All acquired data is save in the raw-data folder with name in the following format: qy_date_timeID.csv. All the details of the experiments are logged into the datalogs file and one can relate the specific data file to its log details by file name and saved_name column. The metadata file contains all the details regarding the columns of the saved data.
field_name | data_type | data_format | example | standard_units | description |
time | float | ^([0-9]?.|[1-9][\d].)[0-9]$ | 123423.982734 | seconds | Positive float number for time acquired with python using the OS clock |
0 | float | ^[-]?([0-9]?.|[1-9][\d].)[0-9]$ | -1.99834 | volts | Daq input channel |
1 | float | ^[-]?([0-9]?.|[1-9][\d].)[0-9]$ | -1.99834 | volts | Daq input channel |
2 | float | ^[-]?([0-9]?.|[1-9][\d].)[0-9]$ | -1.99834 | volts | Daq input channel |
Beam profile folder and equipment calibration folders contain images of the beam profile and csv data file used to calibrate the analog output of the power meter.