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External Builders

Joe edited this page Oct 18, 2022 · 21 revisions

Starting in v1.5.30 Sliver supports "external builders," which allow a Sliver server to offload implant builds onto other systems. This can be used to increase platform support (e.g. connecting a MacBook to a Linux server to enable additional MacOS compiler targets) or increasing performance (e.g. having a low powered cloud host offload a local PC).

External builders can also be used to create custom modifications to the implant source code, or potentially replace the default Sliver implant entirely.

          MacOS .dylib Implant Builds
      │                                     │
      ▼                                     │
┌───────────┐                         ┌─────┴─────┐
│ MacOS     │ Multiplayer             │ Linux     │
│ Builder   ├────────────────────────►│ Server    │
│           │                         │           │
└───────────┘                         └───────────┘
┌───────────┐                             │
│Windows    │ Multiplayer                 │
│ Operator  ├─────────────────────────────┘
│           │



Any sliver-server binary can be started as a builder process using operator configuration files from multiplayer-mode from the server you want to connect the builder to, for example:

./sliver-server builder -c operator-multiplayer.cfg

When started as a builder, the Sliver process will mirror log output to stdout by default, however this can be disabled (see sliver-server builder --help).

⚠️ IMPORTANT: Make sure the builder and server have identical http-c2.json configuration files to avoid incompatibility problems.

⚠️ IMPORTANT: Builders must have unique names, by default the builder's hostname will be used, but this can be changed using the --name cli flag.

External Builds

Any operator can see which builders are connected to the server using the builders command. This command will also show what templates, formats, and compiler targets each builder supports:

sliver > builders 

 Name                            Operator   Templates   Platform       Compiler Targets         
=============================== ========== =========== ============== ==========================
 molochs-MacBook-Pro-111.local   moloch     sliver      darwin/arm64   EXECUTABLE:linux/386     

Use the --external-builder flag to offload a generate or generate beacon command onto an external builder:

sliver > generate --mtls localhost --os mac --arch arm64 --external-builder

[*] Using external builder: molochs-MacBook-Pro-111.local
[*] Externally generating new darwin/arm64 implant binary
[*] Symbol obfuscation is enabled
[*] Creating external build ... done
[*] Build completed in 1m19s

If a given format/target combination is supported by multiple external builders you will be prompted to select one for the build.


Currently external builds do not support DNS canaries.

Implant Customization

You are welcome to customize the implant source code under the terms of Sliver's GPLv3 license. While we plan to improve the workflow over time, currently the easiest way to operationalize changes to the implant source code is:

  1. Fork the main Sliver Github repository
  2. Make modifications to the source code
  3. Compile a Sliver server binary
  4. Connect the customized Sliver server binary to any other C2 server (including mainline servers) as an external builder
  5. Operators can generate the customized implant builds via the generate --external-builder flag
  6. Avoid making any changes to /sever to make merging upstream easier if changes are introduced to the builder APIs
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