- Creating index on local. The below commands dumps partial inverted index files and partial catalog files.
a) Creating stemmed index :
python createIndexing.py --do_stem --outf output/stemmed/
b) Creating unstemmed index:
python createIndexing.py --outf output/unstemmed/
c) Creating compressed stemmed index:
python createIndexing.py --do_stem --compress --outf output/stem_compressed/
- Merging : This step merges all the partial indexes to create a final merged inverted index.
a) Uncompressed stemmed:
python merging.py
--dirpath output/stemmed/
b) Compressed stemmed :
python merging.py
--dirpath output/stem_compressed/
a)Uncompressed stemmed :
python runModels.py
-qf data/queryfile1.txt
-i output/stemmed/combined_inverted_index_84.txt
-vocab output/stemmed/vocab.pickle
-c output/stemmed/combined_catalog_84.txt
--ptype min
--p_alpha .1
-o output/models/stemmed/
b) Compressed stemmed :
python runModels.py
-qf data/queryfile1.txt
-i output/stemmed_compressed/combined_inverted_index_84.txt
-vocab output/stemmed_compressed/vocab.pickle
-c output/stemmed_compressed/combined_catalog_84.txt
--ptype min
--p_alpha .1
-o output/models/stemmed_compressed/
Running trec file for precision evaluation of all models: ./trec.pl -q data/qrel.txt output/models/stemmed/tf-idf.out