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2022-09-18 05:26:57 UTC

Notifiers > Telegram

Telegram is a part of the notifier plugin system. {.is-success}

Send a message to one or more Telegram users or groups upon accepting a download.


Install python-telegram-bot python package

pip install python-telegram-bot


  • Create a bot & obtain a token for it (see
  • For direct messages (not to a group), start a conversation with the bot and click START in the Telegram app.
  • For group messages, add the bot to the desired group and send a start message to the bot: /start (mind the leading /).


Option Type Description Default
bot_token text Required. Bot token. N/A
parse_mode text Message parsing. Can be html, markdown or markdown_legacy. None
disable_previews boolean Disable web page previews in messages. False
recipients array At least one is required. List of recipients type. Can be chat_id(recommended), username, group or fullname. See config example for details. Note: Values here are case-sensitive. N/A
socks_proxy text socks5://user:pass@host:port If no authentication is required, user:pass should be omitted, and you can omit the @ at your discretion. None
images array Image paths, the specified images will be sent to Telegram. None

In case of message error when using parse_mode, the parsing will fall back to basic. This can be caused due to unclosed tags (watch out for wandering underscore when using markdown)

chat_id can be obtained by asking @raw_data_bot. The chat_id approach is the most recommended, because with this approach, you don't have to send a message to the bot to get the chat ID before the program runs. In addition, it is the most stable. Even if you change your name, the program will still work properly. chat_id can be a user's or a group's (including private groups). If the chat is a group, the chat id is negative. If it is a person, then positive. Methods other than chat_id require sending a message just before the first run of the plugin (if you delete db-config.sqlite you will have to do this again). Note that Telegram does not allow robots to initiate conversations. With chat_id approach, you still need to have sent a message to the robot before (even if you delete "db-config.sqlite", you do not need to send a message again). Not all Telegram users have a username. In such cases you would have to use the fullname approach. Otherwise, it is much easier to use the username configuration.

Configuration examples

Examples show a specifc scenario usage of the notify plugin. See its wiki for a more detailed usage exaplantion. {.is-warning}

      message: Notification body.
        - telegram:
            bot_token: 5247092814:AAHmk7qdOMXEtZtGrnrzNxcoOazKNM51Atg
            parse_mode: markdown
            disable_previews: no
              - chat_id: 1694213419
              - username: my-user-name
              - group: my-group-name
              - fullname:
                  first: my-first-name
                  sur: my-sur-name
            socks_proxy: socks5://username:[email protected]:7897
              - 'image.png'
              - 'C:\Users\user\Pictures\image.jpg'

Example using Jinja2 template and markdown

        message: |+
          {%if task in ["retreive_from_couchpotato","dynamic_imdb_actors"]%}*New movie added to queue*
          {%else%}*Download Started from task:
          *{{task|replace("_", "-")}}
          {% if series_name is defined -%}
          *{{series_name}}* - {{series_id}} - {{quality|d('')}}
          [Image]({{tvmaze_series_original_image|replace("_", "%5F")}})
          [Show page]({{tvmaze_series_url|replace("_", "%5F")}})
          {% elif imdb_name is defined -%}
          *{{imdb_name}}* - ({{imdb_year}})
          {{imdb_score}}/10 - {{imdb_votes}} votes
          {{imdb_genres|join(', ')|title}} 
          *Plot:* {{imdb_plot_outline}}
          [Image]({{tmdb_posters[0]|replace("_", "%5F")}})
          [Movie Page]({{imdb_url|d('')}})
          {% else -%}
          {%- endif -%}
          - telegram:
              bot_token: '{? credentials.telegram.bot_token ?}'
              parse_mode: markdown_legacy
                - chat_id: '{? credentials.telegram.chat_id ?}'