- Identify domain-model boundaries for each microservice
- Context is King: Finding Service Boundaries
- Defining Service Boundaries by Splitting Entities
- BoundedContext
- Strategic DDD — Bounded Contexts
- Bounded Context
- Bounded Context Canvas V3: Simplifications and Additions
- Practical DDD: Bounded Contexts + Events => Microservices
- DDD Strategic Patterns: How To Define Bounded Contexts
- DDD Beyond the Basics: Mastering Multi-Bounded Context Integration ⭐
- Practical DDD: Bounded Contexts + Events - Microservices, with Indu Alagarsamy
- Practical DDD: Bounded Contexts + Events = Microservices
- The Art of Discovering Bounded Contexts by Nick Tune
- Mathias Verraes - Emergent Boundaries
- Context is King | Finding Service Boundaries Talk
- Defining Service Boundaries by Splitting Entities
- Bounded Contexts, Microservices, and Everything In Between - Vladik Khononov - KanDDDinsky 2018
- DDD & Microservices: At Last, Some Boundaries! • Eric Evans • GOTO 2015