diff --git a/.all-contributorsrc b/.all-contributorsrc
index 4342ac5d..c595884a 100644
--- a/.all-contributorsrc
+++ b/.all-contributorsrc
@@ -328,6 +328,16 @@
+ },
+ {
+ "login": "NormalVad",
+ "name": "NormalVad",
+ "avatar_url": "https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/73097046?v=4",
+ "profile": "https://github.com/NormalVad",
+ "contributions": [
+ "doc",
+ "code"
+ ]
"commitConvention": "none"
index 39699d08..5c51040f 100644
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](https://github.com/kentcdodds
wboccard 📖 💻 |
d-l-mcbride 📖 💻 |
+ NormalVad 📖 💻 |
diff --git a/day14/Python/Product.py b/day14/Python/Product.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..18f90e47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/day14/Python/Product.py
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+@author: NormalVad
+@date: 25/10/2020
+def product(a,b):
+ if(a==0 or b==0):
+ return 0
+ elif(b == 1):
+ return a
+ elif(a<0 and b<0):
+ a = a*(-1)
+ b = b*(-1)
+ return a + product(a,b-1)
+ elif(a>0 and b>0):
+ return a+product(a,b-1)
+ elif(a<0 and b>0):
+ a = a*(-1)
+ x = a+product(a,b-1)
+ return x*(-1)
+ else:
+ b = b*(-1)
+ x = a+product(a,b-1)
+ return x*(-1)
+print("Enter two numbers to be multiplied seperated by a space")
+(a,b) = list(map(int, input().split()))
diff --git a/day14/README.md b/day14/README.md
index af3bc76d..c93c14eb 100644
--- a/day14/README.md
+++ b/day14/README.md
@@ -495,3 +495,35 @@ void main(){
+### Python Implementation
+#### [Solution](./python/Product.py)
+def product(a,b):
+ if(a==0 or b==0):
+ return 0
+ elif(b == 1):
+ return a
+ elif(a<0 and b<0):
+ a = a*(-1)
+ b = b*(-1)
+ return a + product(a,b-1)
+ elif(a>0 and b>0):
+ return a+product(a,b-1)
+ elif(a<0 and b>0):
+ a = a*(-1)
+ x = a+product(a,b-1)
+ return x*(-1)
+ else:
+ b = b*(-1)
+ x = a+product(a,b-1)
+ return x*(-1)
+print("Enter two numbers to be multiplied seperated by a space")
+(a,b) = list(map(int, input().split()))
diff --git a/day28/Python/LinearSearch.py b/day28/Python/LinearSearch.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bd2de62d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/day28/Python/LinearSearch.py
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+def LinearSearch(a,n):
+ l = len(a)
+ found = False
+ i = 0
+ while(i