- Command and Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) pattern
- Simple CQRS implementation with raw SQL and DDD
- CQRS/MediatR implementation patterns
- CQRS Myths: 3 Most Common Misconceptions
- Dealing with Duplication in MediatR Handlers
- Implement reads/queries in a CQRS microservice
- Some thoughts on using CQRS without Event Sourcing
- Tackling Complexity in CQRS
- From CQS to CQRS
- Building a robust CQRS database with EF Core and Cosmos DB
- EF Core – Combining SQL and NoSQL databases for better performance
- CQRS facts and myths explained
- CQRS, Task Based UIs, Event Sourcing agh!
- Command Query Separation?
- Processing multiple aggregates – transactional vs eventual consistency
- What is CQRS?
- Task-Based UI
- Put your controllers on a diet: GETs and queries
- Exposing IQueryable in a CQRS Query Stack
- Reactive in practice, Unit 3: Translate the domain model to service APIs
- Reactive in practice, Unit 6: CQRS, Part 1 – Write side
- Reactive in practice, Unit 7: CQRS, Part 2 – ReadSideProcessor for queries and views
- Reactive in practice, Unit 8: CQRS, Part 3 – ReadSideProcessor for transactions
- CQRS with MediatR and AutoMapper
- Meanwhile... on the command side of my architecture
- Meanwhile... on the query side of my architecture
- MVC Controllers are Dinosaurs - Embrace API Endpoints
- Moving from Controllers and Actions to Endpoints with MediatR
- CQRS snippets
- CQRS Simple Architecture
- Brighter Commands
- CQRS with Entity Framework Core
- A .Net5 Sample Using CQRS(Command Query Responsibility Segregation) And MediatR Patterns
- CQRS with MediatR and AutoMapper
- Thin Controllers with CQRS and MediatR
- Are CQRS commands part of the domain model?
- CQS with Database-Generated Ids
- CQRS and exception handling
- When to validate commands in CQRS?
- Types of CQRS
- Message Naming Conventions
- CQRS - CodeWithShadman
- Mediator Pattern Implemented In .NET/C#
- Getting Started with CQRS – Part 1
- Getting Started with CQRS – Part 2
- Getting Started with CQRS – Part 3
- CQRS with MediatR in ASP.NET Core 3.1 – Ultimate Guide
- Optimize your data access by using CQRS Architecture Pattern — Part I
- Optimize your data access by using CQRS Architecture Pattern — Part II
- CQRS and REST: the perfect match
- Spring and Data Synchronization Between Queries and Commands
- Combining DDD, CQRS, and Clean Architecture by refactoring a Go project
- CQRS: Intro
- CQRS: Querying via HTTP
- CQRS: Commanding via HTTP
- CQRS without Multiple Data Sources
- CQS versus server generated IDs
- CQRS: What? Why? How?
- How to register all CQRS handlers by convention
- CQRS is simpler than you think with .NET 6 and C# 10
- Why I don't use MediatR for CQRS
- CQRS & Event Sourcing Code Walk-Through
- Should you use the Repository Pattern? With CQRS, Yes and No!
- 3 CQRS Architectures that Every Software Architect Should Know
- CQRS(Command-Query Responsibility Segregation)
- What's the difference between a command and an event?
- Can command return a value?
- Busting some CQRS myths
- Event Sourcing and CQRS
- Overselling Event Sourcing
- Live projections for read models with Event Sourcing and CQRS
- 6 Code Smells with your CQRS Events – and How to Avoid Them
- CQRS is not a general purpose style of architecture
- CQRS + Event Sourcing – Step by Step
- CQRS is Simpler than you think with C#9 & NET5
- Is CQRS Complicated? No, it's simple!
- Java EE: Design Patterns and Architecture
- Decomposing CRUD to a Task Based UI
- CQRS Myths | 3 Most Common Misconceptions
- Is a REST API with CQRS Possible?
- Organizing (Commands, Events & Handlers) in Microservices/SOA
- CQRS Myths | 3 Most Common Misconceptions
- On .NET Live - Commands, Queries, and other architectural patterns for your .NET Application
- Fat Controller CQRS Diet Talk
- CQRS - Event Sourcing || Deep Dive on Building Event Driven Systems || Part-1 ||
- CQRS - Event Sourcing || Deep Dive on Building Event Driven Systems || Part -2 ||
- Should you use the Repository Pattern? With CQRS, Yes and No!
- Mini Course #1 Clean Architecture + CQRS
- CQRS & Event Sourcing Code Walk-Through
- Understanding CQRS Basics [ASP .NET C#]
- Eventual Consistency is a UX Nightmare
- 4Developers 2021: CQRS is simpler than you think with C#9 and .NET 5! - Oskar Dudycz
- CQRS and Event Sourcing with Alexey Zimarev
- CQRS Doesn't Have To Be Complicated | Clean Architecture, .NET 6
- CRUD API + Complexity = Death by a 1000 Papercuts
- AVOID Entity Services by Focusing on Capabilities
- [Oskar Dudycz] Od CRUD do CQRS w praktyce
- CQRS is simpler than you think with C#11 and .NET 7! - Oskar Dudycz
- CQRS pitfalls and patterns - Udi Dahan - NDC Oslo 2023
- eventflow/EventFlow - Async/await first CQRS+ES and DDD framework for .NET
- gautema/CQRSlite - A lightweight framework to help creating CQRS and Eventsourcing applications in C#
- eventflow/EventFlow - Async/await first CQRS+ES and DDD framework for .NET
- oskardudycz/GoldenEye - The CQRS flavoured framework that will speed up your WebAPI and Microservices development
- Shriek-Projects/shriek-fx - An easy-to-use rapid development framework developed on the basis of.NET Core 2.0, following the constraints of domain Driven Design (DDD) specifications, combined with the CQRS architecture to provide the infrastructure for event-driven, event backtracking, responsiveness, and more. Let developers enjoy the true meaning of object-oriented
- daxnet/apworks-core - Apworks framework supporting .NET Core
- lucabriguglia/OpenCQRS - .NET Standard framework to create simple and clean design. Advanced features for DDD, CQRS and Event Sourcing.
- kalintsenkov/BookStore - ASP.NET Core | Domain-Driven Design | Clean Architecture
- sample-dotnet-core-cqrs-api - Sample .NET Core REST API CQRS implementation with raw SQL and DDD using Clean Architecture.
- run-aspnetcore-cqrs - Real world Enterprise CRM application example of ASP.NET Core + Angular web application. Implemented CQRS Design Pattern for ASP.NET Core + Angular reference application, demonstrating a layered application architecture with DDD
- CQRS - A simple project to explain CQRS during a live coding session at MS experiences'16
- ChristDDD - 🙌 ASP.NET Core 3.1 应用, 包含 DDD、CQRS、EDA 和 ES 事件回溯
- Reddnet - A mini Reddit written in ASP.NET Core 5.0
- grandnode/grandnode - Free and Open Source Ecommerce Shopping Cart solution based on ASP.NET CORE and MongoDB
- smartstore/SmartStoreNET - Open Source ASP.NET MVC Enterprise eCommerce Shopping Cart Solution
- VirtoCommerce/vc-storefront - VirtoCommerce Storefront for ASP.NET Core 3.1 repository
- vc-platform - VirtoCommerce Platform repository
- vc-module-customer - Contacts management module
- nopSolutions/nopCommerce - The most popular open-source eCommerce shopping cart solution based on ASP.NET Core
- trueai-org/module-shop
- gothinkster/aspnetcore-realworld-example-app - ASP.NET Core backend implementation for RealWorld
- baratgabor/MyWarehouse - Clean Architecture and Domain Driven Design sample project based on C# 9 / .NET 5 / ASP.NET Core 5 / EF Core 5 & Angular 11 with Bootstrap.
- oskardudycz/EventSourcing.NetCore/ECommerce
- oskardudycz/EventSourcing.NetCore/Sample/Tickets
- oskardudycz/EventSourcing.NetCore/Sample/MeetingsManagement
- oskardudycz/EventSourcing.NetCore/Sample/Warehouse
- keremvaris/Sennedjem - Sennedjem is a software development infrastructure that adopts the CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) approach and focuses on SOLID principles and Clean Architecture methods. RabbitMq is very skilled in integrating with ElasticSearch etc tools.
- grandnode/grandnode2 - Open source, headless, multi-tenant eCommerce platform built with .NET Core, MongoDB, AWS DocumentDB, Azure CosmosDB, Vue.js.
- MongkonEiadon/VehicleTracker - Vehicle Tracker with Microservice example
- yang-xiaodong/eShopOnContainers - Replace eShopOnContainers EventBus with CAP
- ddd-by-examples/all-things-cqrs - Comprehensive guide to a couple of possible ways of synchronizing two states with Spring tools. Synchronization is shown by separating command and queries in a simple CQRS application.
- DarekModzelewski/Contoso-University-DDD
- dimatrubca/book-exchange-app - BookExchangeApp is a fully functioning application that allows users to exchange books, earn and buy points, and receive recomendations based on the rated books
- Grauenwolf/PackIT
- DijanaPenic/DDD-VShop - VShop is a sample .NET 6 application built as Modular Monolith with Domain-Driven Design (DDD) approach. Each module is an independent vertical slice with its custom architecture.
- m-jovanovic/event-reminder - .NET Core Web API for seamless event organization with configurable notification systems.
- schananas/reactive-stock-market - This project takes you through the design of simple stock market application based on custom reactive CQRS framework
- oskardudycz/EventSourcing.NetCore/CRUDToCQRS
- AntonioFalcaoJr/EDA.CleanArch.DDD.CQRS.EventSourcing - A full-stack .NET 7 EDA solution
- pdevito3/PeakLimsApi - A complex DDD based web API to model the accessioning workflow within a LIMS.
- MarkNijhof/Fohjin - This is a personal sand box
- EventStore/training-advanced-dotnet
- oskardudycz/EventSourcing.NetCore/Sample/HotelManagement
- AntonioFalcaoJr/EDA.CleanArch.DDD.CQRS.EventSourcing - The main objective of this cloud-native project is to represent the state of the art of a distributed, reliable, and highly scalable system by interpreting the most relevant principles of Reactive Domain Driven Design.
- matt-bentley/DDDMart - Sample eCommerce application using Domain Driven Design
- Nairda015/IGroceryStore - IGroceryStore - Loosely coupled monolith
- bitloops/ddd-hexagonal-cqrs-es-eda - Complete working example of using Domain Driven Design (DDD), Hexagonal Architecture, CQRS, Event Sourcing (ES), Event Driven Architecture (EDA), Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) using TypeScript and NestJS
- matt-bentley/CleanArchitecture - An opinionated ASP.NET Core solution setup for creating web applications using Clean Architecture and Domain-Driven Design principles.