This file includes explanation about the entity finding algorithms and how the algorithms are implemented in python using SpaCy Matcher, Pyap and SpaCy-Wordnet.
See Run on local system to run this project locally.
This tool redacts sensitive data (like names, genders, dates, phones, addresses and concepts) based on given command line arguments. The redacted files are stored in folder indicated by --output
with the extensions .redacted
The tool also generates statistics for the redaction process and stores them in a file or writes it to special files like stdout
or stderr
based on the --stats
The stats are formatted as follows:
The redaction pipeline is responsible for redacting the content of each file based on given flags, along with returning the redacted text and the statistics of how many number of entities were redacted. This pipeline collects all the entities in the form of list[spacy.tokens.Span]
and redacts them at the end.
The main redaction pipeline is located in project1 init file.
The entity finders are responsible to identity the entities or sentences based on concepts provided. Entity finders are located in
The following finders are available in this module:
function signature:
names_finder(doc: Doc, nlp: Language) -> list[Span]
This function is used to identity any names present in the given unredacted document content. names_finder
uses SpaCy's Matcher and SpaCy's NER (Named Entity Recognizer) pipe to identity the names. Identified names are stored as SpaCy's Span list and returned.
Below are the patterns used to recognize names using SpaCy's Matcher:
Pattern | Example | Comment |
{"ORTH": {"IN": ["Dr.", "Mr.", ...]}}, {"IS_SPACE": True, "OP": "?"},{"ENT_TYPE": "PERSON", "OP": "+"} |
"Dr. Christan Grant", "Ms Jasmine M. DeHart" | And PERSON entity with preceding titles (Dr., Ms., Mr., Miss.) |
{"ENT_TYPE": "PERSON", "OP": "+"}, {"ORTH": ","},{"ENT_TYPE": "PERSON", "OP": "+"} |
"Nandamuri, Biswas", "Grant, Christan E." | Any two PERSON entity tokens seperated by comma |
{"ENT_TYPE": {"IN": ["PERSON", "ORG"]}}, {"ORTH": "'s"} |
"NATO's", "Jackson's" | Any token recognized as PERSON or ORG followed by 's |
{"ENT_TYPE": {"IN": ["PERSON", "GPE"]}, "OP": "+"} |
"Biswas Nandamuri", "Christan Grant" | Any continous number of tokens recognized as PERSON or GPE |
{"ENT_TYPE": {"IN": ["NORP", "ORG"]}, "OP": "+"} |
"Russian", "American", "Indian" | Any continous number of tokens recognized as NORP or ORG |
function signature:
genders_finder(doc: Doc, nlp: Language) -> list[Span]
This function is used to identity any words which reveal the gender of a subject. genders_finder
contains a list of such gender-revealing words and uses SpaCy matcher to identity those word in lemmatized form. Identified gender-words are stored as SpaCy's Span list and returned.
Below is the pattern used to recognize genders using SpaCy's Matcher:
Pattern | Example | Comment |
{"LOWER": {"IN": ["he", "him", "dad", "gentleman", ....]}} |
"He", "he", "Father" | Any token whose lemmatized form is in the gender_lemmas list |
function signature:
dates_finder(doc: Doc, nlp: Language) -> list[Span]
is used to identity any type of dates or time-revealing words (a century ago) using SpaCy's Matcher and NER. Identified dates or time-revealing tokens are stored as SpaCy's Span list and returned.
Below are the patterns used to recognize dates using SpaCy's Matcher:
Pattern | Example | Comment |
{"ENT_TYPE": "DATE", "OP": "+"} |
"Feb 3rd, 2022", "3rd February" | Any token or tokens recognized as DATE entity by SpaCy NER |
{"TEXT": {"REGEX": "[0-9]{1,2}/[0-9]{1,2}/[0-9]{4}"}} |
"3/2/2001", "03/02/2001" | Any date representing two digit day and month along with four digit year. Seperated by / |
{"TEXT": {"REGEX": "[0-9]{1,2}/[0-9]{1,2}/[0-9]{2}"}} |
"3/2/01", "03/02/01" | Any date representing two digit day and month along with two digit year. Seperated by / |
function signature:
phones_finder(doc: Doc, nlp: Language) -> list[Span]
is used to identity any type of 10-digit phone numbers (preceded with +1
or not) using SpaCy's Matcher. The reqular expression is used is from the following book. All identified phone numbers are stored as SpaCy's Span list and returned.
Below are the patterns used to recognize dates using SpaCy's Matcher:
Pattern | Example | Comment |
{"ORTH": "+1", "OP": "?"},{"ORTH": "(", "OP": "?"},{"TEXT": {"REGEX": "[2-9][0-8][0-9]"}},{"ORTH": ")", "OP": "?"},{"TEXT": {"REGEX": r"[-.● ]"}, "OP": "?"},{"TEXT": {"REGEX": "[2-9][0-9]{2}"}},{"TEXT": {"REGEX": r"[-.● ]"}, "OP": "?"},{"TEXT": {"REGEX": "[0-9]{4}"}} |
"(800) 353 4940", "+1 800 353 4940" | Any phone number following the RegEx ^\(+1)?\(?([2-9][0-8][0-9])\)?[-.● ]?([2-9][0-9]{2})[-.● ]?([0-9]{4})$ |
{"TEXT": {"REGEX": "[2-9][0-8][0-9][2-9][0-9]{2}[0-9]{4}"}} |
"8003534940" | Any 10-digit number starting with area-code between 200 to 989 |
function signature:
address_finder(doc: Doc, nlp: Language) -> list[Span]
uses pyap
to identity any addresses in the given document. pyap
returns the found addresses in the form of pyap.address.Address
object. This tool converts that Address
data into list and identifies the starting and ending of each address found. Later these starting and ending values of addresses are converted into a regular expressions pattern used by SpaCy's Matcher. All identified addresses are stored as SpaCy's Span list and returned.
Using address 660 Parrington Oval, Norman, OK 73019
, the pattern generated would look like [{"ORTH": "660"}, {"ORTH": "Parrington"}, {"ORTH": "Oval"}, {"TEXT": {"REGEX": r".*"}, "OP": "*"}, {"ORTH": "OK"}, {"ORTH": "73019"}]
function signature:
concept_finder(doc: Doc, nlp: Language, concepts: list[str]) -> list[Span]
need an Language pipeline which has spacy_wordnet
custom annotations added using nlp.add_pipe("spacy_wordnet",after='tagger',config={'lang': nlp.lang})
. This custom annotation enable this tool to retrieve Synonyms
, Hyponyms
, Member Holonyms
and Part Holonyms
of the given concept words and store them in an array called concept_words
. Later any sentences containing words from this concept_words
list are stored as SpaCy's Span list and returned.