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Easily handle development and deployment of sites that needs to run CgScripts on a Catglobe site

This helper library makes it trivial to run and maintain 3 seperate branches of a site:

  • Development
  • Staging
  • Production


npm install catglobe.cgscript.runtime
npm install catglobe.cgscript.deployment

Runtime setup

Runtime requires the user to log in to the Catglobe site, and then the server will call the CgScript with the user's credentials.

Catglobe setup

Adjust the following cgscript with the parentResourceId, clientId, clientSecret and name of the client and the requested scopes for your purpose and execute it on your Catglobe site.

string clientSecret = User_generateRandomPassword(64);
OidcAuthenticationFlow client = OidcAuthenticationFlow_createOrUpdate("some id, a guid works, but any string is acceptable");
client.OwnerResourceId = 42; // for this library to work, this MUST be a folder
client.CanKeepSecret = true; // demo is a server app, so we can keep secrets
client.AskUserForConsent = false;
client.Layout = "";
client.RedirectUris = {"", "https://localhost:7176/signin-oidc"};
client.PostLogoutRedirectUris = {"", "https://localhost:7176/signout-callback-oidc"};
client.Scopes = {"email", "profile", "roles", "openid", "offline_access"};
client.OptionalScopes = {};
client.DisplayNames = new LocalizedString({"da-DK": "Min Demo App", "en-US": "My Demo App"}, "en-US");


Remember to set it up TWICE using 2 different parentResourceId, clientId! Once for the production site (where URIs point to production site) and once for the staging and development (where URIs point to both staging and dev). setup

Add the following to the appsettings.json with the scopes you made above and your Catglobe site url.

"CatglobeOidc": {
  "Authority": "",
  "ClientId": "Production id",
  "ResponseType": "code",
  "Scope": [ "email", "offline_access", "roles", "and others from above, except profile and openid " ],
  "SaveTokens": true
"CatglobeApi": {
  "FolderResourceId": deploymentFolderId,
  "Site": ""

and in appsettings.Staging.json:

"CatglobeOidc": {
  "ClientId": "stagingAndDevelopment id",
"CatglobeApi": {
  "FolderResourceId": stagingAndDevelopmentFolderId,

and in appsettings.Development.json:

"CatglobeOidc": {
  "ClientId": "stagingAndDevelopment id",
"CatglobeApi": {
  "FolderResourceId": stagingAndDevelopmentFolderId,

You do NOT want to commit the ClientSecret to your source repository, so you should add it to your user secrets or environment variables.

For example you can execute the following in the project folder to add the secrets to the user secrets for development mode:

dotnet user-secrets set "CatglobeOidc:ClientSecret" "the client secret"

and in production/staging, you can set the secrets as environment variables.

env DOTNET_CatglobeOidc__ClientSecret "the client secret"

In your start procedure, add the following:

const string SCHEMENAME = "CatglobeOidc"; //must match the section name in appsettings.json

// Add services to the container.
var services = builder.Services;
        .AddOpenIdConnect(SCHEMENAME, oidcOptions => {
            oidcOptions.SignInScheme = CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
            oidcOptions.TokenValidationParameters.NameClaimType = "name";
services.AddCgScript(builder.Configuration.GetSection("CatglobeApi"), builder.Environment.IsDevelopment());

Optionally, setup refresh-token refreshing as part of the cookie handling:

services.AddOptions<CookieAuthenticationOptions>(CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme).Configure<CookieOidcRefresher>((cookieOptions, refresher) => {
   cookieOptions.Events.OnValidatePrincipal = context => refresher.ValidateOrRefreshCookieAsync(context, SCHEMENAME);

You can find the CookieOidcRefresher here.

Before app.Run, add the following:

  var group = endpoints.MapGroup("/authentication");

  group.MapGet("/login", (string? returnUrl) => TypedResults.Challenge(GetAuthProperties(returnUrl)))

  // Sign out of the Cookie and OIDC handlers. If you do not sign out with the OIDC handler,
  // the user will automatically be signed back in the next time they visit a page that requires authentication
  // without being able to choose another account.
  group.MapPost("/logout", ([FromForm] string? returnUrl) => TypedResults.SignOut(GetAuthProperties(returnUrl), [CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme, SCHEMENAME]));

  static AuthenticationProperties GetAuthProperties(string? returnUrl)
     // TODO: Use HttpContext.Request.PathBase instead.
     const string pathBase = "/";

     // Prevent open redirects.
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(returnUrl))
        returnUrl = pathBase;
     else if (!Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(returnUrl, UriKind.Relative))
        returnUrl = new Uri(returnUrl, UriKind.Absolute).PathAndQuery;
     else if (returnUrl[0] != '/')
        returnUrl = $"{pathBase}{returnUrl}";

     return new AuthenticationProperties { RedirectUri = returnUrl };


Deployment requires the a server side app to log in to the Catglobe site, and then the app will sync the scripts with the Catglobe site.

This app does NOT need to be a app, it can be a console app. e.g. if you have a db migration pre-deployment app.

Catglobe setup

Adjust the following cgscript with the impersonationResourceId, parentResourceId, clientId, clientSecret and name of the client for your purpose and execute it on your Catglobe site. You should not adjust scope for this.

string clientSecret = User_generateRandomPassword(64);
OidcServer2ServerClient client = OidcServer2ServerClient_createOrUpdate("some id, a guid works, but any string is acceptable");
client.OwnerResourceId = 42; // for this library to work, this MUST be a folder
client.RunAsUserId = User_getCurrentUser().ResourceId;
client.Scopes = {"scriptdeployment:w"};
client.DisplayNames = new LocalizedString({"da-DK": "Min Demo App", "en-US": "My Demo App"}, "en-US");


Remember to set it up TWICE using 2 different parentResourceId and ClientId! Once for the production site and once for the staging site.

App setup

Edit deployment environment in your hosting environment for both your staging and production site (remember to use 2 different sets of setup) to include:

env DOTNET_CatglobeDeployment__ClientSecret "the client secret"
env DOTNET_CatglobeDeployment__ClientId "the client id"
env DOTNET_CatglobeDeployment__FolderResourceId "the parentResourceId"

and edit your appsettings.json for your deployment project to include this:

"CatglobeDeployment": {
  "Authority": "",
  "ScriptFolder": "./CgScript"

You do NOT want to commit the ClientSecret to your source repository, so you should add it to your user secrets or environment variables.

In your start procedure, add the following:


and when suitable for your app, call the following:

if (!app.Environment.IsDevelopment())
   await app.Services.GetRequiredService<IDeployer>().Sync(app.Environment.EnvironmentName, default);

Apps that respondents needs to use

If you have an app that respondents needs to use, you can use the following code to make sure that the user is authenticated via a qas, so they can use the app without additional authentication.

client.CanAuthRespondent = true;
        .AddOpenIdConnect(SCHEMENAME, oidcOptions => {
            oidcOptions.SignInScheme = CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
            oidcOptions.TokenValidationParameters.NameClaimType = "name";

            oidcOptions.Events.OnRedirectToIdentityProvider = context => {
               if (context.Properties.Items.TryGetValue("respondent",        out var resp) &&
                   context.Properties.Items.TryGetValue("respondent_secret", out var secret))
                  context.ProtocolMessage.Parameters["respondent"]        = resp!;
                  context.ProtocolMessage.Parameters["respondent_secret"] = secret!;
               return Task.CompletedTask;
   group.MapGet("/login", (string? returnUrl, [FromQuery(Name="respondent")]string? respondent, [FromQuery(Name="respondent_secret")]string? secret) => {
            var authenticationProperties = GetAuthProperties(returnUrl);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(respondent) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(secret))
               authenticationProperties.Items["respondent"]        = respondent;
               authenticationProperties.Items["respondent_secret"] = secret;
            return TypedResults.Challenge(authenticationProperties);
//in gateway or qas dummy script

gotoUrl("" + User_getCurrentUser().ResourceGuid + "&respondent_secret=" + qas.AccessCode);");

I18n and email

Users language, culture, timezone and email is stored in Catglobe. To use in your app, add the following:

.AddOpenIdConnect(SCHEMENAME, oidcOptions => {
   // to get the locale/culture
   oidcOptions.ClaimActions.MapUniqueJsonKey("locale",  "locale");
   oidcOptions.ClaimActions.MapUniqueJsonKey("culture", "culture");

  // must be true to get the zoneinfo and email claims
  oidcOptions.GetClaimsFromUserInfoEndpoint = true;
  oidcOptions.ClaimActions.MapUniqueJsonKey("zoneinfo", "zoneinfo");

If you use Blazor WASM, you need to also send these claims to the WASM and parse them:

//in SERVER program.cs:
builder.Services.AddAuthenticationStateDeserialization(o=>o.DeserializationCallback = ProcessLanguageAndCultureFromClaims(o.DeserializationCallback));

static Func<AuthenticationStateData?, Task<AuthenticationState>> ProcessLanguageAndCultureFromClaims(Func<AuthenticationStateData?, Task<AuthenticationState>> authenticationStateData) =>
   state => {
      var tsk = authenticationStateData(state);
      if (!tsk.IsCompletedSuccessfully) return tsk;
      var authState = tsk.Result;
      if (authState?.User is not { } user) return tsk;
      var userCulture   = user.FindFirst("culture")?.Value;
      var userUiCulture = user.FindFirst("locale")?.Value ?? userCulture;
      if (userUiCulture == null) return tsk;

      CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentCulture   = new(userCulture ?? userUiCulture);
      CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentUICulture = new(userUiCulture);
      return tsk;

You can adapt something like for timezone

Role based authorization in your app

If you want to use roles in your app, you need to request roles from oidc:

"CatglobeOidc": {
  "Scope": [ ... "roles",  ],

Next, you need to make a script that detect the users roles:

array scopesRequested = Workflow_getParameters()[0]["scopes"]; some magic to figure out the roles...
return {"thisUserIsAdmin"};

You can make this script public.

OidcAuthenticationFlow client = OidcAuthenticationFlow_createOrUpdate("some id, a guid works, but any string is acceptable");
client.AppRolesScriptId = 424242; // the script that returns the roles

and finally in any page, you can add either @attribute [Authorize(Roles = "thisUserIsAdmin")] or <AuthorizeView Roles="thisUserIsAdmin">Only visible to admins<AuthorizeView>.

Why can the script NOT be in the app? Because it needs to run before the app is ever deployed.

NOTICE! We may change the way to setup the script in the future to avoid the bootstrapping issue.

Usage of the library


Development takes place on a developers personal device, which means that the developer can run the site locally and test it before deploying it to the staging server.

At this stage the scripts are NOT synced to the server, but are instead dynamically executed on the server.

The authentication model is therefore that the developer logs into the using his own personal account. This account needs to have the questionnaire script dynamic execution access (plus any access required by the script).

All scripts are executed as the developer account and public scripts are not supported without authentication!

If you have any public scripts, it is highly recommended you configure the entire site for authorization in development mode:

var razor = app.MapRazorComponents<App>()
    ... removed for abbrivity ...;
if (app.Environment.IsDevelopment())

Impersonation during development

If you want to seperate the development and production/staging accounts, you can use the following code to map impersonation to a different user during development:

"CatglobeApi": {
  "ImpersonationMapping": {
    "115": 0

0 means it is mapped to the developer account.

The recommended setup is that the developer has full access to the staging data and that all mapping therefore is set to 0.

In production, the impersonation accounts there can then be set up to have the correct access to users and data.

Staging and Deployment

Setup deployment and sync your scripts to the Catglobe site.


File name mapping to security

It is possible to specify which user a script runs under and if the script needs a user to be logged in.

See the documentation for ScriptFromFileOnDisk for details.

Can I adapt my scripts to do something special in development mode?

Yes, the scripts runs through a limited preprocessor that recognizes #if DEVELOPMENT and #endif directives.

return #if Development "" #endif #IF production "Hello, World!" #ENDIF #if STAGING "Hi there" #endif;

Would return empty string for development, "Hello, World!" for production and "Hi there" for staging.

The preprocessor is case insensitive, supports multiline and supports the standard Environment.EnvironmentName values.

You get a 404 on first deployment?

parentResourceId/FolderResourceId MUST be a folder.

I marked my script as public, but get 401 in development mode?

Since all scripts are dynamically generated during development, it also requires running as an account that has permission to run dynamic scripts.

See the example above on how to force the site to always force you to login after restart of site.

Where do I find the scopes that my site supports?

See supported scopes in your Catglobe site under scopes_supported.

Can I use AOT compilation for my C# with this library?
