- xgrommx/awesome-functional-programming - Yet another resource for collecting articles, videos etc. regarding functional programming
- lucasviola/awesome-functional-programming - A curated list of functional programming resources such as blog posts, communities, discussion topics, wikis and more.
- Functional C#: Immutability
- Functional C#: Primitive obsession
- Functional C#: Non-nullable reference types
- Functional C#: Handling failures, input errors
- Functional Programming for Pragmatists • Richard Feldman • GOTO 2021
- Domain Modeling Made Functional - Scott Wlaschin - KanDDDinsky 2019
- mcintyre321/OneOf - Easy to use F#-like
discriminatedunions for C# with exhaustive compile time matching - ardalis/Result - A result abstraction that can be mapped to HTTP response codes if needed.