Aiding Ukraine: How the United States Can Give Ukrainians the Means to Fight …
How long will the sanctions go? How much aid can we give to Ukraine to help them rebuild after they survive? If russia undergoes a regime change, should the west offer aid to RU so that we can sow the seeds of long term peace and help them recover their economy?
- Guest Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX)
- Guest recently traveled to UA - Mod elliot cohen
- events unfloding havent been seen wince ww2
- largest invasion since.
- 2.5 mm refugees in 2 weeks
- pres xi has overtures of hirihito
- praie in crit for admin
- unified the world
- but also putin kinda did that
- 141 nations against 5 in un coucil vote
- should have had more detterants
- there was a weapons sale package that was held up for months
- did not go through until jsut before the invasion
- there was a weapons sale package that was held up for months
- unified the world
- pres zelin speak at joint session of congress tmrw.
- r/d unification in congress
- MOD framing the event in the right way (watershed event)
- recent trip: difference seeing first vs followign
- curious were there insights and impresssion from seein up close
- REP IT was very chilling. IF b/w video look like 1939
- chilling that men are all required to stay
- familes stripped for maybe that laast itme.
- poland can’t absorb this number
- maybe 10mm by the end of it
- world must stand up the help with the humanitarian crisis
- went to 82nd airborne t osee their operatons.
- gen donnahue briefing.
- should have been done earlier
- frmr nato facility taken out by ru on sunday.
- rep thinks that ru may demolish kiev
- ua people morale is much higher than ru soldier
- Are we doing enough?
- mig transfer was meant to happeen
- it might not have made a diff
- but the morale boost to ua would have been greater than the impact of the jets themselves
- we are behind the curve on providing drones and s300s
- reaching out to coalliton and alies to get more out there
- turkey has stepped up to the plate
- congresspeople have reached out to provde more drones from turkey
- turkey has stepped up to the plate
- reaching out to coalliton and alies to get more out there
- chilling that men are all required to stay
- Is there enough mil aid going to ua other than s300? is it on the right scale and with enough urgency
- witness first hand stinger and javelin
- doing well
- cathc up. prior to invasion, deficit is air defence platforms
- russina cannot occupy this much space with a high eneryg insurgency.
- don’t need troops as much as weapons.
- need to knock planes out of the sky
- witness first hand stinger and javelin
- debate between the rusians have slowed down but htey are still intact and moving slowly
- different view that they are in much worse shape, some areas not just stalemate’d but facing partial front collapse.
- lil bit of both
- there hase been a bit of incompentancy on the part of ru
- putin feels mesled that there has been such a grind and slowdown
- now they are on the way and trying to encurcle kiev
- overestimted ru under ua
- ua cant be able to completely stop ru front.
- very diff
- urban war very difficult
- lots of weapons for a defensive postuer.
- when the do get encircled they will unleash everything htat they have.
- gorilla worfare is the worst.
- rep thinks that city will be leveled.
- final analysin by rep, sustaining this is impossible
- turning t ochina for weapons, he is running out
- asking china speaks volumes about the state of ru
- turning t ochina for weapons, he is running out
- what is the basic judgement, do american ppl understand what is at staek here?
do your constituents?
- I would say a moth ago ppl asked why ua important. hat to be more than freedom and democracy
- it also had an impact on xi, ayotollah, black sea, energy dominance
- go back to afgahan
- putin has lawyas wanted to invade ua
- like xi wants twn
- putin has lawyas wanted to invade ua
- churchill was right that peace through strength is true
- amer ppl have changes the perception. because of social media. turn on tv all you see are atrocities. you can’t look at that and not want to do something about it. there are amer isolationists but REP feels like there are more people who want to do something about it now.
- are there circumstances where faver use of american mil power.
- important to considerwhat the red lines are
- no fly zone has shown that ru air would go straigh against nato air
- article 5 fast
- are we going to sit back?
- putin is using the biolab prop to lay the groundwork for chem weapons
- equeation here is diff from syria
- powers could lead to ww3
- no want
- but must have red line
- powers could lead to ww3
- no fly zone has shown that ru air would go straigh against nato air
- important to considerwhat the red lines are
- you said chem or nuke red line. any other?
- crimes against humanity.
- miscalculation that will triggersomething.
- might accidentally strike poland
- what if there is a accidental strik on the EU PMs
- clearest redline is WMD
- HOw would nato act towards and aricle 5 from an accidental strike in poland?
- one line of thought is that a proportionate response.
- hit source.
- better in ua
- if in ru, tricky
- does not mean that we’re all going to war
- 82nd airbourne on polish border is being hardened with patriots batteries
- hit source.
- one line of thought is that a proportionate response.
- can the conflit spread horizontally? push from BR, push into latvi?
- initially wargamed out wiht just donabss. thought would get away with it .
- REP thougth that he would go for all of it
- seeking to cut off odessa to gain energy dominance.
- most vuln moldova and georgia.
- less so baltic nations.
- one thing that is striking is the degree of bipartisanship. what that sya for futere?
- something of this magnitude partisinism takes a back seat.
- there is no stronger resolver
- bipartisan comitte went to visit the refugee camp in poland. group felt sorrow and intense anger
- dem rep who previously did not want to put weapons into countries changed.
- chariman minks came back completely converted that we sould stand together and do everything that we can to help these poeple.
- the more putin is boxed in knowing his legacy is going donw as the most ruthless man since hitler is weighing heavily.
- What scenarios are most likely?
- wont end well for putin. hope for ousting but don’t know if will happeen
- with respect to the battle, the RU will overpower but the UA will put up a very hard fight and send many RU bodybags back
- getting into RU social media is important to reveal the truth
- could turn into insurgent war where we will funnel weapons
- this is where the morale of the UA comes into major play
- wear the RU down to get back to the negotiate table
- But what is the off ramp here? we don’t know. that is up to ZELL
- Ru trying to break the will of UA ppl.
- at the end of the day REP thinks that RU has another afghan on its hands.
- this is where the morale of the UA comes into major play
- any other thoughts?
- i think amer is at best when party put to side and we stand together
- GEN donahue, not since wwii have we seen a great power conflit
- stakes cannot be higher, time is of the essence.
- if we can’t stand for liberty freedom and democracy then what are we worth as a nation?
- the fight has never been morejustified or relevant or important in our lifetime.