Augmented reality (AR), often used for creating games and apps that blend the real and digital world, also offers significant advantages for the teaching and learning process. It allows students to interact with concepts in a way that would not be possible just through books, contributing to better academic results and increasing student engagement in the classroom. Therefore, the use of AR in aerospace training becomes essential to offer a more interactive and immersive learning experience. With this in mind, this work sought to develop an AR app for the iOS and iPadOS operating systems, with the goal of assisting the practice of future professionals in assembling and maintaining the NanosatC-BR1 in the aerospace industry. The development of the app is directed towards Apple devices such as iPhones and iPads due to more robust support for technologies such as advanced cameras, LiDAR, and other sensors important for AR, while hardware specifications vary widely among different manufacturers in the case of Android devices. To this end, the Xcode IDE was used and, from it, the Swift programming language was used. The development of the app involved 5 steps: definition of the concept and objectives, choosing a development tool that will provide anchoring methods; creation or acquisition of content; animation; development of user interaction; and implementation of the app. As a result, it was possible to realize that AR, combined with teaching and learning, is an exceptional tool, especially in the aerospace industry.