board =
给定 word = "ABCCED", 返回 true
给定 word = "SEE", 返回 true
给定 word = "ABCB", 返回 false
- board 和 word 中只包含大写和小写英文字母。
- 1 <= board.length <= 200
- 1 <= board[i].length <= 200
- 1 <= word.length <= 10^3
- 本题同样可以套回溯法模板。只是外层多套了一层循环
- 遍历,以board中每个元素为起点,DFS回溯看是否满足条件
- 在DFS内部可套模板
- 时间复杂度:$O()$
- 空间复杂度:$O()$
class Solution:
def exist(self, board: List[List[str]], word: str) -> bool:
self.direction = [[1, 0], [0, 1], [-1, 0], [0, -1]]
self.rows = len(board)
if self.rows == 0:
return False
self.cols = len(board[0])
self.isVisit = [[False for j in range(self.cols)] for i in range(self.rows)]
for row in range(self.rows):
for col in range(self.cols):
if self.backtrack(row, col, 0, board, word):
return True
return False
def backtrack(self, row, col, index, board, word):
if index == len(word) - 1:
return board[row][col] == word[index]
self.isVisit[row][col] = True
if board[row][col] == word[index]:
for next_step in self.direction:
next_row, next_col = row+next_step[0], col+next_step[1]
if next_row >= 0 and next_row < self.rows \
and next_col >= 0 and next_col < self.cols \
and not self.isVisit[next_row][next_col] \
and self.backtrack(next_row, next_col, index+1, board, word):
return True
self.isVisit[row][col] = False
return False