Let's read citiesNA.csv file
> data <- read.csv("citiesNA.csv")
> data
cities countries areakm2 populationk
1 Shanghai China 2643 21766
2 Beijing China 1368 21500
3 NYC USA Unknown 8406
4 LA USA 1302 3884
5 London UK 1737 Unknown
6 Manchester UK 116 255
> class(data)
[1] "data.frame"
In this case we have some character data in the areakm2 and populationk that we want to consider as NA. Below is the function to order the data frame by column, that considers only complete rows with no NA values. This means that we will exclude NYC and London form our data frame.
## Subsetting data by column, we get a factor:
## > class(data[,2])
## [1] "factor"
## One way to extract a vector from the factor is by subsetting it by its levels.
## levels(data[,2]) returns a vector of the levels:
## [1] "China" "UK" "USA"
## levels(data[,2])[data[,2]] returns a vector with the content of [data[,2]]
## [1] "China" "China" "USA" "USA" "UK" "UK"
## data[,2] would return a factor, that for our purposes is harder to handle
## [1] China China USA USA UK UK
## Levels: China UK USA
## SuppressWarnings() stops the warning alerts from R. When we coerce a mixed list of numeric and character
## into a numeric vector, text becomes automatically NA, but it's a forced coercion and R sends a warning.
## This is the case of our column 3 and 4, where "Unknown" becomes NA.
## complete.cases() returns the indexes of the rows that don't have any NA. By subsetting the matrix by these
## indexes we get a data frame with only complete cases.
sort_by_column_NA <- function(data,column){
for (i in 3:4){
data[,i] <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(levels(data[,i])[data[,i]]))
orderdata <- data[order(data[,column]),]
orderdata <- orderdata[complete.cases(orderdata),]
> sort_by_column_NA(data,3)
cities countries areakm2 populationk
6 Manchester UK 116 255
4 LA USA 1302 3884
2 Beijing China 1368 21500
1 Shanghai China 2643 21766
> sort_by_column_NA(data,1)
cities countries areakm2 populationk
2 Beijing China 1368 21500
4 LA USA 1302 3884
6 Manchester UK 116 255
1 Shanghai China 2643 21766