projects/performance-testing/topics/performance-testing-128p \
-subscription projects/performance-testing/subscriptions/subscription-performance-testing-128p \
-duration 30 \
-publishers 2 \
-subscribers 2 \
-messageSize 1000
Status is printed every 10s and summarized at the end of the run.
2019-02-20T14:24:09.334EST [ execute] INFO - Waiting for up to 30s for all Published messages to be received by Subscribers
2019-02-20T14:24:09.336EST [ execute] INFO - Shutting down Subscribers
2019-02-20T14:24:09.383EST [ summarizeResults] INFO - After 30s
2019-02-20T14:24:09.385EST [ summarizeResults] INFO - Published 3011 messages, 3.01 Mb (0.10 Mb/s) with 0 errors
2019-02-20T14:24:09.386EST [ summarizeResults] INFO - Received 3005 messages, 3.10 Mb (0.10 Mb/s) with 92 duplicates
2019-02-20T14:24:09.387EST [ summarizeResults] INFO - Avg Publish Latency 159.98ms at 100.37 qps
2019-02-20T14:24:09.388EST [ summarizeResults] INFO - Server-captured Statistics
2019-02-20T14:24:09.389EST [ summarizeResults] INFO - --- Publisher Metrics ---
average_latency: 144.32, error_rate: 0.00, message_count: 3011, qps: 2.58, throughput: 2575.71
2019-02-20T14:24:09.390EST [ summarizeResults] INFO - --- Subscriber Metrics ---
average_latency: 148.98, message_count: 3100, qps: 2.65, throughput: 2651.84