see this issue
🧨work-in-progress: only nfet1v8
and pfet1v8
implemented so far🧨
Copy and paste the examples in EEsim's netlist editor.
nfet1V8 I-V curve
.include modelcard.skywater
.param mc_switch=0
Rg 1 2 680
X1 3 2 0 0 sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8 w=1u l=1u
Rd 3 4 100
* Supply
Vid 5 4 DC 0V
Vgb 1 0 DC [0:0.1:1.2]
Vdd 5 0 DC 3.3V
* This is the analysis
.dc Vdd 0 1.8 0.01
.save i(Vid)
Matching test results
pfet1V8_hvt I-V curve
.include modelcard.skywater
.param mc_switch=0
* Gate bias
Rg 1 2 680
X1 3 2 5 5 sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8 w=1u l=1u
Rd 3 4 100
* DC source for current measure
Vid 4 0 DC 0V
Vgb 5 1 DC [0:0.1:1.2]
Vdd 5 0 DC 3.3V
* This is the analysis
.dc Vdd 0 1.8 0.01
.save i(Vid)
Matching test results
Skywater Inverter
.include modelcard.skywater
.param mc_switch=0
xmn 2 1 0 0 sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8 w=1.26u l=0.15u
xmp 2 1 vdd vdd sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_hvt w=1.26u l=0.15u
* Supply node
vdd vdd 0 1.8
vin 1 0 0
.dc vin 0 1.8 0.001
.save v(1) v(2)
Skywater Inverter
.include modelcard.skywater
.param mc_switch=0
xmn 2 1 0 0 sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8 w=1.26u l=0.15u
xmp 2 1 vdd vdd sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8 w=1.26u l=0.150u
* Supply node
vdd vdd 0 1.8
vin 1 0 0 pulse ( 0 1.8 1n 10p 10p 1n 2n )
.save v(1) v(2)
.tran 1p 5n
Ring Oscillator
.include modelcard.skywater
.param mc_switch=0
xinv1 1 2 vdd inv
xinv2 2 3 vdd inv
xinv3 3 1 vdd inv
vdd vdd 0 1.8
* Inverter block sub-circuit
.subckt inv vin vout vdd
.param l = 0.15u
.param wp = 2u
.param wn = {wp * 1.5}
xm1 vout vin 0 0 sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8 w=wn l=l
xm2 vout vin vdd vdd sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8 w=wp l=l
*c1 vout 0 10f
.tran 1p 5n
.save v(1) v(2) v(3)
The script to convert models from Spectre to ngspice provided here