Author: Jean Matias
Email: [email protected]
Publication: Optics Express
The code is fully built in Python v3.9 and it is recommended to start a virtual environment to avoid compatibility issues. The following steps will guide you for that.
- First install Python 3.9 and the package manager pip
- Install the virtual environment package in a cmd prompt (Windows) or a terminal (Unix):
pip install virtualenv
- Start a virtual environment:
virtualenv -p <path\to\>python3.9 qyvenv
- Activate it:
- Install requirements:
pip -r install .\requirements.txt
- Add the qyvenv to the jupyter kernels list:
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=qyvenv
- If you need to remove it:
jupyter-kernelspec uninstall qyvenv
- Start jupyter notebook:
- Navigate to the notebooks and select the active kernel: qyvenv
- Once you finish, deactivate the qyvenv:
- data contains all the data used to calculate the QY of the UCNPs, including data to calibrate the system,
- docs, relevant documentation and a pdf of the main jupyter notebook with the QY analysis,
- notebooks, jupyter notebooks with with analysis and calibration of the QY system,
- plots, figures presented in the paper and supplementary material,
- scripts, Python scripts with all the functions, equations, and calculations needed for the analysis.