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23 lines (19 loc) · 1.65 KB


Pipeline for allele-specific variant calling from RNAseq. This pipeline has been optimized to work with ERCC exRNA samples on BRL-BCM HPC.

Prerequisite tools and databases

  1. Construction of the diploid genomes requires the following dependencies:
  1. The variant calling pipeline requires the following dependencies:
  • STAR, gatk, picard, samtools, BEDTools
  • Hg38 reference file,reference annotation file and known variants sites files such as 1000G_phase1.snps.high_confidence.hg38.vcf.gz, Mills_and_1000G_gold_standard.indels.hg38.vcf.gz, all available at GATK resource bundle.

Running the pipeline

Step 1: Keep only genome regions covered by ERCC samples

  1. getBedCoveragePerStudy.pbs.txt: generate unioned coverage depth bedfile across ERCC studies
  2. getSumBedCoveragePerStudy.pbs.txt: utilize unionbedgByStudy.R to sumarize covered regions by study
  3. maskRefGenome.pbs.txt: mask uncovered genome regions.
  4. Convert unioned ERCC genome coverage bedgraphs from version hg19 to hg38

Step 2: Construct (artificial) diploid genome

Step 3: Call extracellularly expressed variants

ppl_vCall_ref_Hr4Rm47Prc4.pbs: calls extracellularly expressed variants with minimum reference bias.