Why not use on-chain order books? What problem does AMM solve?
Gas - AMMs execute trade with lower gas cost than order books
Liquidity - Better liquidity than on-chain order books
Liquidity - ease with which an asset can be converted into cash
without affecting its market price (Investopedia.com)
- Buyer
- Deposit money
- Bid - submit buy order
- Update order
- Cancel order
- Seller
- Deposit token
- Ask - submit sell order
- Update order
- Cancel order
- Order book
- Sort orders by price
- Match and execute orders
- Expensive gas cost 🔥
- Low liquidity 💧
- Low trading volume 🔈
- Liquidity provider
- Deposit tokens
- Trader
- Swap tokens with the AMM
- Execute trades
- Algorithmically calculate the exchange rates
- Give swap fees to liquidity providers
- Gas efficient ✅
- High liquidity 💧💧💧
- High trading volume 🔊
- Liquidity providers usually operate at a loss 💸