diff --git a/align_pangenome.nf b/align_pangenome.nf
index 5b2e10a..ce5a069 100644
--- a/align_pangenome.nf
+++ b/align_pangenome.nf
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ GroovyShell shell = new GroovyShell()
def helpers = shell.parse(new File("${workflow.projectDir}/helpers.gvy"))
// Import sub-workflows
-include { bin_metagenomes } from './modules/processes/bin_metagenomes'
+include { bin_metagenomes } from './modules/bin_metagenomes'
include { align_reads } from './modules/align_reads'
include { find_reads } from './modules/find_reads'
diff --git a/bin/bin_metagenomes.py b/bin/collect_metagenomes.py
similarity index 53%
rename from bin/bin_metagenomes.py
rename to bin/collect_metagenomes.py
index 1701ac6..128ba32 100755
--- a/bin/bin_metagenomes.py
+++ b/bin/collect_metagenomes.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from collections.abc import Mapping
import json
+import os
import anndata as ad
import click
import logging
@@ -520,90 +521,21 @@ def calc_rel_abund(self, mods=None):
self.data.mod[mod].layers["prop"] = rel_abund
- def compare_groups(self, category, mods=None):
- assert category in self.data.obs.columns.values
- # Get the metadata values
- meta: pd.Series = (
- self.data
- .obs[category]
- .reindex(index=self.filtered_samples)
- .dropna()
- )
- logger.info(f"Samples with {category} defined: {meta.shape[0]:,}")
- # We can only support the comparison of two groups (at this point)
- logger.info(f"Unique values: {', '.join([str(v) for v in meta.unique()])}")
- assert meta.unique().shape[0] == 2, f"{category} must contain 2 groups"
- # Convert meta to 1/0
- meta = (meta == max(meta.unique())).apply(int)
- if mods is None:
- mods = ["bins", "genomes"]
- for mod in mods:
- self.compare_groups_mod(meta, mod)
- self.log_content()
- def compare_groups_mod(self, meta: pd.Series, mod: str):
- logger.info(f"Comparing samples on the basis of {mod}")
- # Use the relative abundance table computed for this modality
- logger.info(f"Comparing samples using {mod} content")
- abund: pd.DataFrame = self.data.mod[mod].to_df("prop")
- self.data.mod[mod].varm[f"~{meta.name}"] = (
- self.compare_groups_single(meta, abund)
- )
- def compare_groups_single(
- self,
- meta: pd.Series,
- abund: pd.DataFrame
- ):
- # At this point meta should just be 0 or 1
- assert meta.isin([0, 1]).all()
- comparison_obs = meta.index.values[meta == 0]
- control_obs = meta.index.values[meta == 1]
- res = (
- pd.DataFrame([
- self.mannwhitneyu(var, vals, control_obs, comparison_obs)
- for var, vals in abund.items()
- ])
- .set_index("index")
- .reindex(index=abund.columns.values)
- )
- res = res.assign(
- qvalue=multipletests(res["pvalue"].values, method=self.fdr_method)[1],
- neg_log10_pvalue=lambda d: d['pvalue'].apply(np.log10) * -1,
- neg_log10_qvalue=lambda d: d['qvalue'].apply(np.log10) * -1
- )
- return res
- @staticmethod
- def mannwhitneyu(var: str, vals: pd.Series, control_obs, comparison_obs):
- res = stats.mannwhitneyu(
- vals.reindex(index=control_obs).values,
- vals.reindex(index=comparison_obs).values
- )
- return dict(
- pvalue=res.pvalue,
- statistic=res.statistic,
- index=var
- )
def to_h5ad(self, output_folder):
+ os.makedirs(output_folder, exist_ok=True)
if "filtered_out" in self.data.uns:
del self.data.uns["filtered_out"]
for mod in self.data.mod:
- self.data.mod[mod].write_h5ad(f"{output_folder}/metagenome.{mod}.h5ad")
+ adata: ad.AnnData = self.data.mod[mod]
+ adata.obs = self.data.obs
+ for kw, val in self.data.uns.items():
+ adata.uns[kw] = val
+ adata.write_h5ad(f"{output_folder}/metagenome.{mod}.h5ad")
def to_csv(self, output_folder):
+ os.makedirs(output_folder, exist_ok=True)
if "filtered_out" in self.data.uns:
del self.data.uns["filtered_out"]
self.to_csv_obj(self.data, f"{output_folder}/metagenome")
@@ -653,28 +585,6 @@ def write_json(val, path):
with open(path, "w") as handle:
json.dump(val, handle, indent=4)
- def plot(self, output_folder):
- # The central heatmap is the comparison of bins and genomes
- # Bins extend vertically from that heatmap,
- # and genomes extend horizontally.
- for bins_varm in self.data.mod["bins"].varm:
- assert bins_varm.startswith("~"), f"Expected ~meta, not {bins_varm}"
- bins_meta = bins_varm[1:]
- for genomes_varm in self.data.mod["genomes"].varm:
- assert genomes_varm.startswith("~"), f"Expected ~meta, not {genomes_varm}"
- genomes_meta = genomes_varm[1:]
- if bins_meta == genomes_meta:
- output_fn = genomes_meta
- output_fp = f"{output_folder}/{output_fn}"
- self.write_image(
- bins_meta,
- output_fp,
- )
def log_scale(df: pd.DataFrame):
@@ -697,483 +607,6 @@ def sort_index(self, df: pd.DataFrame, metric="cosine", method="average"):
raise e
- def write_image(
- self,
- meta_cname,
- output_fp
- ):
- """"
- Figure layout:
- Genomes vs. Bins in the center, with bins extending
- vertically and genomes extending horizontally.
- | | (2, 7): Bins Boxplot |
- | | (2, 6): Bins -log10(p) |
- | | (2, 5): Bins Silhouette |
- | (1, 3): Sample Metadata | (2, 4): Bins Heatmap |
- | | (2, 3): # Genes per Bin | | (4, 3): NNLS Residual |
- | | (2, 2): Central Heatmap | (3, 2): # of Genomes | (4, 2): Genomes Heatmap | (5, 2): Genomes -log10(p) | (6, 2): Genomes Boxplot |
- | | | | (4, 1): Sample Metadata |
- """
- # Relative size of rows and columns
- heatmap_size = 3
- column_widths = np.array([0.5, heatmap_size, 1, heatmap_size, 1, 1])
- column_widths = list(column_widths / column_widths.sum())
- row_heights = np.array([0.5, heatmap_size, 1, heatmap_size, 1, 1, 1])
- row_heights = list(row_heights / row_heights.sum())
- # Genomes across samples
- genomes_df: pd.DataFrame = (
- self.data
- .mod["genomes"]
- .to_df("prop")
- )
- # Bins across samples
- bins_df: pd.DataFrame = (
- self.data
- .mod["bins"]
- .to_df("prop")
- )
- # Sort the bins and genomes
- bin_order = self.sort_index(
- bins_df.T,
- metric="euclidean",
- method="ward"
- )
- genome_order = self.sort_index(
- genomes_df.T,
- metric="euclidean",
- method="ward"
- )
- cols = 6
- rows = 7
- fig = make_subplots(
- rows=rows,
- cols=cols,
- shared_xaxes=True,
- shared_yaxes=True,
- start_cell="bottom-left",
- column_widths=column_widths,
- row_heights=row_heights
- )
- # Bins across Genomes
- self.heatmap(
- (
- self.data
- .uns["group_profile"]
- .T
- .reindex(
- index=genome_order,
- columns=bin_order
- )
- ),
- fig,
- value_label="Gene Bin Presence in Genome",
- row=2,
- col=2,
- showscale=True,
- coloraxis="coloraxis2",
- colorbar_x=0.0,
- colorbar_xpad=0,
- colorbar_title_side="right",
- colorbar_xanchor="center",
- colorbar_yanchor="top",
- colorbar_len=0.25,
- colorbar_y=0.3
- )
- # Number of genomes per group
- self.bar(
- (
- self.data
- .mod["genomes"]
- .var["n_genomes"]
- .reindex(index=genome_order)
- ),
- "Number of Genomes per Group",
- fig,
- row=2,
- col=3,
- orient="h"
- )
- # Genomes across samples
- sample_order = self.sort_index(genomes_df)
- genomes_df = genomes_df.reindex(
- columns=genome_order,
- index=sample_order
- ).fillna(0)
- self.heatmap(
- self.log_scale(genomes_df.T),
- fig,
- value_label="Proportion of Aligned Reads (log10)",
- row=2,
- col=4,
- showscale=True,
- coloraxis="coloraxis3",
- colorbar_x=0.5,
- colorbar_xanchor="left",
- colorbar_xpad=0,
- colorbar_orientation="h",
- colorbar_title_side="top",
- colorbar_title_text="Genome Group Abundance
Proportion of Aligned Reads (log10)",
- colorbar_y=0.45,
- colorbar_len=0.25
- )
- # Annotate metadata on the genomes heatmap
- metadata = (
- self.data
- .obs
- .reindex(
- columns=[meta_cname],
- index=sample_order
- )
- )
- self.heatmap(
- metadata.reindex(index=sample_order).T,
- fig,
- value_label=meta_cname,
- row=1,
- col=4,
- colorscale=["blue", "orange"],
- showscale=False
- )
- # NNLS Residual on genome abundance predictions from samples
- self.bar(
- (
- self.data
- .mod["genomes"]
- .obs["nnls_residual"]
- .reindex(index=sample_order)
- ),
- "NNLS Residual",
- fig,
- row=3,
- col=4
- )
- fig.for_each_yaxis(
- lambda axis: axis.update(matches=None, showticklabels=True),
- row=3,
- col=4
- )
- # Bars showing the -log10(qvalue) for each genome group
- self.bar(
- (
- self.data
- .mod["genomes"]
- .varm[f"~{meta_cname}"]
- ["neg_log10_qvalue"]
- ),
- "FDR-adjusted p-value (-log10)",
- fig,
- row=2,
- col=5,
- orient="h"
- )
- # Boxplot comparing genome abundances by sample group
- self.box(
- genomes_df,
- self.data.obs[meta_cname].reindex(index=sample_order),
- meta_cname,
- "Genome Group Abundance",
- fig,
- row=2,
- col=6,
- orient="h",
- showlegend=False,
- log=True
- )
- # Bins Information (extending vertically from the central heatmap)
- # Number of genes per bin
- self.bar(
- pd.Series(
- self.data.uns["bin_size"]
- ).reindex(
- index=bin_order
- ),
- "Number of Genes per Bin",
- fig,
- row=3,
- col=2
- )
- # Bins across samples
- sample_order = self.sort_index(bins_df)
- bins_df = bins_df.reindex(
- columns=bin_order,
- index=sample_order
- ).fillna(0)
- self.heatmap(
- self.log_scale(bins_df),
- fig,
- value_label="Proportion of Aligned Reads (log10)",
- row=4,
- col=2,
- coloraxis="coloraxis4",
- showscale=True,
- colorbar_x=0.35,
- colorbar_xanchor="left",
- colorbar_y=0.55,
- colorbar_len=0.25,
- colorbar_title_side="right",
- colorbar_title_text="Gene Bin Abundance
Proportion of Aligned Reads (log10)",
- colorbar_xpad=0
- )
- # Metadata data on the bins heatmap
- self.heatmap(
- metadata.reindex(index=sample_order),
- fig,
- value_label=meta_cname,
- row=4,
- col=1,
- colorscale=["blue", "orange"],
- coloraxis="coloraxis",
- showscale=False
- )
- # Silhouette score on bin assignments
- self.bar(
- (
- self.data
- .mod["bins"]
- .var["silhouette_score"]
- .reindex(index=bin_order)
- ),
- "Silhouette Score",
- fig,
- row=5,
- col=2
- )
- # Bars showing the -log10(qvalue) for each gene bin
- self.bar(
- (
- self.data
- .mod["bins"]
- .varm[f"~{meta_cname}"]
- ["neg_log10_qvalue"]
- ),
- "FDR-adjusted p-value (-log10)",
- fig,
- row=6,
- col=2
- )
- # Boxplot comparing gene bin abundances by sample group
- self.box(
- bins_df,
- self.data.obs[meta_cname].reindex(index=sample_order),
- meta_cname,
- "Gene Bin Abundance",
- fig,
- row=7,
- col=2,
- log=True
- )
- logger.info(fig.layout)
- title_text = f"Association with {meta_cname}"
- fig.update_layout(
- title_text=title_text,
- title_xanchor="center",
- title_x=0.5,
- plot_bgcolor='rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0)',
- paper_bgcolor='rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0)',
- legend=dict(
- yanchor="top",
- xanchor="left",
- x=1.0,
- y=0.3
- ),
- **{
- f"xaxis{i + cols}": dict(showticklabels=True)
- for i in [2, 3, 5, 6]
- },
- **{
- f"yaxis{2 + (cols * i)}": dict(showticklabels=True)
- for i in [1, 2, 4, 5, 6]
- }
- )
- fig.write_html(f"{output_fp}.html", include_plotlyjs="cdn")
- for ext in ['png', 'pdf']:
- fig.write_image(
- f"{output_fp}.{ext}",
- width=2880,
- height=1800
- )
- @staticmethod
- def heatmap(
- df: pd.DataFrame,
- fig,
- value_label: str,
- row=None,
- col=None,
- coloraxis="coloraxis",
- colorscale=px.colors.sequential.Blues,
- showlegend=False,
- showscale=False,
- **kwargs
- ):
- if "colorbar_title_text" not in kwargs:
- kwargs["colorbar_title_text"] = value_label
- fig.layout[coloraxis] = dict(
- colorscale=colorscale,
- showscale=showscale,
- **{
- kw: val
- for kw, val in kwargs.items()
- if kw.startswith("colorbar_")
- }
- )
- fig.add_trace(
- go.Heatmap(
- z=df.values,
- x=df.columns.values,
- y=df.index.values,
- hovertext=df.applymap(
- lambda v: f"{value_label}: {v}"
- ),
- coloraxis=coloraxis,
- showlegend=showlegend,
- showscale=showscale
- ),
- row=row,
- col=col
- )
- def bar(self, vals: pd.Series, label: str, fig, row, col, orient="v", log=False):
- assert orient in ["v", "h"]
- kwargs = (
- dict(
- y=vals.values,
- x=vals.index.values
- )
- if orient == "v" else
- dict(
- x=vals.values,
- y=vals.index.values,
- orientation='h'
- )
- )
- fig.add_trace(
- go.Bar(
- showlegend=False,
- hovertext=vals.apply(
- lambda v: f"{label}: {v}"
- ),
- marker=dict(color="blue"),
- **kwargs
- ),
- row=row,
- col=col
- )
- label = label.replace(" ", "
- self.label_axis(fig, row, col, orient, label)
- if log:
- self.logscale_axis(fig, row, col, orient)
- def label_axis(self, fig, row, col, orient, title):
- self.update_axis(
- fig, row, col, orient, title=title
- )
- def logscale_axis(self, fig, row, col, orient):
- self.update_axis(
- fig, row, col, orient, type="log"
- )
- @staticmethod
- def update_axis(fig, row, col, orient, **kwargs):
- if orient == "v":
- fig.for_each_yaxis(
- lambda axis: axis.update(**kwargs),
- row=row,
- col=col
- )
- else:
- fig.for_each_xaxis(
- lambda axis: axis.update(**kwargs),
- row=row,
- col=col
- )
- def box(
- self,
- df: pd.DataFrame,
- huevals: pd.Series,
- huelabel: str,
- label: str,
- fig,
- row,
- col,
- orient="v",
- log=False,
- **box_kwargs
- ):
- assert orient in ["v", "h"]
- colors = ["blue", "orange", "red", "green", "black"]
- for ix, (hueval, hue_df) in enumerate(df.groupby(huevals)):
- trace_df = (
- hue_df
- .reset_index()
- .melt(
- id_vars=[(
- "index"
- if hue_df.index.name is None
- else hue_df.index.name
- )],
- var_name="variable"
- )
- )
- kwargs = (
- dict(
- y=trace_df["value"],
- x=trace_df["variable"]
- )
- if orient == "v" else
- dict(
- orientation="h",
- x=trace_df["value"],
- y=trace_df["variable"]
- )
- )
- fig.add_trace(
- go.Box(
- name=f"{huelabel}: {hueval}",
- legendgroup=f"{huelabel}: {hueval}",
- marker=dict(color=colors[ix % len(colors)]),
- **kwargs,
- **box_kwargs
- ),
- row=row,
- col=col
- )
- label = label.replace(" ", "
- self.label_axis(fig, row, col, orient, label)
- if log:
- self.logscale_axis(fig, row, col, orient)
def bin_metagenomes(
@@ -1181,7 +614,6 @@ def bin_metagenomes(
- category,
@@ -1194,7 +626,6 @@ def bin_metagenomes(
- mdata.compare_groups(category)
return mdata
@@ -1204,7 +635,6 @@ def bin_metagenomes(
@click.option('--genome_groups', type=click.Path(exists=True))
@click.option('--group_profile', type=click.Path(exists=True))
@click.option('--metadata', type=click.Path(exists=True))
-@click.option('--category', type=str)
@click.option('--min_n_reads', type=int)
@click.option('--min_n_genes', type=int)
@click.option('--output_folder', type=click.Path())
@@ -1214,7 +644,6 @@ def main(
- category,
@@ -1225,7 +654,6 @@ def main(
logger.info(f"genome_groups: {genome_groups}")
logger.info(f"group_profile: {group_profile}")
logger.info(f"metadata: {metadata}")
- logger.info(f"category: {category}")
logger.info(f"min_n_reads: {min_n_reads}")
logger.info(f"min_n_genes: {min_n_genes}")
@@ -1235,15 +663,13 @@ def main(
- category,
- mdata.to_csv(output_folder)
- mdata.to_h5ad(output_folder)
+ mdata.to_csv(f"{output_folder}/csv")
+ mdata.to_h5ad(f"{output_folder}/h5ad")
- mdata.plot(output_folder)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/bin/plot_metagenomes.py b/bin/plot_metagenomes.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..af86c34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/plot_metagenomes.py
@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+from typing import List
+import anndata as ad
+import click
+import logging
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+import plotly.graph_objects as go
+import plotly.express as px
+from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
+from scipy.cluster import hierarchy
+from statsmodels.stats.multitest import multipletests
+# Set the level of the logger to INFO
+logFormatter = logging.Formatter(
+ '%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s [plot_metagenomes.py] %(message)s'
+logger = logging.getLogger('plot_metagenomes.py')
+# Write to STDOUT
+consoleHandler = logging.StreamHandler()
+# Write to file
+fileHandler = logging.FileHandler("plot_metagenomes.log")
+def fix_name(n: str, options: List[str]):
+ if n in options:
+ return n
+ for m in options:
+ if m.replace(" ", ".") == n:
+ return m
+ return n
+class Metagenome:
+ adata: ad.AnnData
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ stats,
+ h5ad
+ ):
+ stats = self._read_csv(stats).set_index("feature")
+ self.adata = ad.read_h5ad(h5ad)
+ # Restore the variable names that may have been mangled by R
+ stats = stats.rename(
+ index=lambda n: fix_name(n, self.adata.var_names)
+ )
+ self.adata.var = self.adata.var.merge(
+ stats,
+ left_index=True,
+ right_index=True
+ )
+ self.adata.var["qvalue"] = multipletests(self.adata.var["p_value"], 0.1, "fdr_bh")[1]
+ self.adata.var["neg_log10_qvalue"] = -np.log10(self.adata.var["qvalue"])
+ for line in str(self.adata).split("\n"):
+ logger.info(line)
+ def _read_csv(self, fp, **kwargs):
+ logger.info(f"Reading in {fp}")
+ df: pd.DataFrame = pd.read_csv(fp, **kwargs)
+ logger.info(f"Read in {df.shape[0]:,} rows and {df.shape[1]:,} columns")
+ self.log_df(df.head().T.head().T)
+ return df
+ @staticmethod
+ def log_df(df: pd.DataFrame, **kwargs):
+ for line in df.to_csv(**kwargs).split("\n"):
+ logger.info(line)
+ @staticmethod
+ def log_scale(df: pd.DataFrame):
+ lowest = df.apply(lambda c: c[c > 0].min()).min()
+ return df.clip(lower=lowest).apply(np.log10)
+ def sort_index(self, df: pd.DataFrame, metric="cosine", method="average"):
+ try:
+ return df.index.values[
+ hierarchy.leaves_list(
+ hierarchy.linkage(
+ df.values,
+ metric=metric,
+ method=method
+ )
+ )
+ ]
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.info("Error encountered while sorting table:")
+ self.log_df(df)
+ raise e
+ def plot(self, meta_cname, output_folder):
+ output_fp = f"{output_folder}/{meta_cname}"
+ # Sort the bins and samples
+ bin_order = self.sort_index(
+ self.adata.to_df().T,
+ metric="cosine",
+ method="average"
+ )
+ sample_order = self.sort_index(
+ self.adata.to_df(),
+ metric="euclidean",
+ method="ward"
+ )
+ genome_order = self.sort_index(
+ self.adata.uns["group_profile"].T,
+ metric="cosine",
+ method="average"
+ )
+ # Relative size of rows and columns
+ heatmap_size = 3
+ column_widths = np.array([heatmap_size, 1, heatmap_size, 1, 1])
+ column_widths = list(column_widths / column_widths.sum())
+ row_heights = np.array([0.5, heatmap_size, 0.5])
+ row_heights = list(row_heights / row_heights.sum())
+ horizontal_spacing = 0.05
+ cols = 5
+ rows = 3
+ fig = make_subplots(
+ rows=rows,
+ cols=cols,
+ shared_xaxes=True,
+ shared_yaxes=True,
+ start_cell="bottom-left",
+ column_widths=column_widths,
+ row_heights=row_heights,
+ horizontal_spacing=horizontal_spacing
+ )
+ # Bins across Genomes
+ self.heatmap(
+ (
+ self
+ .adata
+ .uns["group_profile"]
+ .reindex(
+ columns=genome_order,
+ index=bin_order
+ )
+ ),
+ fig,
+ value_label="Gene Bin Presence in Genome",
+ row=2,
+ col=1,
+ showscale=True,
+ coloraxis="coloraxis2",
+ colorbar_x=(horizontal_spacing / 4),
+ colorbar_xanchor="left",
+ colorbar_orientation="h",
+ colorbar_y=0.85,
+ colorbar_len=column_widths[0] - (horizontal_spacing * 2),
+ colorbar_title_side="top"
+ )
+ # # Bins Information
+ # Number of genes per bin
+ self.bar(
+ pd.Series(
+ self.adata.uns["bin_size"]
+ ).reindex(
+ index=bin_order
+ ),
+ "Genes per Bin (#)",
+ fig,
+ row=2,
+ col=2,
+ orient="h"
+ )
+ # Bins across samples
+ self.heatmap(
+ self.log_scale((
+ self
+ .adata
+ .to_df("prop")
+ .reindex(
+ index=sample_order,
+ columns=bin_order
+ )
+ .T
+ )),
+ fig,
+ value_label="Proportion of Aligned Reads (log10)",
+ row=2,
+ col=3,
+ coloraxis="coloraxis3",
+ showscale=True,
+ colorbar_x=sum(column_widths[:2]) + (horizontal_spacing / 2),
+ colorbar_xanchor="left",
+ colorbar_orientation="h",
+ colorbar_y=0.85,
+ colorbar_len=column_widths[2] - (horizontal_spacing * 1.5),
+ colorbar_title_side="top",
+ colorbar_title_text="Gene Bin Abundance
Proportion of Aligned Reads (log10)",
+ colorbar_xpad=0,
+ )
+ # Metadata data on the bins heatmap
+ self.heatmap(
+ self.adata.obs.reindex(
+ index=sample_order,
+ columns=[meta_cname]
+ ).T,
+ fig,
+ value_label=meta_cname,
+ col=3,
+ row=1,
+ colorscale=["blue", "orange"],
+ coloraxis="coloraxis",
+ showscale=False
+ )
+ # Bars showing the -log10(qvalue) for each gene bin
+ self.bar(
+ (
+ self
+ .adata
+ .var
+ ["neg_log10_qvalue"]
+ ),
+ "FDR-adjusted
p-value (-log10)",
+ fig,
+ orient="h",
+ col=4,
+ row=2
+ )
+ # Boxplot comparing gene bin abundances by sample group
+ self.box(
+ self.adata.to_df().reindex(index=sample_order),
+ self.adata.obs[meta_cname].reindex(index=sample_order),
+ meta_cname,
+ "Gene Bin Abundance",
+ fig,
+ col=5,
+ row=2,
+ log=True,
+ orient="h"
+ )
+ logger.info(fig.layout)
+ title_text = f"Association with {meta_cname}"
+ fig.update_layout(
+ title_text=title_text,
+ title_xanchor="center",
+ title_x=0.5,
+ plot_bgcolor='rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0)',
+ paper_bgcolor='rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0)',
+ legend=dict(
+ yanchor="top",
+ xanchor="left",
+ x=1.0,
+ y=0.3
+ ),
+ **{
+ f"xaxis{i + cols}": dict(showticklabels=True)
+ for i in [1, 2, 4, 5]
+ },
+ **{
+ f"yaxis{2 + (cols * i)}": dict(showticklabels=True)
+ for i in [1, 2, 4, 5, 6]
+ }
+ )
+ fig.write_html(f"{output_fp}.html")
+ for ext in ['png', 'pdf']:
+ fig.write_image(
+ f"{output_fp}.{ext}",
+ width=2880,
+ height=1800
+ )
+ @staticmethod
+ def heatmap(
+ df: pd.DataFrame,
+ fig,
+ value_label: str,
+ row=None,
+ col=None,
+ coloraxis="coloraxis",
+ colorscale=px.colors.sequential.Blues,
+ showlegend=False,
+ showscale=False,
+ **kwargs
+ ):
+ assert df.dropna().shape[0] == df.shape[0], df
+ if "colorbar_title_text" not in kwargs:
+ kwargs["colorbar_title_text"] = value_label
+ fig.layout[coloraxis] = dict(
+ colorscale=colorscale,
+ showscale=showscale,
+ **{
+ kw: val
+ for kw, val in kwargs.items()
+ if kw.startswith("colorbar_")
+ }
+ )
+ fig.add_trace(
+ go.Heatmap(
+ z=df.values,
+ x=df.columns.values,
+ y=df.index.values,
+ hovertext=df.applymap(
+ lambda v: f"{value_label}: {v}"
+ ),
+ coloraxis=coloraxis,
+ showlegend=showlegend,
+ showscale=showscale
+ ),
+ row=row,
+ col=col
+ )
+ def bar(self, vals: pd.Series, label: str, fig, row, col, orient="v", log=False):
+ assert orient in ["v", "h"]
+ kwargs = (
+ dict(
+ y=vals.values,
+ x=vals.index.values
+ )
+ if orient == "v" else
+ dict(
+ x=vals.values,
+ y=vals.index.values,
+ orientation='h'
+ )
+ )
+ fig.add_trace(
+ go.Bar(
+ showlegend=False,
+ hovertext=vals.apply(
+ lambda v: f"{label}: {v}"
+ ),
+ marker=dict(color="blue"),
+ **kwargs
+ ),
+ row=row,
+ col=col
+ )
+ self.label_axis(fig, row, col, orient, label)
+ if log:
+ self.logscale_axis(fig, row, col, orient)
+ def label_axis(self, fig, row, col, orient, title):
+ self.update_axis(
+ fig, row, col, orient, title=title
+ )
+ def logscale_axis(self, fig, row, col, orient):
+ self.update_axis(
+ fig, row, col, orient, type="log"
+ )
+ @staticmethod
+ def update_axis(fig, row, col, orient, **kwargs):
+ if orient == "v":
+ fig.for_each_yaxis(
+ lambda axis: axis.update(**kwargs),
+ row=row,
+ col=col
+ )
+ else:
+ fig.for_each_xaxis(
+ lambda axis: axis.update(**kwargs),
+ row=row,
+ col=col
+ )
+ def box(
+ self,
+ df: pd.DataFrame,
+ huevals: pd.Series,
+ huelabel: str,
+ label: str,
+ fig,
+ row,
+ col,
+ orient="v",
+ log=False,
+ **box_kwargs
+ ):
+ assert orient in ["v", "h"]
+ colors = ["blue", "orange", "red", "green", "black"]
+ for ix, (hueval, hue_df) in enumerate(df.groupby(huevals)):
+ trace_df = (
+ hue_df
+ .reset_index()
+ .melt(
+ id_vars=[(
+ "index"
+ if hue_df.index.name is None
+ else hue_df.index.name
+ )],
+ var_name="variable"
+ )
+ )
+ kwargs = (
+ dict(
+ y=trace_df["value"],
+ x=trace_df["variable"]
+ )
+ if orient == "v" else
+ dict(
+ orientation="h",
+ x=trace_df["value"],
+ y=trace_df["variable"]
+ )
+ )
+ fig.add_trace(
+ go.Box(
+ name=f"{huelabel}: {hueval}",
+ legendgroup=f"{huelabel}: {hueval}",
+ marker=dict(color=colors[ix % len(colors)]),
+ **kwargs,
+ **box_kwargs
+ ),
+ row=row,
+ col=col
+ )
+ label = label.replace(" ", "
+ self.label_axis(fig, row, col, orient, label)
+ if log:
+ self.logscale_axis(fig, row, col, orient)
+def plot_metagenomes(
+ param,
+ stats,
+ h5ad,
+ output_folder
+ mdata = Metagenome(stats, h5ad)
+ mdata.plot(param, output_folder)
+@click.option('--param', type=str)
+@click.option('--stats', type=click.Path(exists=True))
+@click.option('--h5ad', type=click.Path(exists=True))
+@click.option('--output_folder', type=click.Path())
+def main(
+ param,
+ stats,
+ h5ad,
+ output_folder
+ logger.info(f"param: {param}")
+ logger.info(f"stats: {stats}")
+ logger.info(f"counts: {h5ad}")
+ logger.info(f"output_folder: {output_folder}")
+ plot_metagenomes(
+ param,
+ stats,
+ h5ad,
+ output_folder
+ )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/bin_metagenomes.nf b/bin_metagenomes.nf
index 209444e..ed19b91 100644
--- a/bin_metagenomes.nf
+++ b/bin_metagenomes.nf
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ GroovyShell shell = new GroovyShell()
def helpers = shell.parse(new File("${workflow.projectDir}/helpers.gvy"))
// Import sub-workflows
-include { bin_metagenomes } from './modules/processes/bin_metagenomes'
+include { bin_metagenomes } from './modules/bin_metagenomes'
// Standalone entrypoint
workflow {
diff --git a/modules/bin_metagenomes.nf b/modules/bin_metagenomes.nf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0eefab4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/bin_metagenomes.nf
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+include {
+ collect;
+ split;
+ plot
+} from "./processes/bin_metagenomes"
+include { corncob } from "./test_reads"
+workflow bin_metagenomes {
+ take:
+ read_alignments
+ gene_bins
+ genome_groups
+ group_profile
+ metadata
+ main:
+ collect(
+ read_alignments,
+ gene_bins,
+ genome_groups,
+ group_profile,
+ metadata
+ )
+ corncob(
+ collect.out.metadata,
+ collect.out.bin_counts
+ )
+ split(
+ corncob.out
+ )
+ plot(
+ split
+ .out
+ .flatten()
+ .map {
+ it -> [it.name.replaceAll(".results.csv", ""), it]
+ }
+ .combine(collect.out.bins_h5ad)
+ )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/processes/align_reads.nf b/modules/processes/align_reads.nf
index bbe804b..644a850 100644
--- a/modules/processes/align_reads.nf
+++ b/modules/processes/align_reads.nf
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ process diamond {
process diamond_logs {
container "${params.container__pandas}"
label 'io_limited'
- publishDir "${params.output}", mode: 'copy', overwrite: true
+ publishDir "${params.output}/logs/", mode: 'copy', overwrite: true
path "*"
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ process famli {
process famli_logs {
container "${params.container__pandas}"
label 'io_limited'
- publishDir "${params.output}", mode: "copy", overwrite: true
+ publishDir "${params.output}/logs/", mode: "copy", overwrite: true
path "*"
diff --git a/modules/processes/bin_metagenomes.nf b/modules/processes/bin_metagenomes.nf
index 14aeff1..977db8a 100644
--- a/modules/processes/bin_metagenomes.nf
+++ b/modules/processes/bin_metagenomes.nf
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-process bin_metagenomes {
+process collect {
container "${params.container__pandas}"
label 'io_limited'
publishDir "${params.output}", mode: 'copy', overwrite: true
@@ -11,21 +11,76 @@ process bin_metagenomes {
path metadata
- path "*"
+ path "*", emit: all
+ path "csv/metagenome.obs.csv.gz", emit: metadata
+ path "csv/metagenome.bins.X.csv.gz", emit: bin_counts
+ path "h5ad/metagenome.bins.h5ad", emit: bins_h5ad
+ path "h5ad/metagenome.genes.h5ad", emit: genes_h5ad
+ path "h5ad/metagenome.genomes.h5ad", emit: genomes_h5ad
set -e
-bin_metagenomes.py \
+collect_metagenomes.py \
--read_alignments "${read_alignments}" \
--gene_bins "${gene_bins}" \
--genome_groups "${genome_groups}" \
--group_profile "${group_profile}" \
--metadata "${metadata}" \
- --category ${params.category} \
--min_n_reads ${params.min_n_reads} \
--min_n_genes ${params.min_n_genes} \
--output_folder ./
+// Split up the corncob results as inputs for plotting
+process split {
+ container "${params.container__pandas}"
+ label 'io_limited'
+ input:
+ path "corncob.results.csv"
+ output:
+ path "*.results.csv"
+ """#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import pandas as pd
+df = pd.read_csv("corncob.results.csv")
+for param, param_df in df.groupby("parameter"):
+ if not param.startswith("mu.") or param.endswith("(Intercept)"):
+ continue
+ param = param[3:]
+ (
+ param_df
+ .set_index("feature")
+ .drop(columns=["parameter"])
+ .to_csv(f"{param}.results.csv")
+ )
+ """
+process plot {
+ container "${params.container__pandas}"
+ label 'io_limited'
+ publishDir "${params.output}/association/${param}/", mode: 'copy', overwrite: true
+ input:
+ tuple val(param), path(stats), path(h5ad)
+ output:
+ path "*"
+ """#!/bin/bash
+set -e
+plot_metagenomes.py \
+ --param "${param}" \
+ --stats "${stats}" \
+ --h5ad "${h5ad}" \
+ --output_folder ./
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/test_reads.nf b/modules/test_reads.nf
index 02f3672..f605c6f 100644
--- a/modules/test_reads.nf
+++ b/modules/test_reads.nf
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ process shard_genes {
// Test for differences between samples
process corncob {
container "${params.container__corncob}"
- label "mem_medium"
+ label "io_limited"
file metadata_csv
diff --git a/nextflow.config b/nextflow.config
index 93c5575..53f337c 100644
--- a/nextflow.config
+++ b/nextflow.config
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ params {
container__raxml = "quay.io/biocontainers/raxml-ng:1.0.3--h32fcf60_0"
container__gigmap = "quay.io/hdc-workflows/gig-map:c08eac9"
container__mash = "staphb/mashtree:0.52.0"
- container__corncob = "quay.io/fhcrc-microbiome/corncob"
+ container__corncob = "quay.io/fhcrc-microbiome/corncob:84c8354"
container__datasets = "biocontainers/ncbi-datasets-cli:15.12.0_cv23.1.0-4"
diff --git a/templates/corncob.Rscript b/templates/corncob.Rscript
index 179dbeb..dab1734 100644
--- a/templates/corncob.Rscript
+++ b/templates/corncob.Rscript
@@ -14,76 +14,60 @@ Sys.setenv("VROOM_CONNECTION_SIZE" = format(connectionSize, scientific=F))
numCores = ${task.cpus}
-## READCOUNTS CSV should have columns `specimen` (first col) and `total` (last column).
-## METADATA CSV should have columns `specimen` (which matches up with `specimen` from
+## READCOUNTS CSV should have sample IDs in the first col
+## METADATA CSV should have a column `specimen` (which matches up with the first column from
## the recounts file), and additional columns with covariates matching `formula`
## corncob analysis (coefficients and p-values) are written to OUTPUT CSV on completion
print("Reading in ${metadata_csv}")
-metadata <- vroom::vroom("${metadata_csv}", delim=",")
+metadata <- read.csv("${metadata_csv}", sep=",")
+metadata <- tibble::column_to_rownames(metadata, names(metadata)[1])
print("Reading in ${readcounts_csv_gz}")
-counts <- vroom::vroom("${readcounts_csv_gz}", delim=",")
-total_counts <- counts[,c("specimen", "total")]
+counts <- read.csv("${readcounts_csv_gz}", sep=",")
+counts <- tibble::column_to_rownames(counts, "specimen")
-print("Adding total counts to manifest")
+#### Run the differentialAbundance analysis
+da <- differentialTest(
+ data = counts,
+ formula = ~ ${params.formula},
+ phi.formula = ~ 1,
+ formula_null = ~ 1,
+ phi.formula_null = ~ 1,
+ sample_data = metadata,
+ taxa_are_rows = FALSE,
+ test = "Wald",
+ full_output = TRUE
-print("Merging total counts with metadata")
-total_and_meta <- metadata %>%
- left_join(total_counts, by = c("specimen" = "specimen"))
-#### Run the analysis for every individual gene (in this shard)
-print(sprintf("Starting to process %s columns", length(c(2:(dim(counts)[2] - 1)))))
-corn_tib <- do.call(rbind, mclapply(
- c(2:(dim(counts)[2] - 1)),
- function(i){
- try_bbdml <- try(
- counts[,c(1, i)] %>%
- rename(W = 2) %>%
- right_join(
- total_and_meta,
- by = c("specimen" = "specimen")
- ) %>%
- corncob::bbdml(
- formula = cbind(W, total - W) ~ ${params.formula},
- phi.formula = ~ 1,
- data = .
- )
- )
- if (class(try_bbdml) == "bbdml") {
- return(
- summary(
- try_bbdml
- )\$coef %>%
- as_tibble %>%
- mutate("parameter" = summary(try_bbdml)\$coef %>% row.names) %>%
- rename(
- "estimate" = Estimate,
- "std_error" = `Std. Error`,
- "p_value" = `Pr(>|t|)`
- ) %>%
- select(-`t value`) %>%
- gather(key = type, ...=estimate:p_value) %>%
- mutate("gene_id" = names(counts)[i])
+# Rename the outputs as a table
+output <- do.call(
+ rbind,
+ lapply(
+ seq_along(da\$all_models),
+ function(i){
+ coef <- da\$all_models[[i]]\$coef
+ return(
+ coef
+ %>% as_tibble
+ %>% mutate(
+ "parameter" = coef %>% row.names,
+ "feature" = colnames(counts)[i]
+ )
+ %>% rename(
+ "estimate" = Estimate,
+ "std_error" = `Std. Error`,
+ "p_value" = `Pr(>|t|)`
+ )
+ %>% select(-`t value`)
+ )
+ }
- } else {
- return(
- tibble(
- "parameter" = "all",
- "type" = "failed",
- "value" = NA,
- "gene_id" = names(counts)[i]
- )
- )
- }
- },
- mc.cores = numCores
- ))
+ )
-print(sprintf("Writing out %s rows to corncob.results.csv", nrow(corn_tib)))
-write_csv(corn_tib, "corncob.results.csv")
+print(sprintf("Writing out %s rows to corncob.results.csv", nrow(output)))
+write_csv(output, "corncob.results.csv")