- use vectorized computation to identify structural components of a csv file.
- use the result to run frequency counts, and function search
- use vectorized computation to perform the function search
Overview of the components
- Chunking the data for multi-thread analysis
- Within each thread, vectorized analysis for multiple simultaneous computations
Structural vs non-structural keys
- quote
- comma
- newline
Possible states when parsing (FYI, not applicable)
- Record start (R)
- Field start (F)
- Unquoted field (U)
- Quoted field (Q)
- Quoted end (E)
Snippets [rust simd-json] (https://github.com/simd-lite/simd-json) [c++ simdjson] (https://github.com/simdjson/simdjson) [pikkr based on Mison] (https://github.com/pikkr/pikkr) [auto vec demo] (https://github.com/nickwilcox/autovec_demo/blob/master/src/lib.rs) [lemir simdcsv in C] (https://github.com/geofflangdale/simdcsv) [lemic blog code] (https://github.com/lemire/Code-used-on-Daniel-Lemire-s-blog) [sparser: filter] (https://github.com/stanford-futuredata/sparser/tree/sparser-opensource/sparser)
Parsing tools
- 16-byte lookup table
- Identify varying sets of characters using the same two vpshufb instructions
Number of sets align with number of bit indexes (8)
to differentiate values in the domain, we have to use an injective function -> the bitmap is a simplification of all possible values -> design: simplify the encoding wilst avoiding collisions
code point 0x2c = comma -> 000001 0x3a = collon -> 000010 0x5b, 0x5d, 0x7b, 0x7d = brackets -> 000100 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0d = whitespace -> 001000 0x20 = space -> 010000 others = others -> 100000
0x5c = \ -> 100000
Bitmap for CSV
structural code points
0x0d 0x0a = end line -> 000001
0x2c = comma -> 000010
pseudo-structural code points
0x20 = space -> 000100
0x22 = escape -> 001000
0x5c = quote -> 010000
- process blocks of 64 input bytes -> 64-bit bitset
Computation bitsets -> indexes
count trailing zeroes
- tzcnt instruction
clear the lowest set bit: s = s & (s - 1) (blsr instruction)
- avoid branch: extract 8 indexes then, ignore excessively extracted by overwriting them (don't advance the buffer index)
ASCII test: most significant bit of all bytes = 0
series of SIMD instructions to validate UTF8
- vpshufb to map bytes to 0, 2, 3 and 4; ASCII to 1.
Tracking error
- 32-byte vector with zeroes
- compute bitwise OR of the result of each check
- once, at the end of the process if value is 0
Recipe Part 1 Identify 10 different values -> structural chars or whitespace ':', '', '"', '{', '}', plus 4 whitespace (space, tab, new line)
identify escaped quotes; locate quote and backslash positions
use bitwise ANDNOT to eliminate the escaped quote characters
identify between quotes to identify structure
- bit pattern 1 for odd-number of unescaped quotes
0b100010000 for quote locations
0b011110000 for locations between quotes
- prefix sum of the XOR: bit-value i = cumulative XOR bit-value including i for (i=0, i<64; i++) { mask = mask xor (mask << 1) } pclmulqdq instruction carry-less multiplication with 64-bit word with all 1
- bit pattern 1 for odd-number of unescaped quotes
0b100010000 for quote locations
0b011110000 for locations between quotes
vpshufb as a vectorized lookup: it uses the least significant 4 bits of each byte as an index into a 16-byte table.
- domain = 16 byte, codomain = 1 byte So, one lookup followed by a 4-bit right shift and a second lookup of a different table we can classify: structural characters and white-space characters.
- low-value nibble of each byte -> 4 bit
- high-value nibble of each byte -> 4 bit
- bitwise AND -> single value
The vpshufb instruction
uses the least significant 4 bits of each byte as an index into a 16 byte table. -> byte value from the 16 byte table (the 16 byte table yields 1 byte using one of 16 values encoded in the 4-bit low value nibble)
then 4-bit right shift then a second lookup of a different table
again, how identify sets of characters low high nibble e.g., 0x9 1001 9 0 0xa 1010 a 0 0xd 1101 d 0
set low high
e.g., 0x5b 0101 1011 b 5 0x5d 0101 1101 d 5 0x7b 0111 1011 b 7 0x7d 0111 1101 d 7
set low high
e.g., 0x21 0010 0001 1 2 0x33 0011 0011 3 3
Bitmaps for CSV
first table
[0,1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a,b, c,d,e,f] << low nibble value of char (byte)
[4,0,16,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,10,1,0,0] << encode
... shift 4 right
first table
[0,1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a,b,c,d,e,f] << high nibble value of char (byte)
[1,0,22,0,0,8,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] << encode
Index extraction
Review, process blocks of
64 input bytes -> 64-bit bitset corresponding to structure/pseudo
Method: Count trailing zeroes using 👉 tzcnt instruction + clear lowest set bit: s = s & (s - 1) (blsr)