Name | Type | Description | Notes |
authority | String | The update authority of the candy machine | [optional] |
bump | Number | [optional] | |
candyMachineId | String | The ID of the candy machine | [optional] |
configAddress | String | The configuration public key address of the candy machine | [optional] |
creators | [GetCandyMetadataResponseCreators] | [optional] | |
goLiveDate | Number | The unix timestamp of the start date of the candy machine | [optional] |
isMutable | Boolean | [optional] | |
itemsAvailable | Number | The number of NFTs available for mint from the candy machine | [optional] |
itemsRedeemed | Number | The number of NFTs minted already from the candy machine | [optional] |
maxNumberOfLines | Number | [optional] | |
maxSupply | Number | [optional] | |
price | Number | The price in Lamports for minting an NFT from the candy machine. 1e9 Lamport = 1 SOL | [optional] |
retainAuthority | Boolean | [optional] | |
sellerFeeBasisPoints | Number | The royalty the creators receive on each sale after the primary sale (the initial minting) (denominated in basis points (e.g., 75 basis points = 0.75%)) | [optional] |
symbol | String | [optional] | |
tokenMint | String | [optional] | |
uuid | String | The uuid of the candy machine | [optional] |
wallet | String | The public key address of the wallet that recevies the proceeds from NFT mints | [optional] |