- Introduction to Azure Functions
- Build event-driven solutions with Azure Functions and Cosmos DB
- Azure Functions in practice
- Azure Functions triggers and bindings concepts
- Azure Blob storage bindings for Azure Functions overview
- Azure Functions HTTP triggers and bindings overview
- RabbitMQ bindings for Azure Functions overview
- Azure Service Bus bindings for Azure Functions
- Connect functions to Azure services using bindings
- Azure Function Apps Tutorial | Introduction for serverless programming
- Azure Functions: Step by Step Project
- Intro to Azure Functions - What they are and how to create and deploy them
- Migrating Your API to Serverless using Azure Functions
- C# Azure Functions Tutorial - Queue Trigger | Part 1
- Exploring Azure [EP 2] - Azure Functions (Part 1)
- Exploring Azure [EP 3] - Azure Functions (Part 2)
- Azure FUNCTION Tutorial | Blob Trigger example with C#
- Azure Functions, GitHub Actions and .NET 5 Isolated Processes
- [DEPENDENCY INJECTION In AZURE FUNCTIONS⚡| Azure Series](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_jrALXcrXc
- AZURE FUNCTION ⚡ - Integrate with Azure Queue Storage | Getting Started With ASP.NET Core Series
- burkeholland/heroes-api
- ariksman/MoviesAzureFuncApi
- jedi91/MovieSearch
- ShawnShiSS/clean-architecture-azure-cosmos-db - A starting point to build a web API to work with Azure Cosmos DB using .NET 5 and Azure Cosmos DB .NET SDK V3, based on Clean Architecture and repository design pattern. Partition key is also implemented through the repository pattern.
- JamesRandall/FunctionMonkey - Write more elegant Azure Functions with less boilerplate, more consistency, and support for REST APIs.
- smithgeek/voyager - Alternative routing system for aspnet api applications.