diff --git a/dev/.documenter-siteinfo.json b/dev/.documenter-siteinfo.json index 02225f8b..71a6291e 100644 --- a/dev/.documenter-siteinfo.json +++ b/dev/.documenter-siteinfo.json @@ -1 +1 @@ -{"documenter":{"julia_version":"1.10.1","generation_timestamp":"2024-02-18T11:15:18","documenter_version":"1.2.1"}} \ No newline at end of file +{"documenter":{"julia_version":"1.10.1","generation_timestamp":"2024-02-18T11:24:22","documenter_version":"1.2.1"}} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dev/api/aggregation/index.html b/dev/api/aggregation/index.html index 334af326..5164993f 100644 --- a/dev/api/aggregation/index.html +++ b/dev/api/aggregation/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -Aggregation · Mill.jl




AggregationStack{T <: Tuple{Vararg{AbstractAggregation}}} <: AbstractAggregation

A container that implements a concatenation of one or more AbstractAggregations.

Construct with e.g. AggregationStack(SegmentedMean([t::Type, ]d)) for single operators and with e.g. SegmentedPNormLSE([t::Type, ]d) for concatenations. With these calls all parameters inside operators are initialized randomly as Float32 arrays, unless type t is further specified. Another option is to vcat two operators together.

Nested stacks are flattened into a single-level structure upon construction, see examples.

Intended to be used as a functor:

(a::AggregationStack)(x, bags[, w])

where x is either AbstractMatrix or missing, bags is AbstractBags structure and optionally w is an AbstractVector of weights.


julia> a = AggregationStack(SegmentedMean(2), SegmentedMax(2))
+Aggregation · Mill.jl




AggregationStack{T <: Tuple{Vararg{AbstractAggregation}}} <: AbstractAggregation

A container that implements a concatenation of one or more AbstractAggregations.

Construct with e.g. AggregationStack(SegmentedMean([t::Type, ]d)) for single operators and with e.g. SegmentedPNormLSE([t::Type, ]d) for concatenations. With these calls all parameters inside operators are initialized randomly as Float32 arrays, unless type t is further specified. Another option is to vcat two operators together.

Nested stacks are flattened into a single-level structure upon construction, see examples.

Intended to be used as a functor:

(a::AggregationStack)(x, bags[, w])

where x is either AbstractMatrix or missing, bags is AbstractBags structure and optionally w is an AbstractVector of weights.


julia> a = AggregationStack(SegmentedMean(2), SegmentedMax(2))
  SegmentedMean(ψ = Float32[0.0, 0.0])
  SegmentedMax(ψ = Float32[0.0, 0.0])
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
  SegmentedMean(ψ = Float32[0.0, 0.0])
  SegmentedMax(ψ = Float32[0.0, 0.0])

See also: AbstractAggregation, SegmentedSum, SegmentedMax, SegmentedMean, SegmentedPNorm, SegmentedLSE.

SegmentedPNorm{V <: AbstractVector{<:AbstractFloat}} <: AbstractAggregation

AbstractAggregation implementing segmented p-norm aggregation:

$f(\{x_1, \ldots, x_k\}; p, c) = \left(\frac{1}{k} \sum_{i = 1}^{k} \vert x_i - c \vert ^ {p} \right)^{\frac{1}{p}}$

Stores a vector of parameters ψ that are filled into the resulting matrix in case an empty bag is encountered, and vectors of parameters p and c used during computation.

See also: AbstractAggregation, AggregationStack, SegmentedMax, SegmentedMean, SegmentedSum, SegmentedLSE.

SegmentedLSE{V <: AbstractVector{<:AbstractFloat}} <: AbstractAggregation

AbstractAggregation implementing segmented log-sum-exp (LSE) aggregation:

$f(\{x_1, \ldots, x_k\}; r) = \frac{1}{r}\log \left(\frac{1}{k} \sum_{i = 1}^{k} \exp({r\cdot x_i})\right)$

Stores a vector of parameters ψ that are filled into the resulting matrix in case an empty bag is encountered, and a vector of parameters r used during computation.

See also: AbstractAggregation, AggregationStack, SegmentedMax, SegmentedMean, SegmentedSum, SegmentedPNorm.

SegmentedPNorm{V <: AbstractVector{<:AbstractFloat}} <: AbstractAggregation

AbstractAggregation implementing segmented p-norm aggregation:

$f(\{x_1, \ldots, x_k\}; p, c) = \left(\frac{1}{k} \sum_{i = 1}^{k} \vert x_i - c \vert ^ {p} \right)^{\frac{1}{p}}$

Stores a vector of parameters ψ that are filled into the resulting matrix in case an empty bag is encountered, and vectors of parameters p and c used during computation.

See also: AbstractAggregation, AggregationStack, SegmentedMax, SegmentedMean, SegmentedSum, SegmentedLSE.

SegmentedLSE{V <: AbstractVector{<:AbstractFloat}} <: AbstractAggregation

AbstractAggregation implementing segmented log-sum-exp (LSE) aggregation:

$f(\{x_1, \ldots, x_k\}; r) = \frac{1}{r}\log \left(\frac{1}{k} \sum_{i = 1}^{k} \exp({r\cdot x_i})\right)$

Stores a vector of parameters ψ that are filled into the resulting matrix in case an empty bag is encountered, and a vector of parameters r used during computation.

See also: AbstractAggregation, AggregationStack, SegmentedMax, SegmentedMean, SegmentedSum, SegmentedPNorm.

SegmentedMeanMax([t::Type, ]d::Int)

Construct AggregationStack consisting of SegmentedMean and SegmentedMax operators.


julia> SegmentedMeanMax(4)
  SegmentedMean(ψ = Float32[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
  SegmentedMax(ψ = Float32[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 julia> SegmentedMeanMax(Float64, 2)
  SegmentedMean(ψ = [0.0, 0.0])
- SegmentedMax(ψ = [0.0, 0.0])

See also: AbstractAggregation, AggregationStack, SegmentedSum, SegmentedMax, SegmentedMean, SegmentedPNorm, SegmentedLSE.

BagCount{T <: AbstractAggregation}

A wrapper type that when called applies the AbstractAggregation stored in it, and appends one more element containing bag size after $x ↦ \log(x + 1)$ transformation to the result.

Used as a functor:

(bc::BagCount)(x, bags[, w])

where x is either AbstractMatrix or missing, bags is AbstractBags structure and optionally w is an AbstractVector of weights.


julia> x = Float32[0 1 2; 3 4 5]
+ SegmentedMax(ψ = [0.0, 0.0])

See also: AbstractAggregation, AggregationStack, SegmentedSum, SegmentedMax, SegmentedMean, SegmentedPNorm, SegmentedLSE.

BagCount{T <: AbstractAggregation}

A wrapper type that when called applies the AbstractAggregation stored in it, and appends one more element containing bag size after $x ↦ \log(x + 1)$ transformation to the result.

Used as a functor:

(bc::BagCount)(x, bags[, w])

where x is either AbstractMatrix or missing, bags is AbstractBags structure and optionally w is an AbstractVector of weights.


julia> x = Float32[0 1 2; 3 4 5]
 2×3 Matrix{Float32}:
  0.0  1.0  2.0
  3.0  4.0  5.0
@@ -59,4 +59,4 @@
  3.0       4.5
  0.0       2.0
  3.0       5.0
- 0.693147  1.09861

See also: AbstractAggregation, AggregationStack, SegmentedSum, SegmentedMax, SegmentedMean, SegmentedPNorm, SegmentedLSE.

+ 0.693147 1.09861

See also: AbstractAggregation, AggregationStack, SegmentedSum, SegmentedMax, SegmentedMean, SegmentedPNorm, SegmentedLSE.

diff --git a/dev/api/bags/index.html b/dev/api/bags/index.html index 613bf231..9ab80402 100644 --- a/dev/api/bags/index.html +++ b/dev/api/bags/index.html @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ -Bags · Mill.jl




AlignedBags{T <: Integer} <: AbstractBags{T}

AlignedBags struct stores indices of bags' instances in one or more UnitRange{T}s. This is only possible if instances of every bag are stored in one contiguous block.

See also: ScatteredBags.


Construct a new AlignedBags struct containing no bags.


julia> AlignedBags()

Construct a new AlignedBags struct from bags in arguments.


julia> AlignedBags(1:3, 4:8)
-AlignedBags{Int64}(UnitRange{Int64}[1:3, 4:8])

Construct a new AlignedBags struct from Vector k specifying the index of the bag each instance belongs to. Throws ArgumentError if this is not possible.


julia> AlignedBags([1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 4])
-AlignedBags{Int64}(UnitRange{Int64}[1:2, 3:5, 0:-1, 6:6])

Construct a new ScatteredBags struct from Vector k specifying the index of the bag each instance belongs to.


julia> ScatteredBags([2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3])
-ScatteredBags{Int64}([[3, 4, 5], [1, 2], [6]])

Convert lengths of bags given in ls to AlignedBags with contiguous blocks.


julia> length2bags([1, 3, 2])
-AlignedBags{Int64}(UnitRange{Int64}[1:1, 2:4, 5:6])

See also: AlignedBags.

+Bags · Mill.jl




AlignedBags{T <: Integer} <: AbstractBags{T}

AlignedBags struct stores indices of bags' instances in one or more UnitRange{T}s. This is only possible if instances of every bag are stored in one contiguous block.

See also: ScatteredBags.


Construct a new AlignedBags struct containing no bags.


julia> AlignedBags()

Construct a new AlignedBags struct from bags in arguments.


julia> AlignedBags(1:3, 4:8)
+AlignedBags{Int64}(UnitRange{Int64}[1:3, 4:8])

Construct a new AlignedBags struct from Vector k specifying the index of the bag each instance belongs to. Throws ArgumentError if this is not possible.


julia> AlignedBags([1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 4])
+AlignedBags{Int64}(UnitRange{Int64}[1:2, 3:5, 0:-1, 6:6])

Construct a new ScatteredBags struct from Vector k specifying the index of the bag each instance belongs to.


julia> ScatteredBags([2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3])
+ScatteredBags{Int64}([[3, 4, 5], [1, 2], [6]])

Convert lengths of bags given in ls to AlignedBags with contiguous blocks.


julia> length2bags([1, 3, 2])
+AlignedBags{Int64}(UnitRange{Int64}[1:1, 2:4, 5:6])

See also: AlignedBags.

 bags(k::Vector{T}) where T <: UnitRange{<:Integer}

Construct an AbstractBags structure that is most suitable for the input (AlignedBags if possible, ScatteredBags otherwise).


julia> bags([1, 1, 3])
 AlignedBags{Int64}(UnitRange{Int64}[1:2, 0:-1, 3:3])
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@
 AlignedBags{Int64}(UnitRange{Int64}[1:3, 4:5])
 julia> bags(ScatteredBags())

See also: AlignedBags, ScatteredBags.

remapbags(b::AbstractBags, idcs::VecOrRange{<:Integer}) -> (rb, I)

Select a subset of bags in b corresponding to indices idcs and remap instance indices appropriately. Return new bags rb as well as a Vector of remapped instances I.


julia> remapbags(AlignedBags([1:1, 2:3, 4:5]), [1, 3])

See also: AlignedBags, ScatteredBags.

remapbags(b::AbstractBags, idcs::VecOrRange{<:Integer}) -> (rb, I)

Select a subset of bags in b corresponding to indices idcs and remap instance indices appropriately. Return new bags rb as well as a Vector of remapped instances I.


julia> remapbags(AlignedBags([1:1, 2:3, 4:5]), [1, 3])
 (AlignedBags{Int64}(UnitRange{Int64}[1:1, 2:3]), [1, 4, 5])
 julia> remapbags(ScatteredBags([[1,3], [2], Int[]]), [2])
-(ScatteredBags{Int64}([[1]]), [2])
adjustbags(b::AlignedBags, mask::AbstractVector{Bool})

Remove indices of instances brom bags b and remap the remaining instances accordingly.


julia> adjustbags(AlignedBags([1:2, 0:-1, 3:4]), [false, false, true, true])
-AlignedBags{Int64}(UnitRange{Int64}[0:-1, 0:-1, 1:2])
+(ScatteredBags{Int64}([[1]]), [2])
adjustbags(b::AlignedBags, mask::AbstractVector{Bool})

Remove indices of instances brom bags b and remap the remaining instances accordingly.


julia> adjustbags(AlignedBags([1:2, 0:-1, 3:4]), [false, false, true, true])
+AlignedBags{Int64}(UnitRange{Int64}[0:-1, 0:-1, 1:2])
diff --git a/dev/api/data_nodes/index.html b/dev/api/data_nodes/index.html index 4e4ca642..72d29515 100644 --- a/dev/api/data_nodes/index.html +++ b/dev/api/data_nodes/index.html @@ -1,21 +1,21 @@ -Data nodes · Mill.jl

Data nodes



AbstractProductNode <: AbstractMillNode

Supertype for any structure representing a data node implementing a Cartesian product of data in subtrees.

AbstractBagNode <: AbstractMillNode

Supertype for any data node structure representing a multi-instance learning problem.

ArrayNode{A <: AbstractArray, C} <: AbstractMillNode

Data node for storing array-like data of type A and metadata of type C. The convention is that samples are stored along the last axis, e.g. in columns of a matrix.

See also: AbstractMillNode, ArrayModel.

ArrayNode(d::AbstractArray, m=nothing)

Construct a new ArrayNode with data d and metadata m.


julia> a = ArrayNode([1 2; 3 4; 5 6])
+Data nodes · Mill.jl

Data nodes



AbstractProductNode <: AbstractMillNode

Supertype for any structure representing a data node implementing a Cartesian product of data in subtrees.

AbstractBagNode <: AbstractMillNode

Supertype for any data node structure representing a multi-instance learning problem.

ArrayNode{A <: AbstractArray, C} <: AbstractMillNode

Data node for storing array-like data of type A and metadata of type C. The convention is that samples are stored along the last axis, e.g. in columns of a matrix.

See also: AbstractMillNode, ArrayModel.

BagNode(d, b, m=nothing)

Construct a new BagNode with data d, bags b, and metadata m.

d is either an AbstractMillNode or missing. Any other type is wrapped in an ArrayNode.

If b is an AbstractVector, Mill.bags is applied first.


julia> BagNode(ArrayNode(maybehotbatch([1, missing, 2], 1:2)), AlignedBags([1:1, 2:3]))
 BagNode  # 2 obs, 104 bytes
   ╰── ArrayNode(2×3 MaybeHotMatrix with Union{Missing, Bool} elements)  # 3 obs, 87 bytes
 julia> BagNode(randn(2, 5), [1, 2, 2, 1, 1])
 BagNode  # 2 obs, 200 bytes
-  ╰── ArrayNode(2×5 Array with Float64 elements)  # 5 obs, 128 bytes

See also: WeightedBagNode, AbstractBagNode, AbstractMillNode, BagModel.

WeightedBagNode(d, b, w::Vector, m=nothing)

Construct a new WeightedBagNode with data d, bags b, vector of weights w and metadata m.

d is either an AbstractMillNode or missing. Any other type is wrapped in an ArrayNode.

If b is an AbstractVector, Mill.bags is applied first.


julia> WeightedBagNode(ArrayNode(NGramMatrix(["s1", "s2"])), bags([1:2, 0:-1]), [0.2, 0.8])
+  ╰── ArrayNode(2×5 Array with Float64 elements)  # 5 obs, 128 bytes

See also: WeightedBagNode, AbstractBagNode, AbstractMillNode, BagModel.

WeightedBagNode(d, b, w::Vector, m=nothing)

Construct a new WeightedBagNode with data d, bags b, vector of weights w and metadata m.

d is either an AbstractMillNode or missing. Any other type is wrapped in an ArrayNode.

If b is an AbstractVector, Mill.bags is applied first.


julia> WeightedBagNode(ArrayNode(NGramMatrix(["s1", "s2"])), bags([1:2, 0:-1]), [0.2, 0.8])
 WeightedBagNode  # 2 obs, 184 bytes
   ╰── ArrayNode(2053×2 NGramMatrix with Int64 elements)  # 2 obs, 140 bytes
 julia> WeightedBagNode(zeros(2, 2), [1, 2], [1, 2])
 WeightedBagNode  # 2 obs, 160 bytes
-  ╰── ArrayNode(2×2 Array with Float64 elements)  # 2 obs, 80 bytes

See also: BagNode, AbstractBagNode, AbstractMillNode, BagModel.

ProductNode(dss, m=nothing)
 ProductNode(m=nothing; dss...)

Construct a new ProductNode with data dss, and metadata m.

dss should be a Tuple or NamedTuple and all its elements must contain the same number of observations.

If any element of dss is not an AbstractMillNode it is first wrapped in an ArrayNode.


julia> ProductNode((ArrayNode(zeros(2, 2)), ArrayNode(Flux.onehotbatch([1, 2], 1:2))))
 ProductNode  # 2 obs, 24 bytes
   ├── ArrayNode(2×2 Array with Float64 elements)  # 2 obs, 80 bytes
@@ -34,17 +34,17 @@
 julia> ProductNode((ArrayNode([1 2; 3 4]), ArrayNode([1 2 3; 4 5 6])))
 ERROR: AssertionError: All subtrees must have an equal amount of instances!

See also: AbstractProductNode, AbstractMillNode, ProductModel.

LazyNode([Name::Symbol], d, m=nothing)
 LazyNode{Name}(d, m=nothing)

Construct a new LazyNode with name Name, data d, and metadata m.


julia> LazyNode(:Codons, ["GGGCGGCGA", "CCTCGCGGG"])
 LazyNode{:Codons, Vector{String}, Nothing}:

See also: AbstractMillNode, LazyModel, Mill.unpack2mill.


Return a representation of LazyNode x using Mill.jl structures. Every custom LazyNode should have a special method as it is used in LazyModel.


julia> function Mill.unpack2mill(ds::LazyNode{:Sentence})
     s = split.(ds.data, " ")
     x = NGramMatrix(reduce(vcat, s))
     BagNode(x, Mill.length2bags(length.(s)))
julia> LazyNode{:Sentence}(["foo bar", "baz"]) |> Mill.unpack2mill
 BagNode  # 2 obs, 120 bytes
-  ╰── ArrayNode(2053×3 NGramMatrix with Int64 elements)  # 3 obs, 274 bytes

See also: LazyNode, LazyModel.


Return data stored in node n.


julia> Mill.data(ArrayNode([1 2; 3 4], "metadata"))
+  ╰── ArrayNode(2053×3 NGramMatrix with Int64 elements)  # 3 obs, 274 bytes

See also: LazyNode, LazyModel.


Return data stored in node n.


julia> Mill.data(ArrayNode([1 2; 3 4], "metadata"))
 2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
  1  2
  3  4
@@ -52,16 +52,16 @@
 julia> Mill.data(BagNode(ArrayNode([1 2; 3 4]), [1, 2], "metadata"))
 2×2 ArrayNode{Matrix{Int64}, Nothing}:
  1  2
- 3  4

See also: Mill.metadata


Return metadata stored in node n.


julia> Mill.metadata(ArrayNode([1 2; 3 4], "metadata"))
+ 3  4

See also: Mill.metadata


Return metadata stored in node n.


julia> Mill.metadata(ArrayNode([1 2; 3 4], "metadata"))
 julia> Mill.metadata(BagNode(ArrayNode([1 2; 3 4]), [1, 2], "metadata"))

See also: Mill.data


Print summary of parameters of node n.


julia> n = ProductNode(ArrayNode(randn(2, 3)))

See also: Mill.data


Print summary of parameters of node n.


julia> n = ProductNode(ArrayNode(randn(2, 3)))
 ProductNode  # 3 obs, 8 bytes
   ╰── ArrayNode(2×3 Array with Float64 elements)  # 3 obs, 96 bytes
 julia> datasummary(n)
-"Data summary: 3 obs, 112 bytes."

See also: modelsummary.


Drop metadata stored in data node n (recursively).


julia> n1 = ArrayNode(NGramMatrix(["foo", "bar"]), ["metafoo", "metabar"])
+"Data summary: 3 obs, 112 bytes."

See also: modelsummary.


Drop metadata stored in data node n (recursively).


julia> n1 = ArrayNode(NGramMatrix(["foo", "bar"]), ["metafoo", "metabar"])
 2053×2 ArrayNode{NGramMatrix{String, Vector{String}, Int64}, Vector{String}}:
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
 julia> isnothing(Mill.metadata(n2))

See also: Mill.metadata.


Merge multiple nodes storing samples (observations) into one suitably promoting in the process if possible.

Similar to Base.cat but concatenates along the abstract "axis" where samples are stored.

In case of repeated calls with varying number of arguments or argument types, use reduce(catobs, [ns...]) to save compilation time.


julia> catobs(ArrayNode(zeros(2, 2)), ArrayNode([1 2; 3 4]))

See also: Mill.metadata.


Merge multiple nodes storing samples (observations) into one suitably promoting in the process if possible.

Similar to Base.cat but concatenates along the abstract "axis" where samples are stored.

In case of repeated calls with varying number of arguments or argument types, use reduce(catobs, [ns...]) to save compilation time.


julia> catobs(ArrayNode(zeros(2, 2)), ArrayNode([1 2; 3 4]))
 2×4 ArrayNode{Matrix{Float64}, Nothing}:
  0.0  0.0  1.0  2.0
  0.0  0.0  3.0  4.0
@@ -87,13 +87,13 @@
 ProductNode  # 2 obs, 24 bytes
   ├── t1: ArrayNode(2×2 Array with Float64 elements)  # 2 obs, 80 bytes
   ╰── t2: BagNode  # 2 obs, 96 bytes
-            ╰── ArrayNode(3×6 Array with Float64 elements)  # 6 obs, 192 bytes

See also: Mill.subset.

subset(n, i)

Extract a subset i of samples (observations) stored in node n.

Similar to Base.getindex or MLUtils.getobs but defined for all Mill.jl compatible data as well.


julia> Mill.subset(ArrayNode(NGramMatrix(["Hello", "world"])), 2)
+            ╰── ArrayNode(3×6 Array with Float64 elements)  # 6 obs, 192 bytes

See also: Mill.subset.

subset(n, i)

Extract a subset i of samples (observations) stored in node n.

Similar to Base.getindex or MLUtils.getobs but defined for all Mill.jl compatible data as well.


julia> Mill.subset(ArrayNode(NGramMatrix(["Hello", "world"])), 2)
 2053×1 ArrayNode{NGramMatrix{String, Vector{String}, Int64}, Nothing}:
 julia> Mill.subset(BagNode(ArrayNode(randn(2, 8)), [1:2, 3:3, 4:7, 8:8]), 1:3)
 BagNode  # 3 obs, 112 bytes
-  ╰── ArrayNode(2×7 Array with Float64 elements)  # 7 obs, 160 bytes

See also: catobs.

mapdata(f, x)

Recursively apply f to data in all leaves of x.


julia> n1 = ProductNode(a=zeros(2,2), b=ones(2,2))
+  ╰── ArrayNode(2×7 Array with Float64 elements)  # 7 obs, 160 bytes

See also: catobs.

mapdata(f, x)

Recursively apply f to data in all leaves of x.


julia> n1 = ProductNode(a=zeros(2,2), b=ones(2,2))
 ProductNode  # 2 obs, 16 bytes
   ├── a: ArrayNode(2×2 Array with Float64 elements)  # 2 obs, 80 bytes
   ╰── b: ArrayNode(2×2 Array with Float64 elements)  # 2 obs, 80 bytes
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
 julia> Mill.data(n2).b
 2×2 ArrayNode{Matrix{Float64}, Nothing}:
  2.0  2.0
- 2.0  2.0
removeinstances(n::AbstractBagNode, mask)

Remove instances from n using mask and remap bag indices accordingly.


julia> b1 = BagNode(ArrayNode([1 2 3; 4 5 6]), bags([1:2, 0:-1, 3:3]))
+ 2.0  2.0
removeinstances(n::AbstractBagNode, mask)

Remove instances from n using mask and remap bag indices accordingly.


julia> b1 = BagNode(ArrayNode([1 2 3; 4 5 6]), bags([1:2, 0:-1, 3:3]))
 BagNode  # 3 obs, 112 bytes
   ╰── ArrayNode(2×3 Array with Int64 elements)  # 3 obs, 96 bytes
@@ -125,4 +125,4 @@
  5  6
 julia> b2.bags
-AlignedBags{Int64}(UnitRange{Int64}[1:1, 0:-1, 2:2])
+AlignedBags{Int64}(UnitRange{Int64}[1:1, 0:-1, 2:2])
diff --git a/dev/api/model_nodes/index.html b/dev/api/model_nodes/index.html index fa6c13e2..18071a43 100644 --- a/dev/api/model_nodes/index.html +++ b/dev/api/model_nodes/index.html @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ -Model nodes · Mill.jl

Model nodes



ArrayModel{T} <: AbstractMillModel

A model node for processing ArrayNodes. It applies a (sub)model m stored in it to data in an ArrayNode.


julia> Random.seed!(0);
julia> n = ArrayNode(randn(Float32, 2, 2))
+Model nodes · Mill.jl

Model nodes



ArrayModel{T} <: AbstractMillModel

A model node for processing ArrayNodes. It applies a (sub)model m stored in it to data in an ArrayNode.


julia> Random.seed!(0);
julia> n = ArrayNode(randn(Float32, 2, 2))
 2×2 ArrayNode{Matrix{Float32}, Nothing}:
  0.94... 1.53...
  0.13... 0.12...
julia> m = ArrayModel(Dense(2, 2))
 ArrayModel(Dense(2 => 2))  # 2 arrays, 6 params, 104 bytes
julia> m(n)
 2×2 Matrix{Float32}:
  -0.50... -0.77...
-  0.25...  0.49...

See also: AbstractMillModel, ArrayNode.

BagModel{T <: AbstractMillModel, A <: Union{AbstractAggregation, BagCount}, U}
     <: AbstractMillModel

A model node for processing AbstractBagNodes. It first applies its "instance (sub)model" im on every instance, then performs elementwise segmented aggregation a and finally applies the final model bm on the aggregated representation of every bag in the data node.


julia> Random.seed!(0);
 julia> n = BagNode(ArrayNode(randn(Float32, 3, 2)), bags([0:-1, 1:2]))
@@ -23,13 +23,13 @@
  0.0  0.49...
 julia> m(n) == m.bm(m.a(m.im(n.data), n.bags))

See also: AbstractMillModel, AbstractAggregation, AbstractBagNode, BagNode, WeightedBagNode.

BagModel(im, a, bm=identity)

Construct a BagModel from the arguments. im should be AbstractMillModel, a AbstractAggregation or BagCount, and bm ArrayModel.

It is also possible to pass any function as im instead of a model node. In that case, it is wrapped into an ArrayNode.


julia> m = BagModel(ArrayModel(Dense(3, 2)), SegmentedMeanMax(2), Dense(4, 2))
 BagModel ↦ [SegmentedMean(2); SegmentedMax(2)] ↦ Dense(4 => 2)  # 4 arrays, 14 params, 216 bytes
   ╰── ArrayModel(Dense(3 => 2))  # 2 arrays, 8 params, 112 bytes
 julia> m = BagModel(Dense(4, 3), BagCount(SegmentedMean(3)))
 BagModel ↦ BagCount(SegmentedMean(3)) ↦ identity  # 1 arrays, 3 params (all zero), 52 bytes
-  ╰── ArrayModel(Dense(4 => 3))  # 2 arrays, 15 params, 140 bytes

See also: AbstractMillModel, AbstractAggregation, BagCount, AbstractBagNode, BagNode, WeightedBagNode.

ProductModel{T <: Mill.VecOrTupOrNTup{<:AbstractMillModel}, U} <: AbstractMillModel

A model node for processing ProductNodes. For each subtree of the data node it applies one (sub)model from ms and then applies m on the concatenation of results.


julia> Random.seed!(0);
 julia> n = ProductNode(a=ArrayNode([0 1; 2 3]), b=ArrayNode([4 5; 6 7]))
 ProductNode  # 2 obs, 16 bytes
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
  0  1
  2  3
  4  5
- 6  7

See also: AbstractMillModel, AbstractProductNode, ProductNode.

ProductModel(ms, m=identity)
 ProductModel(m=identity; ms...)

Construct a ProductModel from the arguments. ms should an iterable (Tuple, NamedTuple or Vector) of one or more AbstractMillModels.

It is also possible to pass any function as elements of ms. In that case, it is wrapped into an ArrayNode.


julia> ProductModel(a=ArrayModel(Dense(2, 2)), b=identity)
 ProductModel ↦ identity
   ├── a: ArrayModel(Dense(2 => 2))  # 2 arrays, 6 params, 104 bytes
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
 julia> ProductModel(identity)
 ProductModel ↦ identity
-  ╰── ArrayModel(identity)

See also: AbstractMillModel, AbstractProductNode, ProductNode.

LazyModel{Name, T} <: AbstractMillModel

A model node for processing LazyNodes. It applies a (sub)model m stored in it to data of the LazyNode after calling Mill.unpack2mill.


julia> function Mill.unpack2mill(ds::LazyNode{:Sentence})
     s = split.(ds.data, " ")
     x = NGramMatrix(reduce(vcat, s))
     BagNode(x, Mill.length2bags(length.(s)))
@@ -92,14 +92,14 @@
 3×3 Matrix{Float32}:
  -0.06... -0.03... -0.04...
   0.02...  0.00... -0.07...
- -0.00...  0.06... -0.07...

See also: AbstractMillModel, LazyNode, Mill.unpack2mill.

LazyModel([Name::Symbol], m::AbstractMillModel)

Construct a new LazyModel with name Name, and model m.

It is also possible to pass any function as m instead of a model node. In that case, it is wrapped into an ArrayNode.


julia> LazyModel{:Sentence}(ArrayModel(Dense(2, 2)))
   ╰── ArrayModel(Dense(2 => 2))  # 2 arrays, 6 params, 104 bytes
 julia> LazyModel(:Sentence, Dense(2, 2))
-  ╰── ArrayModel(Dense(2 => 2))  # 2 arrays, 6 params, 104 bytes

See also: AbstractMillModel, LazyNode, Mill.unpack2mill.

reflectinmodel(x::AbstractMillNode, fm=d -> Dense(d, 10), fa=BagCount ∘ SegmentedMeanMax;
     fsm=Dict(), fsa=Dict(), single_key_identity=true, single_scalar_identity=true, all_imputing=false)

Build a Mill.jl model capable of processing x.

All inner Dense layers are constructed using fm, a function accepting input dimension d and returning a suitable model. All aggregation operators are constructed using fa in a similar manner.

More fine-grained control can be achieved with fsm and fsa keyword arguments, which should be Dicts of c => f pairs, where c is a String traversal code from HierarchicalUtils.jl and f is a function. These definitions override fm and fa.

If a ProductNode with only a single child (subtree) is encountered, its final m model is instantiated as identity instead of using fm and fsm. This can be controlled with single_key_identity.

Similarly, if an ArrayNode contains data X where size(X, 1) is 1, the corresponding model is instantiated as identity unless single_scalar_identity is false.

By default, reflectinmodel makes first Dense layers in leafs imputing only if the datatype suggests that missing data is present. This applies to

types with eltype of {Union{Missing, T}} where T. If all_imputing is true, all leaf Dense layers in these types are replaced by their imputing variants.


julia> n1 = ProductNode(a=ArrayNode(NGramMatrix(["a", missing])))
 ProductNode  # 2 obs, 32 bytes
   ╰── a: ArrayNode(2053×2 NGramMatrix with Union{Missing, Int64} elements)  # 2 obs, 129 bytes
@@ -157,9 +157,9 @@
   ╰── ProductModel ↦ Dense(6 => 3)  # 2 arrays, 21 params, 164 bytes
         ├── ArrayModel(Dense(1 => 3))  # 2 arrays, 6 params, 104 bytes
         ╰── BagModel ↦ SegmentedLSE(2) ↦ Dense(2 => 3)  # 4 arrays, 13 params, 212 bytes
-              ╰── ArrayModel(Chain(Dense(2 => 2), Dense(2 => 2)))  # 4 arrays, 12 params, 208 bytes

See also: AbstractMillNode, AbstractMillModel, ProductNode, BagNode, ArrayNode.


Print summary of parameters of model m.


julia> m = ProductModel(ArrayModel(Dense(2, 3)))
 ProductModel ↦ identity
   ╰── ArrayModel(Dense(2 => 3))  # 2 arrays, 9 params, 116 bytes
 julia> modelsummary(m)
-"Model summary: 2 arrays, 9 params, 116 bytes"

See also: datasummary.

+"Model summary: 2 arrays, 9 params, 116 bytes"

See also: datasummary.

diff --git a/dev/api/special_arrays/index.html b/dev/api/special_arrays/index.html index 18cf2a97..9214c87a 100644 --- a/dev/api/special_arrays/index.html +++ b/dev/api/special_arrays/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -Special Arrays · Mill.jl

Special arrays



maybehot(l, labels)

Return a MaybeHotVector where the first occurence of l in labels is set to 1 and all other elements are set to 0.


julia> maybehot(:b, [:a, :b, :c])
+Special Arrays · Mill.jl

Special arrays



maybehot(l, labels)

Return a MaybeHotVector where the first occurence of l in labels is set to 1 and all other elements are set to 0.


julia> maybehot(:b, [:a, :b, :c])
 3-element MaybeHotVector with eltype Bool:
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 3-element MaybeHotVector with eltype Missing:
- missing

See also: maybehotbatch, MaybeHotVector, MaybeHotMatrix.

maybehotbatch(ls, labels)

Return a MaybeHotMatrix in which each column corresponds to one element of ls containing 1 at its first occurence in labels with all other elements set to 0.


julia> maybehotbatch([:c, :a], [:a, :b, :c])
 3×2 MaybeHotMatrix with eltype Bool:
  ⋅  1
  ⋅  ⋅
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 3×2 MaybeHotMatrix with eltype Union{Missing, Bool}:
  missing    ⋅
  missing   true
- missing    ⋅

See also: maybehot, MaybeHotMatrix, MaybeHotVector.

maybecold(y, labels=1:size(y,1))

Similar to Flux.onecold but when y contains missing values, missing is in the result as well.

Therefore, it is roughly the inverse operation of maybehot or maybehotbatch.


julia> maybehot(:b, [:a, :b, :c])
 3-element MaybeHotVector with eltype Bool:
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 julia> maybecold(maybehotbatch([missing, 2], 1:3))
 2-element Vector{Union{Missing, Int64}}:
- 2

See also: Flux.onecold, maybehot, maybehotbatch.


Iterates over ngram codes of collection of integers s using Mill.string_start_code() and Mill.string_end_code() for padding. NGram codes are computed as in positional number systems, where items of s are digits, b is the base, and m is modulo.

In order to reduce collisions when mixing ngrams of different order one should avoid zeros and negative integers in s and should set base b to the expected number of unique tokens in s.

See also: NGramMatrix, ngrams, ngrams!, countngrams, countngrams!.

NGramIterator(s, n=3, b=256, m=typemax(Int))

Construct an NGramIterator. If s is an AbstractString it is first converted to integers with Base.codeunits.


julia> NGramIterator("deadbeef", 3, 256, 17) |> collect
+ 2

See also: Flux.onecold, maybehot, maybehotbatch.


Iterates over ngram codes of collection of integers s using Mill.string_start_code() and Mill.string_end_code() for padding. NGram codes are computed as in positional number systems, where items of s are digits, b is the base, and m is modulo.

In order to reduce collisions when mixing ngrams of different order one should avoid zeros and negative integers in s and should set base b to the expected number of unique tokens in s.

See also: NGramMatrix, ngrams, ngrams!, countngrams, countngrams!.

countngrams(o, x, n, b, m)

Count the number of of n grams of x using base b and modulo m into a vector of length m in case x is a single sequence or into a matrix with m rows if x is an iterable of sequences.


julia> countngrams("foo", 3, 256, 5)
 5-element Vector{Int64}:
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
  1  0
  1  2
  0  0
- 1  2

See also: countngrams!, ngrams, ngrams!, NGramMatrix, NGramIterator.

NGramMatrix{T, U, V} <: AbstractMatrix{U}

A matrix-like structure for lazily representing sequences like strings as ngrams of cardinality n using b as a base for calculations and m as the modulo. Therefore, the matrix has m rows and one column for representing each sequence. Missing sequences are supported.

See also: NGramIterator, ngrams, ngrams!, countngrams, countngrams!.

NGramMatrix{T, U, V} <: AbstractMatrix{U}

A matrix-like structure for lazily representing sequences like strings as ngrams of cardinality n using b as a base for calculations and m as the modulo. Therefore, the matrix has m rows and one column for representing each sequence. Missing sequences are supported.

See also: NGramIterator, ngrams, ngrams!, countngrams, countngrams!.

NGramMatrix(s, n=3, b=256, m=2053)

Construct an NGramMatrix. s can either be a single sequence or any AbstractVector.


julia> NGramMatrix([1,2,3])
 2053×1 NGramMatrix{Vector{Int64}, Vector{Vector{Int64}}, Int64}:
  [1, 2, 3]
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
 2053×3 NGramMatrix{Union{Missing, String}, Vector{Union{Missing, String}}, Union{Missing, Int64}}:
- "c"

See also: NGramIterator, ngrams, ngrams!, countngrams, countngrams!.

PostImputingMatrix{T <: Number, U <: AbstractMatrix{T}, V <: AbstractVector{T}} <: AbstractMatrix{T}

A parametrized matrix that fills in a default vector of parameters whenever a "missing" column is encountered during multiplication.

Supports multiplication with NGramMatrix, MaybeHotMatrix and MaybeHotVector. For any other AbstractMatrix it falls back to standard multiplication.


julia> A = PostImputingMatrix(ones(2, 2), -ones(2))
+ "c"

See also: NGramIterator, ngrams, ngrams!, countngrams, countngrams!.

PostImputingMatrix{T <: Number, U <: AbstractMatrix{T}, V <: AbstractVector{T}} <: AbstractMatrix{T}

A parametrized matrix that fills in a default vector of parameters whenever a "missing" column is encountered during multiplication.

Supports multiplication with NGramMatrix, MaybeHotMatrix and MaybeHotVector. For any other AbstractMatrix it falls back to standard multiplication.


julia> A = PostImputingMatrix(ones(2, 2), -ones(2))
 2×2 PostImputingMatrix{Float64, Matrix{Float64}, Vector{Float64}}:
  1.0  1.0
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
 julia> A * maybehotbatch([1, missing], 1:2)
 2×2 Matrix{Float64}:
  1.0  -1.0
- 1.0  -1.0

See also: PreImputingMatrix.

PostImputingMatrix(W::AbstractMatrix{T}, ψ=zeros(T, size(W, 1))) where T

Construct a PostImputingMatrix with multiplication parameters W and default parameters ψ.


julia> PostImputingMatrix([1 2; 3 4])
 2×2 PostImputingMatrix{Int64, Matrix{Int64}, Vector{Int64}}:
  1  2
@@ -148,14 +148,14 @@
- 0

See also: PreImputingMatrix.

PreImputingMatrix{T <: Number, U <: AbstractMatrix{T}, V <: AbstractVector{T}} <: AbstractMatrix{T}

A parametrized matrix that fills in elements from a default vector of parameters whenever a missing element is encountered during multiplication.


julia> A = PreImputingMatrix(ones(2, 2), -ones(2))
+Vector{Float32} (alias for Array{Float32, 1})

See also: PostImputingMatrix, preimputing_dense, PreImputingMatrix.

PreImputingMatrix{T <: Number, U <: AbstractMatrix{T}, V <: AbstractVector{T}} <: AbstractMatrix{T}

A parametrized matrix that fills in elements from a default vector of parameters whenever a missing element is encountered during multiplication.


julia> A = PreImputingMatrix(ones(2, 2), -ones(2))
 2×2 PreImputingMatrix{Float64, Matrix{Float64}, Vector{Float64}}:
  1.0  1.0
@@ -167,18 +167,18 @@
 julia> A * [0 1; missing -1]
 2×2 Matrix{Float64}:
  -1.0  0.0
- -1.0  0.0

See also: PreImputingMatrix.

PreImputingMatrix(W::AbstractMatrix{T}, ψ=zeros(T, size(W, 2))) where T

Construct a PreImputingMatrix with multiplication parameters W and default parameters ψ.


julia> PreImputingMatrix([1 2; 3 4])
 2×2 PreImputingMatrix{Int64, Matrix{Int64}, Vector{Int64}}:
  1  2
  3  4
- 0  0

See also: PostImputingMatrix.

+Vector{Float32} (alias for Array{Float32, 1})

See also: PreImputingMatrix, postimputing_dense, PostImputingMatrix.

diff --git a/dev/api/switches/index.html b/dev/api/switches/index.html index 9a47b547..2deb6b06 100644 --- a/dev/api/switches/index.html +++ b/dev/api/switches/index.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -Switches · Mill.jl




    Mill.string_start_code!(c::Integer; persist=false)

    Set the new value to the string_start_code parameter used as a code point of the abstract string-start character to c. The default value of the parameter is 0x02, which corresponds to the STX character in ASCII encoding.

    c should fit into UInt8.

    Set persist=true to persist this setting between sessions.

    See also: Mill.string_start_code, Mill.string_end_code, Mill.string_end_code!.

    Mill.string_end_code!(c::Integer; persist=false)

    Set the new value to the string_end_code parameter used as a code point of the abstract string-end character to c. The default value of the parameter is 0x03, which corresponds to the ETX character in ASCII encoding.

    c should fit into UInt8.

    Set persist=true to persist this setting between sessions.

    See also: Mill.string_end_code, Mill.string_start_code, Mill.string_start_code!.

    +Switches · Mill.jl




      Mill.string_start_code!(c::Integer; persist=false)

      Set the new value to the string_start_code parameter used as a code point of the abstract string-start character to c. The default value of the parameter is 0x02, which corresponds to the STX character in ASCII encoding.

      c should fit into UInt8.

      Set persist=true to persist this setting between sessions.

      See also: Mill.string_start_code, Mill.string_end_code, Mill.string_end_code!.

      Mill.string_end_code!(c::Integer; persist=false)

      Set the new value to the string_end_code parameter used as a code point of the abstract string-end character to c. The default value of the parameter is 0x03, which corresponds to the ETX character in ASCII encoding.

      c should fit into UInt8.

      Set persist=true to persist this setting between sessions.

      See also: Mill.string_end_code, Mill.string_start_code, Mill.string_start_code!.

      diff --git a/dev/api/utilities/index.html b/dev/api/utilities/index.html index 9ec00452..e72d0aba 100644 --- a/dev/api/utilities/index.html +++ b/dev/api/utilities/index.html @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ (@optic _.data[2]) (@optic _.data[2].data) (@optic _.data[2].metadata) - (@optic _.metadata)

      See also: pred_lens, find_lens, findnonempty_lens.

      find_lens(n, x)

      Return a Vector of Accessors.jl lenses for accessing all nodes/fields in n that return true when compared to x using Base.===.


      julia> n = ProductNode((BagNode(missing, bags([0:-1, 0:-1])), ArrayNode([1 2; 3 4])))
      + (@optic _.metadata)

      See also: pred_lens, find_lens, findnonempty_lens.

      find_lens(n, x)

      Return a Vector of Accessors.jl lenses for accessing all nodes/fields in n that return true when compared to x using Base.===.


      julia> n = ProductNode((BagNode(missing, bags([0:-1, 0:-1])), ArrayNode([1 2; 3 4])))
       ProductNode  # 2 obs, 16 bytes
         ├── BagNode  # 2 obs, 88 bytes
         │     ╰── ∅
      @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
       julia> find_lens(n, n.data[1])
       1-element Vector{Any}:
      - (@optic _.data[1])

      See also: pred_lens, list_lens, findnonempty_lens.


      Return a Vector of Accessors.jl lenses for accessing all nodes/fields in n that contain at least one observation.


      julia> n = ProductNode((BagNode(missing, bags([0:-1, 0:-1])), ArrayNode([1 2; 3 4])))
      + (@optic _.data[1])

      See also: pred_lens, list_lens, findnonempty_lens.


      Return a Vector of Accessors.jl lenses for accessing all nodes/fields in n that contain at least one observation.


      julia> n = ProductNode((BagNode(missing, bags([0:-1, 0:-1])), ArrayNode([1 2; 3 4])))
       ProductNode  # 2 obs, 16 bytes
         ├── BagNode  # 2 obs, 88 bytes
         │     ╰── ∅
      @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
       3-element Vector{Any}:
        identity (generic function with 1 method)
        (@optic _.data[1])
      - (@optic _.data[2])

      See also: pred_lens, list_lens, find_lens.

      pred_lens(p, n)

      Return a Vector of Accessors.jl lenses for accessing all nodes/fields in n conforming to predicate p.


      julia> n = ProductNode((BagNode(missing, bags([0:-1, 0:-1])), ArrayNode([1 2; 3 4])))
      + (@optic _.data[2])

      See also: pred_lens, list_lens, find_lens.

      pred_lens(p, n)

      Return a Vector of Accessors.jl lenses for accessing all nodes/fields in n conforming to predicate p.


      julia> n = ProductNode((BagNode(missing, bags([0:-1, 0:-1])), ArrayNode([1 2; 3 4])))
       ProductNode  # 2 obs, 16 bytes
         ├── BagNode  # 2 obs, 88 bytes
         │     ╰── ∅
      @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
       julia> pred_lens(x -> x isa ArrayNode, n)
       1-element Vector{Any}:
      - (@optic _.data[2])

      See also: list_lens, find_lens, findnonempty_lens.

      code2lens(n, c)

      Convert code c from HierarchicalUtils.jl traversal to a Vector of Accessors.jl lenses such that they access each node in tree n egal to node under code c in the tree.


      julia> n = ProductNode((BagNode(missing, bags([0:-1, 0:-1])), ArrayNode([1 2; 3 4])));
      + (@optic _.data[2])

      See also: list_lens, find_lens, findnonempty_lens.

      code2lens(n, c)

      Convert code c from HierarchicalUtils.jl traversal to a Vector of Accessors.jl lenses such that they access each node in tree n egal to node under code c in the tree.


      julia> n = ProductNode((BagNode(missing, bags([0:-1, 0:-1])), ArrayNode([1 2; 3 4])));
       julia> printtree(n; trav=true)
       ProductNode [""]  # 2 obs, 16 bytes
      @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
       julia> code2lens(n, "U")
       1-element Vector{Any}:
      - (@optic _.data[2])

      See also: lens2code.

      lens2code(n, l)

      Convert Accessors.jl lens l to a Vector of codes from HierarchicalUtils.jl traversal such that they access each node in tree n egal to node accessible by lens l.


      julia> n = ProductNode((BagNode(missing, bags([0:-1, 0:-1])), ArrayNode([1 2; 3 4])));
      + (@optic _.data[2])

      See also: lens2code.

      lens2code(n, l)

      Convert Accessors.jl lens l to a Vector of codes from HierarchicalUtils.jl traversal such that they access each node in tree n egal to node accessible by lens l.


      julia> n = ProductNode((BagNode(missing, bags([0:-1, 0:-1])), ArrayNode([1 2; 3 4])));
       julia> printtree(n; trav=true)
       ProductNode [""]  # 2 obs, 16 bytes
      @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
       2-element Vector{String}:

      See also: code2lens.

      model_lens(m, l)

      Convert Accessors.jl lens l for a data node to a new lens for accessing the same location in model m.


      julia> n = ProductNode((BagNode(randn(Float32, 2, 2), bags([0:-1, 0:-1])),

      See also: code2lens.

      model_lens(m, l)

      Convert Accessors.jl lens l for a data node to a new lens for accessing the same location in model m.


      julia> n = ProductNode((BagNode(randn(Float32, 2, 2), bags([0:-1, 0:-1])),
                               ArrayNode(Float32[1 2; 3 4])))
       ProductNode  # 2 obs, 24 bytes
         ├── BagNode  # 2 obs, 96 bytes
      @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
         ╰── ArrayModel(Dense(2 => 10))  # 2 arrays, 30 params, 200 bytes
       julia> model_lens(m, (@optic _.data[2]))
      -(@optic _.ms[2])

      See also: data_lens.

      data_lens(n, l)

      Convert Accessors.jl lens l for a model node to a new lens for accessing the same location in data node n.


      julia> n = ProductNode((BagNode(randn(Float32, 2, 2), bags([0:-1, 0:-1])), ArrayNode(Float32[1 2; 3 4])))
      +(@optic _.ms[2])

      See also: data_lens.

      data_lens(n, l)

      Convert Accessors.jl lens l for a model node to a new lens for accessing the same location in data node n.


      julia> n = ProductNode((BagNode(randn(Float32, 2, 2), bags([0:-1, 0:-1])), ArrayNode(Float32[1 2; 3 4])))
       ProductNode  # 2 obs, 24 bytes
         ├── BagNode  # 2 obs, 96 bytes
         │     ╰── ArrayNode(2×2 Array with Float32 elements)  # 2 obs, 64 bytes
      @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
         ╰── ArrayModel(Dense(2 => 10))  # 2 arrays, 30 params, 200 bytes
       julia> data_lens(n, (@optic _.ms[2]))
      -(@optic _.data[2])

      See also: data_lens.

      replacein(n, old, new)

      Replace in data node or model n each occurence of old by new.

      Short description


      julia> n = ProductNode((BagNode(randn(2, 2), bags([0:-1, 0:-1])), ArrayNode([1 2; 3 4])))
      +(@optic _.data[2])

      See also: data_lens.

      replacein(n, old, new)

      Replace in data node or model n each occurence of old by new.

      Short description


      julia> n = ProductNode((BagNode(randn(2, 2), bags([0:-1, 0:-1])), ArrayNode([1 2; 3 4])))
       ProductNode  # 2 obs, 24 bytes
         ├── BagNode  # 2 obs, 96 bytes
         │     ╰── ArrayNode(2×2 Array with Float64 elements)  # 2 obs, 80 bytes
      @@ -103,4 +103,4 @@
       julia> replacein(n, n.data[1], ArrayNode(maybehotbatch([1, 2], 1:2)))
       ProductNode  # 2 obs, 24 bytes
         ├── ArrayNode(2×2 MaybeHotMatrix with Bool elements)  # 2 obs, 80 bytes
      -  ╰── ArrayNode(2×2 Array with Int64 elements)  # 2 obs, 80 bytes
      + ╰── ArrayNode(2×2 Array with Int64 elements) # 2 obs, 80 bytessource diff --git a/dev/assets/dag.svg b/dev/assets/dag.svg index 44574ff3..35b56dc6 100644 --- a/dev/assets/dag.svg +++ b/dev/assets/dag.svg @@ -1,67 +1,67 @@ - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - + - + diff --git a/dev/assets/graph.svg b/dev/assets/graph.svg index 01195eba..cbf7cfcf 100644 --- a/dev/assets/graph.svg +++ b/dev/assets/graph.svg @@ -1,59 +1,59 @@ - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - + - + diff --git a/dev/citation/index.html b/dev/citation/index.html index d1174a54..a9395ae2 100644 --- a/dev/citation/index.html +++ b/dev/citation/index.html @@ -11,4 +11,4 @@ title = {Mill.jl framework: a flexible library for (hierarchical) multi-instance learning}, url = {https://github.com/CTUAvastLab/Mill.jl}, version = {...}, -} +} diff --git a/dev/examples/dag/index.html b/dev/examples/dag/index.html index 7dce3a17..fbcbf574 100644 --- a/dev/examples/dag/index.html +++ b/dev/examples/dag/index.html @@ -28,4 +28,4 @@ end millneighbors!(cache, g::DagGraph, model::DagModel, i::Int) = millneighbors!(cache, g, model, inneighbors(g.g, i)) -ChainRulesCore.@non_differentiable inneighbors(g, i)

      Note that this recursive approach is not the most efficient way to implement this. It would be better to spent a little time with graphs to identify sets of vertices that can be processed in parallel and for which all ancestors are known. But this was a fun little exercise.

      +ChainRulesCore.@non_differentiable inneighbors(g, i)

      Note that this recursive approach is not the most efficient way to implement this. It would be better to spent a little time with graphs to identify sets of vertices that can be processed in parallel and for which all ancestors are known. But this was a fun little exercise.

      diff --git a/dev/examples/gnn/index.html b/dev/examples/gnn/index.html index 59216d2c..e397cbba 100644 --- a/dev/examples/gnn/index.html +++ b/dev/examples/gnn/index.html @@ -47,4 +47,4 @@ 1.3873935f-5 -2.3863327f-5 8.686408f-6 - -1.3914752f-5
      julia> gradient(m -> m(g, X, 5) |> sum, gnn)((lift = (m = (layers = ((weight = Float32[-1.521082f-5 3.8996222f-7 -1.7697725f-5; 0.0 0.0 0.0; -9.3498265f-6 2.791782f-7 -2.5792242f-5; -6.785975f-6 3.034584f-6 2.8431773f-6], bias = Float32[-5.290311f-6, 0.0, 4.5375855f-6, -7.0115047f-6], σ = nothing), (weight = Float32[-1.5438375f-6 0.0 2.4586002f-6 2.2896395f-6; -1.0278474f-5 0.0 4.2990953f-7 3.2912183f-6; -2.2977618f-5 0.0 -8.8213034f-7 5.9753233f-6; 2.9400985f-6 0.0 -1.8074127f-6 -2.2046052f-6], bias = Float32[7.6166484f-6, 4.027953f-7, -4.9171335f-6, -5.431729f-6], σ = nothing)),),), mp = (im = (m = (layers = ((weight = Float32[0.00013154875 -4.4343735f-5 -0.00017144653 8.968689f-5; 2.6628251f-5 -9.35741f-6 -3.3638764f-5 1.4278337f-5; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 1.558542f-5 -5.9394156f-6 -1.2517353f-5 2.028228f-6], bias = Float32[-0.38891047, -0.014000172, 0.0, -0.0004572895], σ = nothing), (weight = Float32[0.00019107986 0.00038673094 0.0 3.9654208f-7; -4.5931338f-5 -0.0001252995 0.0 2.0195822f-7; -0.00012506096 -0.00028390734 0.0 -2.397435f-7; 6.7518755f-5 -3.6888223f-6 0.0 4.422151f-8], bias = Float32[2.4862192, 0.35816538, -1.2159816, -0.7657835], σ = nothing)),),), a = (fs = ((ψ = Float32[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],), (ψ = Float32[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],)),), bm = (layers = ((weight = Float32[4.0119317f-5 -0.000107400214 … -7.6678305f-5 1.454405f-5; 0.0 0.0 … 0.0 0.0; -1.1473835f-5 1.9660025f-5 … 1.29090395f-5 -1.6260043f-5; -8.181526f-6 1.3330677f-5 … 1.0129619f-5 -1.5495241f-5], bias = Float32[-1.5925368, 0.0, 1.0553254, 1.2458324], σ = nothing), (weight = Float32[4.1501436f-5 0.0 -1.3072101f-6 1.5161812f-5; -6.144727f-5 0.0 -1.9226987f-5 -4.3512315f-5; -6.947396f-5 0.0 -1.6763644f-5 -3.9050086f-5; -4.7248344f-5 0.0 -3.1266488f-6 -1.9289831f-5], bias = Float32[0.46054503, -1.9490308, -0.8899496, -0.8884555], σ = nothing)),)), m = (layers = ((weight = Float32[0.0 0.0 … 0.0 0.0; -2.6612646f-5 -4.372745f-6 … 5.7112145f-5 -1.887191f-5; 0.0 0.0 … 0.0 0.0; 3.8780512f-5 6.3720568f-6 … -8.322502f-5 2.7500546f-5], bias = Float32[0.0, 1.4826891, -0.0, -2.160606], σ = nothing), (weight = Float32[0.0 3.329609f-5 0.0 2.9892304f-5; 0.0 3.329609f-5 0.0 2.9892304f-5; 0.0 3.329609f-5 0.0 2.9892304f-5; 0.0 3.329609f-5 0.0 2.9892304f-5], bias = Fill(1.0f0, 4), σ = nothing)),)),)

      The above implementation is surprisingly general, as it supports an arbitrarily rich description of vertices. For simplicity, we used only vectors in X, however, any Mill hierarchy is applicable.

      To put different weights on edges, one can use Weighted aggregation.

      + -1.3914752f-5
      julia> gradient(m -> m(g, X, 5) |> sum, gnn)((lift = (m = (layers = ((weight = Float32[-1.521082f-5 3.8996222f-7 -1.7697725f-5; 0.0 0.0 0.0; -9.3498265f-6 2.791782f-7 -2.5792242f-5; -6.785975f-6 3.034584f-6 2.8431773f-6], bias = Float32[-5.290311f-6, 0.0, 4.5375855f-6, -7.0115047f-6], σ = nothing), (weight = Float32[-1.5438375f-6 0.0 2.4586002f-6 2.2896395f-6; -1.0278474f-5 0.0 4.2990953f-7 3.2912183f-6; -2.2977618f-5 0.0 -8.8213034f-7 5.9753233f-6; 2.9400985f-6 0.0 -1.8074127f-6 -2.2046052f-6], bias = Float32[7.6166484f-6, 4.027953f-7, -4.9171335f-6, -5.431729f-6], σ = nothing)),),), mp = (im = (m = (layers = ((weight = Float32[0.00013154875 -4.4343735f-5 -0.00017144653 8.968689f-5; 2.6628251f-5 -9.35741f-6 -3.3638764f-5 1.4278337f-5; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 1.558542f-5 -5.9394156f-6 -1.2517353f-5 2.028228f-6], bias = Float32[-0.38891047, -0.014000172, 0.0, -0.0004572895], σ = nothing), (weight = Float32[0.00019107986 0.00038673094 0.0 3.9654208f-7; -4.5931338f-5 -0.0001252995 0.0 2.0195822f-7; -0.00012506096 -0.00028390734 0.0 -2.397435f-7; 6.7518755f-5 -3.6888223f-6 0.0 4.422151f-8], bias = Float32[2.4862192, 0.35816538, -1.2159816, -0.7657835], σ = nothing)),),), a = (fs = ((ψ = Float32[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],), (ψ = Float32[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],)),), bm = (layers = ((weight = Float32[4.0119317f-5 -0.000107400214 … -7.6678305f-5 1.454405f-5; 0.0 0.0 … 0.0 0.0; -1.1473835f-5 1.9660025f-5 … 1.29090395f-5 -1.6260043f-5; -8.181526f-6 1.3330677f-5 … 1.0129619f-5 -1.5495241f-5], bias = Float32[-1.5925368, 0.0, 1.0553254, 1.2458324], σ = nothing), (weight = Float32[4.1501436f-5 0.0 -1.3072101f-6 1.5161812f-5; -6.144727f-5 0.0 -1.9226987f-5 -4.3512315f-5; -6.947396f-5 0.0 -1.6763644f-5 -3.9050086f-5; -4.7248344f-5 0.0 -3.1266488f-6 -1.9289831f-5], bias = Float32[0.46054503, -1.9490308, -0.8899496, -0.8884555], σ = nothing)),)), m = (layers = ((weight = Float32[0.0 0.0 … 0.0 0.0; -2.6612646f-5 -4.372745f-6 … 5.7112145f-5 -1.887191f-5; 0.0 0.0 … 0.0 0.0; 3.8780512f-5 6.3720568f-6 … -8.322502f-5 2.7500546f-5], bias = Float32[0.0, 1.4826891, -0.0, -2.160606], σ = nothing), (weight = Float32[0.0 3.329609f-5 0.0 2.9892304f-5; 0.0 3.329609f-5 0.0 2.9892304f-5; 0.0 3.329609f-5 0.0 2.9892304f-5; 0.0 3.329609f-5 0.0 2.9892304f-5], bias = Fill(1.0f0, 4), σ = nothing)),)),)

      The above implementation is surprisingly general, as it supports an arbitrarily rich description of vertices. For simplicity, we used only vectors in X, however, any Mill hierarchy is applicable.

      To put different weights on edges, one can use Weighted aggregation.

      diff --git a/dev/examples/jsons/index.html b/dev/examples/jsons/index.html index 519b2c84..2412059d 100644 --- a/dev/examples/jsons/index.html +++ b/dev/examples/jsons/index.html @@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ JsonGrinder.jl logo -

      Processing JSONs

      Processing JSONs is actually one of the main motivations for building Mill.jl. As a matter of fact, with Mill one is now able to process a set of valid JSON documents that follow the same meta schema. JsonGrinder.jl is a library that helps with infering the schema and other steps in the pipeline. For some examples, please refer to its documentation.


      Processing JSONs

      Processing JSONs is actually one of the main motivations for building Mill.jl. As a matter of fact, with Mill one is now able to process a set of valid JSON documents that follow the same meta schema. JsonGrinder.jl is a library that helps with infering the schema and other steps in the pipeline. For some examples, please refer to its documentation.

      diff --git a/dev/examples/musk/musk/index.html b/dev/examples/musk/musk/index.html index 8e84d9ee..469ac6cb 100644 --- a/dev/examples/musk/musk/index.html +++ b/dev/examples/musk/musk/index.html @@ -98,4 +98,4 @@ ┌ Info: Epoch 81 └ training_loss = 0.030421462f0 ┌ Info: Epoch 91 -└ training_loss = 0.023233365f0

      Finally, we calculate the (training) accuracy:

      mean(Flux.onecold(model(ds), 1:2) .== y)
      +└ training_loss = 0.023233365f0

      Finally, we calculate the (training) accuracy:

      mean(Flux.onecold(model(ds), 1:2) .== y)
      diff --git a/dev/index.html b/dev/index.html index 774ddd7e..f0f5fa14 100644 --- a/dev/index.html +++ b/dev/index.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ Home · Mill.jl
      Mill.jl logo -Mill.jl logo

      Mill.jl (Multiple Instance Learning Library) is a library built on top of Flux.jl aimed to flexibly prototype hierarchical multiple instance learning models as described in [1], [2] and [3]. It is developed to be:

      • flexible and versatile
      • as general as possible
      • fast
      • and dependent on only handful of other packages

      Watch our introductory talk from JuliaCon 2021.


      Run the following in REPL:

      ] add Mill

      Julia v1.9 or later is required.

      Getting started

      For the quickest start, see the Musk example.

      +Mill.jl logo

      Mill.jl (Multiple Instance Learning Library) is a library built on top of Flux.jl aimed to flexibly prototype hierarchical multiple instance learning models as described in [1], [2] and [3]. It is developed to be:

      • flexible and versatile
      • as general as possible
      • fast
      • and dependent on only handful of other packages

      Watch our introductory talk from JuliaCon 2021.


      Run the following in REPL:

      ] add Mill

      Julia v1.9 or later is required.

      Getting started

      For the quickest start, see the Musk example.

      diff --git a/dev/manual/aggregation/index.html b/dev/manual/aggregation/index.html index 72feaee4..a5bc7447 100644 --- a/dev/manual/aggregation/index.html +++ b/dev/manual/aggregation/index.html @@ -44,4 +44,4 @@ -0.604963 -3.69212 -4.94037 0.849309 -0.414772 -1.12406

      Default aggregation values

      When all aggregation operators are printed, one may notice that all of them store one additional vector ψ. This is a vector of default parameters, initialized to all zeros, that are used for empty bags:

      julia> bags = AlignedBags([1:1, 0:-1, 2:3, 0:-1, 4:4])AlignedBags{Int64}(UnitRange{Int64}[1:1, 0:-1, 2:3, 0:-1, 4:4])
      julia> a_mean(X, bags)2×5 Matrix{Float32}: 1.0 0.0 2.5 0.0 4.0 - 8.0 0.0 6.5 0.0 5.0

      That's why the dimension of input is required in the constructor. See Missing data page for more information.

      + 8.0 0.0 6.5 0.0 5.0

      That's why the dimension of input is required in the constructor. See Missing data page for more information.

      diff --git a/dev/manual/custom/index.html b/dev/manual/custom/index.html index 87480e7e..5100bbbc 100644 --- a/dev/manual/custom/index.html +++ b/dev/manual/custom/index.html @@ -57,4 +57,4 @@ end

      Example of usage:

      julia> ds = PathNode(["/etc/passwd", "/home/tonda/.bashrc"])PathNode (2 obs)  # 2 obs, 110 bytes
      julia> pm = reflectinmodel(ds, d -> Dense(d, 3))PathModel # 6 arrays, 6_192 params, 24.422 KiB
      julia> pm(ds)3×2 Matrix{Float32}: 0.258106 0.307619 0.298125 0.404265 - 0.669369 0.869995
      + 0.669369 0.869995 diff --git a/dev/manual/leaf_data/index.html b/dev/manual/leaf_data/index.html index c2548df8..e8e4514a 100644 --- a/dev/manual/leaf_data/index.html +++ b/dev/manual/leaf_data/index.html @@ -108,4 +108,4 @@ -4.77705f8 -4.48281f8 -4.97372f8 4.16182f7 3.67129f7 4.93028f7 4.13563f7 4.18648f7 3.00047f7 - 3.72453f7 3.75997f7 2.38858f7

      We now obtain a matrix with three columns, each corresponding to one of the clients. Now we can for example calculate gradients with respect to the model parameters:

      julia> gradient(m -> sum(m(ds)), m)((im = (ms = (numerical = (m = (weight = Float32[3543.7795 3.467772f8; 12015.21 2.9824387f9; … ; -10205.47 -2.5080468f9; -22158.354 -4.05619f9], bias = Float32[0.12283072, 2.3017697, -6.108818, -0.07409614, -2.9991698, 2.245645, -2.9834032, 0.46019074, -1.9266042, -2.8137956], σ = nothing),), verb = (m = (weight = Float32[-0.6740063 -0.70653045 … 0.03252409 0.0; 0.799402 0.48524243 … 0.31415942 0.0; … ; 0.37385964 0.10423415 … 0.26962546 0.0; 1.1983932 0.8594307 … 0.3389626 0.0], bias = Float32[-2.022019, 2.3982058, -1.1765642, -0.78065914, 0.99973947, -2.0380163, 1.3930469, 4.333061, 1.1215789, 3.5951798], σ = nothing),), encoding = (m = (weight = Float32[-0.06326684 0.74241585 0.37819934 -0.15449953; -1.5059438 -0.29936808 -0.8562048 -0.18580464; … ; -1.4919614 -0.3994601 -0.92160493 -0.09642328; 1.679817 -0.015670985 0.7583598 0.2948524], bias = Float32[0.90284884, -2.847321, 4.356851, 0.28094852, -2.0077217, -5.3011537, 3.5605748, -1.0072757, -2.9094498, 2.717358], σ = nothing),), hosts = (m = (weight = Float32[-18.11323 -2.8004198 … -2.8004198 -4.7428136; -5.9066224 -0.88825744 … -0.88825744 -1.5366275; … ; 3.351283 0.6230595 … 0.6230595 0.9194803; -8.199025 -1.2190037 … -1.2190037 -2.1274068], bias = Float32[-4.7428136, -1.5366275, -2.2574577, -0.43867037, 2.0060303, 0.528619, -1.6092172, -0.7405628, 0.9194803, -2.1274068], σ = nothing),)), m = (weight = Float32[-4.019252f8 6.513404f8 … -1.2286562 0.8835508; 5.433767f8 -8.805694f8 … 1.4225271 -1.0247681; … ; 6.43344f8 -1.0425715f9 … 1.6505618 -1.1893108; -3.5949668f7 5.8265244f7 … -0.5622243 0.39958024], bias = Float32[1.9439511, -2.6168752, -7.0138664, 8.038992, -3.5198772, 3.923693, 0.69940704, -0.5939465, -3.09123, -0.07146776], σ = nothing)), a = (a = (fs = ((ψ = Float32[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],), (ψ = Float32[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],)),),), bm = (weight = Float32[-1.05757606f9 4.0311667f8 … -1.6887172f9 3.1780539; -1.05757606f9 4.0311667f8 … -1.6887172f9 3.1780539; … ; -1.05757606f9 4.0311667f8 … -1.6887172f9 3.1780539; -1.05757606f9 4.0311667f8 … -1.6887172f9 3.1780539], bias = Fill(3.0f0, 10), σ = nothing)),)
      Numerical features

      To put all numerical features into one ArrayNode is a design choice. We could as well introduce more keys in the final ProductNode. The model treats these two cases slightly differently (see Nodes section).

      This dummy example illustrates the versatility of Mill. With little to no preprocessing we are able to process complex hierarchical structures and avoid manually designing feature extraction procedures. For a more involved study on processing Internet traffic with Mill, see for example [10].

      • 1One appropriate value for modulo m for real problems is 2053
      + 3.72453f7 3.75997f7 2.38858f7

      We now obtain a matrix with three columns, each corresponding to one of the clients. Now we can for example calculate gradients with respect to the model parameters:

      julia> gradient(m -> sum(m(ds)), m)((im = (ms = (numerical = (m = (weight = Float32[3543.7795 3.467772f8; 12015.21 2.9824387f9; … ; -10205.47 -2.5080468f9; -22158.354 -4.05619f9], bias = Float32[0.12283072, 2.3017697, -6.108818, -0.07409614, -2.9991698, 2.245645, -2.9834032, 0.46019074, -1.9266042, -2.8137956], σ = nothing),), verb = (m = (weight = Float32[-0.6740063 -0.70653045 … 0.03252409 0.0; 0.799402 0.48524243 … 0.31415942 0.0; … ; 0.37385964 0.10423415 … 0.26962546 0.0; 1.1983932 0.8594307 … 0.3389626 0.0], bias = Float32[-2.022019, 2.3982058, -1.1765642, -0.78065914, 0.99973947, -2.0380163, 1.3930469, 4.333061, 1.1215789, 3.5951798], σ = nothing),), encoding = (m = (weight = Float32[-0.06326684 0.74241585 0.37819934 -0.15449953; -1.5059438 -0.29936808 -0.8562048 -0.18580464; … ; -1.4919614 -0.3994601 -0.92160493 -0.09642328; 1.679817 -0.015670985 0.7583598 0.2948524], bias = Float32[0.90284884, -2.847321, 4.356851, 0.28094852, -2.0077217, -5.3011537, 3.5605748, -1.0072757, -2.9094498, 2.717358], σ = nothing),), hosts = (m = (weight = Float32[-18.11323 -2.8004198 … -2.8004198 -4.7428136; -5.9066224 -0.88825744 … -0.88825744 -1.5366275; … ; 3.351283 0.6230595 … 0.6230595 0.9194803; -8.199025 -1.2190037 … -1.2190037 -2.1274068], bias = Float32[-4.7428136, -1.5366275, -2.2574577, -0.43867037, 2.0060303, 0.528619, -1.6092172, -0.7405628, 0.9194803, -2.1274068], σ = nothing),)), m = (weight = Float32[-4.019252f8 6.513404f8 … -1.2286562 0.8835508; 5.433767f8 -8.805694f8 … 1.4225271 -1.0247681; … ; 6.43344f8 -1.0425715f9 … 1.6505618 -1.1893108; -3.5949668f7 5.8265244f7 … -0.5622243 0.39958024], bias = Float32[1.9439511, -2.6168752, -7.0138664, 8.038992, -3.5198772, 3.923693, 0.69940704, -0.5939465, -3.09123, -0.07146776], σ = nothing)), a = (a = (fs = ((ψ = Float32[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],), (ψ = Float32[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],)),),), bm = (weight = Float32[-1.05757606f9 4.0311667f8 … -1.6887172f9 3.1780539; -1.05757606f9 4.0311667f8 … -1.6887172f9 3.1780539; … ; -1.05757606f9 4.0311667f8 … -1.6887172f9 3.1780539; -1.05757606f9 4.0311667f8 … -1.6887172f9 3.1780539], bias = Fill(3.0f0, 10), σ = nothing)),)
      Numerical features

      To put all numerical features into one ArrayNode is a design choice. We could as well introduce more keys in the final ProductNode. The model treats these two cases slightly differently (see Nodes section).

      This dummy example illustrates the versatility of Mill. With little to no preprocessing we are able to process complex hierarchical structures and avoid manually designing feature extraction procedures. For a more involved study on processing Internet traffic with Mill, see for example [10].

      • 1One appropriate value for modulo m for real problems is 2053
      diff --git a/dev/manual/missing/index.html b/dev/manual/missing/index.html index 88c55c7f..83f6e444 100644 --- a/dev/manual/missing/index.html +++ b/dev/manual/missing/index.html @@ -70,4 +70,4 @@ ╰── ArrayNode(2×3 Array with Union{Missing, Int64} elements) # 3 obs, 102 bytes
      julia> m = reflectinmodel(ds)ProductModel ↦ Dense(30 => 10) # 2 arrays, 310 params, 1.289 KiB ├── ArrayModel([postimputing]Dense(5 => 10)) # 3 arrays, 70 params, 400 bytes ├── ArrayModel([postimputing]Dense(5 => 10)) # 3 arrays, 70 params, 400 bytes - ╰── ArrayModel([preimputing]Dense(2 => 10)) # 3 arrays, 32 params, 248 bytes

      Here, [pre_imputing]Dense and [post_imputing]Dense are standard dense layers with a special matrix inside:

      julia> dense = m.ms[1].m; typeof(dense.weight)PostImputingMatrix{Float32, Matrix{Float32}, Vector{Float32}}

      Inside Mill we add a special definition Base.show for these types for compact printing.

      The reflectinmodel method use types to determine whether imputing is needed or not. Compare the following:

      julia> reflectinmodel(ArrayNode(randn(Float32, 2, 3)))ArrayModel(Dense(2 => 10))  # 2 arrays, 30 params, 200 bytes
      julia> reflectinmodel(ArrayNode([1.0f0 2.0f0 missing; 4.0f0 missing missing]))ArrayModel([preimputing]Dense(2 => 10)) # 3 arrays, 32 params, 248 bytes
      julia> reflectinmodel(ArrayNode(Matrix{Union{Missing, Float32}}(randn(2, 3))))ArrayModel([preimputing]Dense(2 => 10)) # 3 arrays, 32 params, 248 bytes

      In the last case, the imputing type is returned even though there is no missing element in the matrix. Of course, the same applies to MaybeHotVector, MaybeHotMatrix and NGramMatrix. This way, we can signify that even though there are no missing values in the available sample, we expect them to appear in the future and want our model compatible. If it is hard to determine this in advance a safe bet is to make all leaves in the model. The performance will not suffer because imputing types are as fast as their non-imputing counterparts on data not containing missing values and the only tradeoff is a slight increase in the number of parameters, some of which may never be used.

      + ╰── ArrayModel([preimputing]Dense(2 => 10)) # 3 arrays, 32 params, 248 bytes

      Here, [pre_imputing]Dense and [post_imputing]Dense are standard dense layers with a special matrix inside:

      julia> dense = m.ms[1].m; typeof(dense.weight)PostImputingMatrix{Float32, Matrix{Float32}, Vector{Float32}}

      Inside Mill we add a special definition Base.show for these types for compact printing.

      The reflectinmodel method use types to determine whether imputing is needed or not. Compare the following:

      julia> reflectinmodel(ArrayNode(randn(Float32, 2, 3)))ArrayModel(Dense(2 => 10))  # 2 arrays, 30 params, 200 bytes
      julia> reflectinmodel(ArrayNode([1.0f0 2.0f0 missing; 4.0f0 missing missing]))ArrayModel([preimputing]Dense(2 => 10)) # 3 arrays, 32 params, 248 bytes
      julia> reflectinmodel(ArrayNode(Matrix{Union{Missing, Float32}}(randn(2, 3))))ArrayModel([preimputing]Dense(2 => 10)) # 3 arrays, 32 params, 248 bytes

      In the last case, the imputing type is returned even though there is no missing element in the matrix. Of course, the same applies to MaybeHotVector, MaybeHotMatrix and NGramMatrix. This way, we can signify that even though there are no missing values in the available sample, we expect them to appear in the future and want our model compatible. If it is hard to determine this in advance a safe bet is to make all leaves in the model. The performance will not suffer because imputing types are as fast as their non-imputing counterparts on data not containing missing values and the only tradeoff is a slight increase in the number of parameters, some of which may never be used.

      diff --git a/dev/manual/more_on_nodes/index.html b/dev/manual/more_on_nodes/index.html index 45a3a1c8..d23b35da 100644 --- a/dev/manual/more_on_nodes/index.html +++ b/dev/manual/more_on_nodes/index.html @@ -83,4 +83,4 @@ "metadata"
      julia> n2 = ProductNode(n1, [1 3; 2 4])ProductNode # 2 obs, 96 bytes ╰── ArrayNode(2×2 Array with Float64 elements) # 2 obs, 152 bytes
      julia> Mill.metadata(n2)2×2 Matrix{Int64}: 1 3 - 2 4 + 2 4 diff --git a/dev/manual/nodes/index.html b/dev/manual/nodes/index.html index 3e87e72e..b5fe4027 100644 --- a/dev/manual/nodes/index.html +++ b/dev/manual/nodes/index.html @@ -58,4 +58,4 @@ -0.201476 -0.602289 0.793139 -0.501704 0.0751399 -1.98769 -0.90056 -0.648128 -2.29961

      which is equivalent to:

      julia> PM(PN) == ytrue

      Application of this product model can be schematically visualized as follows:

      Product Model -Product Model +Product Model diff --git a/dev/manual/reflectin/index.html b/dev/manual/reflectin/index.html index d81aa441..a1c9d4b9 100644 --- a/dev/manual/reflectin/index.html +++ b/dev/manual/reflectin/index.html @@ -101,4 +101,4 @@ 1.1421611 0.8822706 2.514736 0.036934458
      julia> m = reflectinmodel(x32)ArrayModel(Dense(2 => 10)) # 2 arrays, 30 params, 200 bytes
      julia> x64 = randn(2, 2) |> ArrayNode2×2 ArrayNode{Matrix{Float64}, Nothing}: 0.3560285043427309 0.9366766658560893 - 0.6108965887101426 1.560294028451233
      julia> m = reflectinmodel(x64, d -> f64(Dense(d, 5)), d -> f64(SegmentedMean(d)))ArrayModel(Dense(2 => 5)) # 2 arrays, 15 params, 200 bytes

      Functions Flux.f64 and Flux.f32 may come in handy.

      + 0.6108965887101426 1.560294028451233
      julia> m = reflectinmodel(x64, d -> f64(Dense(d, 5)), d -> f64(SegmentedMean(d)))ArrayModel(Dense(2 => 5)) # 2 arrays, 15 params, 200 bytes

      Functions Flux.f64 and Flux.f32 may come in handy.

      diff --git a/dev/motivation/index.html b/dev/motivation/index.html index 92528f02..6484ce7b 100644 --- a/dev/motivation/index.html +++ b/dev/motivation/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ Motivation · Mill.jl


      In this section, we provide a short introduction into (hierarchical) multi instance learning. A much more detailed overview of this subject can be found in [1] and [4].

      What is a Multiple instance learning problem?

      In Multiple Instance Learning (MIL), also Multi-Instance Learning, the sample $\bm{x}$ is a set of vectors (or matrices) $\{x_1,\ldots,x_l\}$, where $x_i \in \mathbb{R}^d$. As a result, order does not matter, which makes MIL problems different from sequences. In MIL parlance, sample $\bm{x}$ is also called a bag and its elements $x_1, \ldots, x_2$ instances. MIL problems have been introduced in [5], and extended and generalized in a series of works [2], [3], [6]. The most comprehensive introduction known to authors is [4].

      Why are MIL problems relevant? Since the seminal paper from [7], the majority of machine learning problems deals with problems like the one shown below:[1]

      Iris task Iris task

      where the input sample $\bm{x}$ is a vector (or generally speaking any tensor) of a fixed dimension containing various measurements of the specimen.

      Most of the time, a skilled botanist is able to identify a specimen not by making use of any measuring device, but by visual or tactile inspection of its stem, leaves and blooms. For different species, different parts of the flower may need to be examined for indicators. At the same time, many species may have nearly identical-looking leaves or blooms, therefore, one needs to step back, consider the whole picture, and appropriately combine lower-level observations into high-level conclusions about the given specimen.

      If we want to use such more elaborate description of the Iris flower using fixed size structures, we will have a hard time, because every specimen can have a different amounts of leaves or blooms (or they may be completely missing). This means that to use the usual fixed dimension paradigm, we have to either somehow select a single leaf (blossom) and extract features from them, or design procedures for aggregating such features over whole sets, so that the output has fixed dimension. This is clearly undesirable. Mill.jl a framework that seamlessly deals with these challenges in data representation.

      Hierarchical Multiple Instance Learning

      In Hierarchical Multiple Instance Learning (HMIL) the input may consists of not only sets, but also sets of sets and Cartesian Products of these structures. Returning to the previous Iris flower example, a specimen can be represented like this for HMIL:

      Iris HMIL representation -Iris HMIL representation

      The only stem is represented by vector $\bm{x}_s$ encoding its distinctive properties such as shape, color, structure or texture. Next, we inspect all blooms. Each of the blooms may have distinctive discriminative signs, therefore, we describe all three in vectors $\bm{x}_{b_1}, \bm{x}_{b_2}, \bm{x}_{b_3}$, one vector for each bloom, and group them to a set. Finally, $\bm{x}_u$ represents the only flower which has not blossomed. Likewise, we could describe all leaves of the specimen if any were present. Here we assume that each specimen of the considered species has only one stem, but may have multiple flowers or leaves. Hence, all blooms and buds are represented as unordered sets of vectors as opposed to stem representation, which consists of only one vector.

      How does MIL models cope with variability in numbers of flowers and leaves? Each MIL model consists of two feed-forward neural networks with an element-wise aggregation operator like mean (or maximum) sandwiched between them. Denoting those feed-forward networks (FFNs) as $f_1$ and $f_2$, the output of the model applied to a bag is calculated for example as $f_2 \left(\frac{1}{l}\sum_{i=1}^l f_1(x_i) \right)$ if we use mean as an aggregation function.

      The HMIL model corresponding to the Iris example above would comprise two FFNs and an aggregation to convert set of leafs to a single vector, and another two FFNs and an aggregation to convert set of blossoms to a single vector. These two outputs would be concatenated with a description of a stem, which would be fed to yet another FFN providing the final output. Since the whole scheme is differentiable, we can compute gradients and use any available gradient-based method to optimize the whole model at once using only labels on the level of output[2].

      The Mill.jl library simplifies implementation of machine learning problems using (H)MIL representation. In theory, it can represent any problem that can be represented in JSONs. That is why we have created a separate tool, JsonGrinder.jl, which helps with processing JSON documents for learning.

      In [6], authors have further extended the Universal approximation theorem to MIL problems, their Cartesian products, and nested MIL problems, i.e. a case where instances of one bag are in fact bags again.

      Relation to Graph Neural Networks

      HMIL problems can be seen as a special subset of general graphs. They differ in two important ways:

      • In general graphs, vertices are of a small number of semantic type, whereas in HMIL problems, the number of semantic types of vertices is much higher (it is helpful to think about HMIL problems as about those for which JSON is a natural representation).
      • The computational graph of HMIL is a tree, which introduces assumption that there exist an efficient inference. Contrary, in general graphs (with loops) there is no efficient inference and one has to resort to message passing (Loopy belief propagation).
      • One update message in loopy belief propagation can be viewed as a MIL problem, as it has to produce a vector based on infomation inthe neighborhood, which can contain an arbitrary number of vertices.

      Differences from sequence-based modeling

      The major difference is that instances in bag are not ordered in any way. This means that if a sequence $(a,b,c)$ should be treated as a set, then the output of a function f should be the same for any permutation, i.e. $f(abc) = f(cba) = f(bac) = \ldots$.

      This property has a dramatic implication on the computational complexity. Sequences are typically modeled using Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), where the output is calculated roughly as $f(abc) = g(a, g(b, g(c)))$. During optimization, a gradient of $g$ needs to be calculated recursively, giving raise to infamous vanishing / exploding gradient problems. In constrast, (H)MIL models calculate the output as $f(\frac{1}{3}(g(a) + g(b) + g(c)))$ (slightly abusing notation again), which means that the gradient of $g$ can be calculated in parallel and not recurrently.

      • 1Iris flower data set
      • 2Some methods for MIL problems require instance-level labels as well, which are not always available.
      +Iris HMIL representation

      The only stem is represented by vector $\bm{x}_s$ encoding its distinctive properties such as shape, color, structure or texture. Next, we inspect all blooms. Each of the blooms may have distinctive discriminative signs, therefore, we describe all three in vectors $\bm{x}_{b_1}, \bm{x}_{b_2}, \bm{x}_{b_3}$, one vector for each bloom, and group them to a set. Finally, $\bm{x}_u$ represents the only flower which has not blossomed. Likewise, we could describe all leaves of the specimen if any were present. Here we assume that each specimen of the considered species has only one stem, but may have multiple flowers or leaves. Hence, all blooms and buds are represented as unordered sets of vectors as opposed to stem representation, which consists of only one vector.

      How does MIL models cope with variability in numbers of flowers and leaves? Each MIL model consists of two feed-forward neural networks with an element-wise aggregation operator like mean (or maximum) sandwiched between them. Denoting those feed-forward networks (FFNs) as $f_1$ and $f_2$, the output of the model applied to a bag is calculated for example as $f_2 \left(\frac{1}{l}\sum_{i=1}^l f_1(x_i) \right)$ if we use mean as an aggregation function.

      The HMIL model corresponding to the Iris example above would comprise two FFNs and an aggregation to convert set of leafs to a single vector, and another two FFNs and an aggregation to convert set of blossoms to a single vector. These two outputs would be concatenated with a description of a stem, which would be fed to yet another FFN providing the final output. Since the whole scheme is differentiable, we can compute gradients and use any available gradient-based method to optimize the whole model at once using only labels on the level of output[2].

      The Mill.jl library simplifies implementation of machine learning problems using (H)MIL representation. In theory, it can represent any problem that can be represented in JSONs. That is why we have created a separate tool, JsonGrinder.jl, which helps with processing JSON documents for learning.

      In [6], authors have further extended the Universal approximation theorem to MIL problems, their Cartesian products, and nested MIL problems, i.e. a case where instances of one bag are in fact bags again.

      Relation to Graph Neural Networks

      HMIL problems can be seen as a special subset of general graphs. They differ in two important ways:

      • In general graphs, vertices are of a small number of semantic type, whereas in HMIL problems, the number of semantic types of vertices is much higher (it is helpful to think about HMIL problems as about those for which JSON is a natural representation).
      • The computational graph of HMIL is a tree, which introduces assumption that there exist an efficient inference. Contrary, in general graphs (with loops) there is no efficient inference and one has to resort to message passing (Loopy belief propagation).
      • One update message in loopy belief propagation can be viewed as a MIL problem, as it has to produce a vector based on infomation inthe neighborhood, which can contain an arbitrary number of vertices.

      Differences from sequence-based modeling

      The major difference is that instances in bag are not ordered in any way. This means that if a sequence $(a,b,c)$ should be treated as a set, then the output of a function f should be the same for any permutation, i.e. $f(abc) = f(cba) = f(bac) = \ldots$.

      This property has a dramatic implication on the computational complexity. Sequences are typically modeled using Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), where the output is calculated roughly as $f(abc) = g(a, g(b, g(c)))$. During optimization, a gradient of $g$ needs to be calculated recursively, giving raise to infamous vanishing / exploding gradient problems. In constrast, (H)MIL models calculate the output as $f(\frac{1}{3}(g(a) + g(b) + g(c)))$ (slightly abusing notation again), which means that the gradient of $g$ can be calculated in parallel and not recurrently.

      • 1Iris flower data set
      • 2Some methods for MIL problems require instance-level labels as well, which are not always available.
      diff --git a/dev/references/index.html b/dev/references/index.html index 355762dc..47b58a62 100644 --- a/dev/references/index.html +++ b/dev/references/index.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -References · Mill.jl


      S. Mandlı́k, M. Racinsky, V. Lisý and T. Pevný. JsonGrinder.jl: automated differentiable neural architecture for embedding arbitrary JSON data. J. Mach. Learn. Res. 23, 298:1–298:5 (2022).
      T. Pevný and P. Somol. Discriminative models for multi-instance problems with tree-structure. CoRR abs/1703.02868 (2017), arXiv:1703.02868.
      T. Pevný and P. Somol. Using Neural Network Formalism to Solve Multiple-Instance Problems. In: Advances in Neural Networks - ISNN 2017 - 14th International Symposium, ISNN 2017, Sapporo, Hakodate, and Muroran, Hokkaido, Japan, June 21-26, 2017, Proceedings, Part I, Vol. 10261 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, edited by F. Cong, A. Leung and Q. Wei (Springer, 2017); pp. 135–142.
      Š. Mandlík and T. Pevný. Mapping the Internet: Modelling Entity Interactions in Complex Heterogeneous Networks. Master's thesis, Czech Technical University (2020), https://dspace.cvut.cz/handle/10467/87851?locale-attribute=en.
      T. G. Dietterich, R. H. Lathrop and T. Lozano-Pérez. Solving the Multiple Instance Problem with Axis-Parallel Rectangles. Artif. Intell. 89, 31–71 (1997).
      R. A. Fisher. The use of multiple measurements in taxonomic problems. Annals of eugenics 7, 179–188 (1936).
      O. Z. Kraus, L. J. Ba and B. J. Frey. Classifying and Segmenting Microscopy Images Using Convolutional Multiple Instance Learning. CoRR abs/1511.05286 (2015), arXiv:1511.05286.
      Gülçehre, K. Cho, R. Pascanu and Y. Bengio. Learned-Norm Pooling for Deep Feedforward and Recurrent Neural Networks. In: Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases - European Conference, ECML PKDD 2014, Nancy, France, September 15-19, 2014. Proceedings, Part I, Vol. 8724 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, edited by T. Calders, F. Esposito, E. Hüllermeier and R. Meo (Springer, 2014); pp. 530–546.
      +References · Mill.jl


      S. Mandlı́k, M. Racinsky, V. Lisý and T. Pevný. JsonGrinder.jl: automated differentiable neural architecture for embedding arbitrary JSON data. J. Mach. Learn. Res. 23, 298:1–298:5 (2022).
      T. Pevný and P. Somol. Discriminative models for multi-instance problems with tree-structure. CoRR abs/1703.02868 (2017), arXiv:1703.02868.
      T. Pevný and P. Somol. Using Neural Network Formalism to Solve Multiple-Instance Problems. In: Advances in Neural Networks - ISNN 2017 - 14th International Symposium, ISNN 2017, Sapporo, Hakodate, and Muroran, Hokkaido, Japan, June 21-26, 2017, Proceedings, Part I, Vol. 10261 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, edited by F. Cong, A. Leung and Q. Wei (Springer, 2017); pp. 135–142.
      Š. Mandlík and T. Pevný. Mapping the Internet: Modelling Entity Interactions in Complex Heterogeneous Networks. Master's thesis, Czech Technical University (2020), https://dspace.cvut.cz/handle/10467/87851?locale-attribute=en.
      T. G. Dietterich, R. H. Lathrop and T. Lozano-Pérez. Solving the Multiple Instance Problem with Axis-Parallel Rectangles. Artif. Intell. 89, 31–71 (1997).
      R. A. Fisher. The use of multiple measurements in taxonomic problems. Annals of eugenics 7, 179–188 (1936).
      O. Z. Kraus, L. J. Ba and B. J. Frey. Classifying and Segmenting Microscopy Images Using Convolutional Multiple Instance Learning. CoRR abs/1511.05286 (2015), arXiv:1511.05286.
      Gülçehre, K. Cho, R. Pascanu and Y. Bengio. Learned-Norm Pooling for Deep Feedforward and Recurrent Neural Networks. In: Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases - European Conference, ECML PKDD 2014, Nancy, France, September 15-19, 2014. Proceedings, Part I, Vol. 8724 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, edited by T. Calders, F. Esposito, E. Hüllermeier and R. Meo (Springer, 2014); pp. 530–546.
      diff --git a/dev/tools/hierarchical/index.html b/dev/tools/hierarchical/index.html index bfd72fda..04484d3d 100644 --- a/dev/tools/hierarchical/index.html +++ b/dev/tools/hierarchical/index.html @@ -80,4 +80,4 @@ BagModel ↦ BagCount([SegmentedMean(10); SegmentedMax(10)]) ↦ Dense(21 => 10)
      julia> PredicateIterator(x -> numobs(x) ≥ 10, ds) |> collect3-element Vector{AbstractMillNode}: ArrayNode(4×10 Array with Float64 elements) BagNode - ArrayNode(2×30 Array with Float64 elements)

      For the complete showcase of possibilites, refer to HierarchicalUtils.jl and this notebook.

      + ArrayNode(2×30 Array with Float64 elements)

      For the complete showcase of possibilites, refer to HierarchicalUtils.jl and this notebook.